Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 214 - Incarnate as a black hole celestial body

Chapter 214 – : Incarnate as a black hole celestial body

It is a real black hole, not a false black hole.

Because all the surrounding matter, even the matter under the earth, was pulled up and poured into the black hole that Jiangyuan turned into.

Come in.

This horrible scene frightened countless strong human races with eyelids beating.

As we all know, any object can form a black hole, but that requires the volume of matter to reach an unbelievable level, even

Even a neutron star cannot collapse into a black hole.

Just because becoming a black hole requires not only that the density of matter is strong enough, but also for magnetic field, strong and weak gravity, there are countless factors.

With huge demands.

But it turned into a black hole at this moment.

It seems to start from this = moment. It is not a creature, but a terrifying cosmic body.

Even Jiang Yuan himself was terrified

He did not expect that he had condensed the invincible domain, accidentally hit and collided, surpassed a certain critical point, and turned the domain into a black hole.

In the second moment, it was full of terrible pulling power.

But soon, he reacted.

Its own domain turns into a black hole. It is also a necessity. He has a tens of thousands of times talent and has reached a critical point. It is possible at any time.

Fu transformed again.

In addition, the 30 golden core rings can produce the mystery that he can’t figure out.

Coupled with the sudden killing of so many powerful beasts, with a steady flow of vitality and blood supporting him, he surpassed him in the second.

The limit that I can’t believe.

The domain turns into a black hole.

It is almost equivalent to the physical body being strengthened again, and the physical body is comparable to the celestial bodies in the universe.

At this time, the black hole world he transformed into has reached a full diameter of five kilometers, and it is still expanding.

All swallowed.

Even the light is swallowed. Transformed into the power of qi and blood.

“Oh, what to buy?”


“How could Lord Jiang Yuan become a black”.

Countless soldiers are staring at the sky in amazement at the moment, looking at the terrifying celestial body that suddenly hangs in the sky in the darkness of the extreme realm, exploding.

Exuding terrible suction power.

Countless stones and even gas on the earth are constantly being pulled in.

In the rotation of the black hole, = bit by bit is swallowed, many people feel that their bodies are slowly drifting up, no


“Don’t leave soon” people exclaimed.

At almost the same time, the fifteen human emperors also showed a look of horror, and the terrifying power of vitality broke out, and instantly enveloped the human race.


But in the next second, all of them looked horrified.(Read more @

Because their energy and blood are constantly being pulled by that terrifying black hole. Swallowed in at two a little bit.

With the continuous devouring, the black hole has reached six kilometers so far.

Followed by six thousand five hundred meters

Soil kilometer

Earth thousand and five hundred meters

Eight kilometers

Eight thousand five hundred meters

Nine kilometers

Nine thousand five hundred meters

Finally reached-ten thousand meters-one

At the moment when this limit was reached, even more terrifying swallowing power burst out again.

Under the envelopment of the emperor’s blood, there was no rush of blood, countless soldiers shouted in horror, and their bodies were directly pulled in.

Go to the sky.

The clothes on their bodies were torn to pieces for the first time during the constant approach.

Many soldiers couldn’t help closing their eyes.

Everyone knows in their hearts that the existence of 1 being pulled by the black hole will be completely torn apart in the next few seconds.

Just when people were desperate, the horrible pulling force dissipated, and the black hole began to shrink slowly.

All the human soldiers who were dragged into the air felt a sudden force at their feet, holding them up and sending them slowly

Into the army.

People can see that as the black hole shrinks, it turns into a river source in a blink of an eye.

Also at this moment, Jiang Yuan opened the double

= A horrible breath

The child rises up, sweeping between the heaven and the earth, one

This kind of lofty aspiration, as if the majesty that dominates everything, naturally radiates from him.

At this moment, everyone knows.

Jiang Yuan broke through, and from this moment on, the existence of the first human being who reached the realm of disaster appeared.

Moreover, it is not the ordinary emperor of disaster, but directly the emperor above the emperor, a more terrifying existence.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan was also feeling his sudden increase in power.

If you don’t feel it, you don’t know, his current power has directly reached a limit.

Reached the third stage of Manifestation, the stage of the emperor’s emperor, the divine channel meridian that had been used before was not enough to support him to increase his combat power

It has lost its effectiveness.

But his basic combat power is very powerful.

Fear, soaring directly to the terrifying power of billion dragons. It’s the normal disaster Emperor’s

You know, the normal emperor of disaster. The initial combat power was only the power of 10 million dragons.

In the universe, the nine of the 100 million dragons is also called the power of one star, which is comparable to the power of an asteroid bursting out in an instant

the amount.

But what Jiang Yuan gained the most was not the combat power, but the terrifying field ability-

When it starts, it can be transformed into a black hole in an instant, with nothing but swallowing, swallowing the planet, as long as he is given enough time, he

He even felt that he could swallow all the planets, turning 280 into his own energy and blood.

However, the planet contains too much matter and the transformation speed is not fast. After all, it is not a pure celestial body, but a living body.

Even so, it is enough to guard against the sky.


The Shocking Dragon Overlord felt the changes in Jiangyuan for the first time. Haha screamed, the whole person straddled step by step with the sound trembling

Here, every step is a hundred miles away.

In a blink of an eye, he came to Jiang Yuan and looked at him with relief.

Not only was it Shocking Dragon, two other human overlords also came over. They were the Star and Moon overlord of the Human Race and the overlord of Cangyuan.

All three human overlords arrived.

“Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect it. You live and comers come first.” Overlord Xingyue is a woman who looks like twenty-two years old.

Beautiful as a flower. The figure is very tall, and the whole body is rippling with a light fragrance while speaking.

“When you fought the Quartet in Haoran City, we already paid attention to you. I didn’t expect that this person is really the back wave of the Yangtze River.

The front wave, the front wave died on the beach. ”

The overlord Cangyuan next to him also smiled in relief. He looked like a man in his thirties, very rough and full of face.


On the contrary, the Dragon Overlord looks gentle and gentle, with a hint of scholarly spirit on his body, as if the two cuts are in the chest, and Zhizhu is there.

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