Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 213 - The field is born

Chapter 213 – : The field is born

But the calamity flame burning in his body became more fierce, and the speed of cell fragmentation in his body was increasing.

The speed of smashing the Qi and Blood Gold Pill also increased exponentially.

It reached ten in a blink of an eye.

Then fifteen.



The speed is still soaring, but the field of invincible will of the whole body is also rapidly expanding.

Half meter diameter

One meter straight

Two meters in diameter

An emperor with a normal racial will, and his domain will reach 100 meters down to this level, which means that he is right.

The style entered the stage of the emperor of disaster.

Achieve domain power, within the domain, he is the absolute supreme emperor.

But the emperor’s request is even more terrifying, a hundred times that of the emperor’s domain, and the range of 10,000 meters so far is within this range.

He is the existence without “two, four zero” enemies.

But now, just expanding by two meters so far, Jiang Yuan has consumed a full 25 Qi and Blood Pills.

Unbelievable, thinking of reaching ten thousand meters, what a terrible power would be needed.

“I need a huge blood

Jiang Yuan’s voice suddenly shook, and the three overlords came to the ears, with a hint of imperceptible anxiety: ”

Help me.

The shocking dragon overlord, the strongest overlord of the human race, looked shocked.

When he reached the realm of Emperor Edi, who was waiting for a half-step disaster, he could tell that Jiang Yuan had reached a critical moment now.

The power of vitality and blood will be extremely huge.

But soon, his eyes became murderous.

If the first emperor of the human race is born, what kind of benefits will it bring to the human race?

The waves.

In an instant, his voice boiled and spread far away.

“All the warriors obey my orders

His voice suddenly pierced into the ears of all the strong above the town generals, as if thunder, with an unquestionable will

Said: “Assault all the fierce beasts, and pave the way for the first emperor of our human race.”

As his words fell, the human race had a total of eight thousand generals, and suddenly there was a bright light in the eyes of the human race, and the killing intent was boiling in an instant.


The roar erupted directly from the mouth of the overlord of the dragon, and instantly turned into a golden light, towards the deeper level of the mainland

Impacted away.

The other two human overlords followed closely behind, with murderous aura and enthusiasm.

After that, there is a supernatural power of the human race in the stage-stage, and more than eight thousand towns, kings and kings.

Rushed away mightily.

This is an opportunity, and everyone understands it in their hearts.(Read more @

Once Jiang Yuan succeeds, the benefits the Human Race will get will be unimaginable. Under the protection of a calamity emperor, the Human Race ten

Will perish after ten thousand years.

Even facing the strong of Broken Star Realm, you can escape temporarily.

Because of the disaster, the emperor already has a certain vacuum survivability, and can carry a large number of people for interstellar voyages.

Stay away from your home planet.


In an instant, the strong human race descended on a huge and ancient majestic mountain with countless holes in it.

Inhabited by countless beasts.

“The strong human race came and run.”

A great master who respects fierce beasts suddenly howled, communicating in native language, madly fleeing in the tunnel

Die, want to leave this mountain.

But in an instant, the mountain shook.

The Eight Thousand Humans of the Human Race brazenly shot, the terrifying power of blood and blood, and even formed a long scarlet dragon above the mountain.

It is a full kilometer long, with countless scales all over the body, extremely hideous.

Frantically roaring and roaring, the luck that swept the world, dyed the earth red, and hit the top of the mountain all at once.

The majestic mountain, which is a thousand feet high, collapsed suddenly by the impact, and the terrifying shock directly destroyed it.

Infinite beasts.

Countless corpses were directly pulled out by the strong humans, and turned into a long river of corpses, heading towards the direction of Jiangyuan.

Immediately afterwards, it was wrapped in infinite black particles, directly decomposing and swallowing the power of qi and blood in it, and constantly replenishing Jiang Yuan’s

Two thousand five hundred meters

When the area expanded to three kilometers, a terrible scene also appeared.

With Jiangyuan as the center, the entire space, the lower child collapses towards the inside, gradually forming a pure black black hole.

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