Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 814: The strength of life and death yin and yang rises again

Seven days later!

   Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen opened the door and left the cave.

   In the past few days, both of them have gained a lot.

   The two went to the cave that day, and under the guidance of Qin Feng, they fought fiercely in an unspeakable way of fighting, and finally ended in a tie.

Then Qin Feng changed his moves and performed the "Thirty-Six Forms of the Dragon, Tiger, Cave and Mystery", using the method of double cultivation to guide the original energy of the metal heart into Li Miaozhen's body. In this way, she intends to quickly refine the energy and laws of the metal heart. .

  Dual cultivation method was originally a technique that combined the power of two people to speed up the speed of cultivation. With the help of Qin Feng, Li Miaozhen's speed in refining the origins and laws of gold is indeed much faster than her refining alone!

   Under this situation, Li Miaozhen's Gengjin Immortal power continued to grow stronger, and his understanding of the law was also rapidly deepening.

   And she is different from Qin Feng!

   Qin Feng has practiced a variety of laws, and the Golden Law is only one of his cultivation. It is impossible to put all his energy on this.

   Therefore, even if Qin Feng had obtained the Heart of Metal for so long, he had only touched the bottleneck of the promotion to Xuanxian, but he had not really been promoted.

But Li Miaozhen is different. She has a pure temperament and a very simple way of cultivation. She has grasped the Gengjin Law and kept on taking this road all the way forward. Regardless of hardship and overcoming obstacles, she forcibly opened up her own path. Being so young and not having so many opportunities for Qin Feng to cultivate to this level!

At this time, receiving the source of Jin Xing's power transmitted by Qin Feng, Li Miaozhen's body is like a long-dried fertile field. It coincides with the rain falling from the sky. He immediately absorbs all energy hungrily. The speed of refining is so fast for Jin Xing. Qin Feng was ashamed of the strong perception of the law.

   Especially, it was the first time that she absorbed the original energy of this metal heart, so the benefits she got were particularly great, but she broke through a small realm in two days and directly cultivated to the peak of Tianxian, the same realm as Qin Feng.

   This is the benefit of cultivating one step alone. In terms of cultivation speed, it is much faster than Qin Feng and other cultivators who need to take into account other laws.

   And with Li Miaozhen's accomplishments in Gengjin, there are no signs of instability in the realm.

   If she is given a period of time to consolidate the realm and continue to refine the metal heart, I am afraid she might break through the shackles ahead of Qin Feng and become the first monk to be promoted to the Xuanxian among the twenty children of luck!

   However, she didn't just take advantage without any return.

   Just when Qin Feng felt that Li Miaozhen had practiced to the limit and was ready to finish work, he found that there was a very unique source of power from Li Miaozhen's body.

The reason why    is unique is that this source of power is entangled in life and death, yin and yang meet, full of vitality, majestic yin, but they also contain each other, forming a cycle.

   In the past few years when Qin Feng left the sect, Li Miaozhen has also not been idle, and she is not an idle temper!

   In the past few years, she followed another team of the Zongmen to expedition to other worlds, and also gained a lot, and even seized a yin and yang orb of life and death by chance and coincidence!

   This gem contains the majestic power of life and death!

This Borai has a strange history. At the beginning of the evolution, the world wanted to evolve an underground space into a ghostly place. As a result, the void behemoth of the evolved world overestimated itself. Due to the lack of original power, the plan to evolve into the ghostly place died. Belly.

   Even, in order to avoid the spread of the original death energy, it had to be suppressed with vitality, and finally after hundreds of millions of years of evolution, it turned into a reincarnation orb!

When Li Miaozhen was chasing down the world powerhouse, he inadvertently chased that piece of underground space. Originally, the powerhouse in that world wanted to integrate the yin and yang orbs of life and death to increase his strength, but Li Miaozhen used the secret technique to forcibly beheaded and finally seized it. This is the original fetish!

   But although this thing is useful to her, it is not as big as she imagined!

   She can only extract the pure life origin power from it to a limited extent, enhance her own vitality, in order to speed up her cultivation speed and enhance her strength.

   As for the lifelessness inside, she didn't want to touch it, otherwise it would be extremely troublesome to refining.

Although the yin and yang orb of life and death does not fit with her, she still relies on the rich vitality in it to raise her own strength to the present level, and the vitality in the body is strong. When something extremely painful happens!

   When Qin Feng first came back, he was a little surprised how the vitality in Li Miaozhen's body was so vigorous, and he even seemed to be overwhelmed by the energy of Gengjin, and he was curious about it.

   But when this strong source of life and death came over, he suddenly realized it.

   It turns out that Li Miaozhen refined the origin of life, so it's no wonder that there will be such a change.

   The time he came back was too short. Li Miaozhen was dragged to the cave to practice some indescribable magical skill before she even mentioned that she had seized the original divine object, so he didn't know about it yet.

   Feeling the pure origin of life and death in his body, and the law of life and death entangled in it, Qin Feng was overjoyed!

   Previously, he walked in the world of the Five Elements, comprehending the Five Elements Law, and refining the power of the Five Elements. Although his strength has been greatly improved, he is limited to the Five Elements Law.

   In fact, the reason why he was stuck in the Heavenly Immortal pinnacle level and failed to break through the bottleneck to advance to the Profound Immortal was mainly because the other laws were a bit different from the Five Elements Law, which caused the foundation to be unsatisfactory.

   At this moment, he has the power of life and death, and Qin Feng will be polite and hastily absorb refining, enhance accumulation, comprehend the law, and prepare for future breakthroughs.

   Although he focuses on the direction of the nine principles, but the spirit beasts under his subordinates have too many bloodlines and the cultivation is too mixed, so more or less there will be some other laws.

For example, the Sky Swallowing Toad, although the ability of the merged Jade Water Cold Toad was not valued by it at the earliest, but when it was promoted to the demon fairy, its manipulation of the water flow and the coldness in the body would naturally increase a lot, let alone it. The more important star supernatural powers.

   So in addition to the most fundamental space law, it also repairs the Avenue of Stars!

   is like a divine tortoise. Although this old tortoise is rooted in innate gossip and uses the technique of deducing secrets for its life, it is on the road of deduction.

   But it has been fused several times before and after, and it has obtained many powerful bloodline talents, making it extremely good at Yushui's accomplishments, and its divine power is even more infinite.

   Therefore, in addition to the fundamental avenue, it also has good attainments in the law of water movement, and its divine power is even more powerful to the point of touching the law of power.

   Although it is impossible to prove the way with force and break the void with its temperament, only by comprehending the law of power, it can truly become infinite!

Later, it merged with the blood of the money turtle, so that it not only obtained the opponent's money divination technique, but also had some insights into the law of gold. When in the world of gold, Qin Feng also refined a part of the energy in the metal heart. , So that it was just a little bit of sentiment suddenly added a lot.

This is also the case with most other spirit beasts. They have a more or less understanding of other laws. Even if they are not as good as the fundamental laws, Qin Feng will be able to comprehend these laws inadvertently. .

   So in addition to the basic nine laws, he also dabbles in other laws, but it's not too much.

   In fact, he does not dare to put too much experience on more rules, otherwise he will affect his own way if he is too distracted!

   But under this circumstance, he can basically digest no matter what kind of origin power!

  Even if he can't, he can transfer the rich source of life and death in his body to the tree of life and **** dog through the refining pot.

   The tree of life itself is based on the laws of life. If the origin of his body's life is too strong, it will be passed on to the tree of life. With the endurance of this sacred tree, there is absolutely no problem.

   It doesn’t matter if it can’t, because the power of life’s origin is extremely tolerant, and any living creature’s absorption is of great benefit, so even if the tree of life can’t bear it, it can be passed on to other spirit beasts.

   As for the source of death, it was passed on to the Hellhound.

   Although hellhound cultivated the tengu clan's town clan technique after fusion of the tengu bloodline, so much so that even the number of cultivation methods has changed, completely focusing on the principle of devouring.

   But after all, it is a monster born in the kingdom of death, and the law of death has never dissipated in it, but its cultivation direction is mainly based on the law of devouring, and the law of death is supplemented.

   So there is no problem with these pure death origin powers being passed to the Hellhound.

   But more of it was absorbed and refined by Qin Feng himself.

   In addition to the hellhound, the three-legged death crow can also help refine some.

   This crow is born with a different species. Although it is based on the law of curse, it used to integrate the blood of some crows with Yin attributes such as transitional crows, jackdaws, and dark crows in the early years, so there is no problem in refining dead energy.

   Just like this, after several days passed, Qin Feng felt that his body was full of vitality, his strength had reached a point of saturation, and he stopped his cultivation.

At this time, his body's strength is terrifying. Not only does the law of life and death improve rapidly, but also allows him to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to bring the progress of the practice of "Heaven and Earth Crossing Yin and Yang Great Compassion" to a level, and balance the life and death yin and yang energy in the body with this uninheritance. , This was able to ensure that the strength in the body did not show any signs of instability, and instead gave him more insights into the corresponding laws.

   At this time, if he were to fight the King Clam again, even if he didn't have the spirit beasts under his subordinates to pose a battlefield of ten thousand beasts to condense the phantom of the demon gods, he would be caught off guard by virtue of "The Poetry of the Great Compassion between Heaven and Earth".

Even if the goddess is a little careless, it is very possible for him to break through the defense and damage the After all, this uninherited power is too tyrannical, and it is almost born for war. Increase your combat power several times, otherwise the Promise Sect Master who had already entered the Demon Dao and was punished by the Heavenly Dao will not be allowed to resist the Heavenly Dao Calamity of the Golden Immortal Realm with a broken body!


Li Miaozhen stretched out his hand and took out a fist-sized orb and threw it to Qin Feng: "This thing is the yin and yang orb of life and death that I got in another world. Give it to you!"

   Qin Feng quickly reached out to take it, took it in his hand and looked at it carefully, and found that the yin and yang inside the life and death yin and yang orb, life and death change, like Tai Chi, but they are all in one, so strange!

He felt the majestic and original aura, and couldn't help holding Li Miaozhen's slender waist, buried his head in her arms, took a deep breath, and said, "Sister is so kind to me!" "

   Li Miaozhen stretched out his hand and stroked his hair, raised his chin slightly, and said as expected: "You are my man, I should have good things for you!"


   Qin Feng found that something was wrong, and hurriedly used his arms to pull her body into his arms so as not to let her continue. It seems that in the future, he should try his best to guide her in the direction of his own woman. Otherwise, it won't work.

   "Senior sister is so kind to me, my little brother is so grateful, I don't want to repay, I can only give you a sincere heart!"

   As he flipped his palm, he took out the metal heart that was sealed by the spell he cast!

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