Chapter 327 – : Frightened

A team of three people patrolled and slowly walked over from a short distance. The head of the person looked indifferent, standing high, as if leaning over.

Look at her like an ant.

Lan Yue’er quickly lowered her head, with a respectful expression, and at the same time took out her identity token and said: “I am honored as a member of the Danfang.

Yes, today I will send Qi and blood pills!”

The inspector saw through Lan Yue’er’s realm of strength at a glance, and didn’t care at all, the token didn’t bother to check it, so

The task of ants is generally, and there is no big wave. It is just a routine matter of reaching out and opening the lid of the box.

A circle of golden molybdenum forbidden runes on the lid shattered directly, and a trace of energy and blood radiated from the box.

Mian An quietly placed densely packed red pills.

After a general glance, the inspection lost interest and said: “Well, you go in! No need to go upstairs, go straight through the back

Entering the healing house, next to the most cured hall is the Zangwu Pavilion.

Lan Yue’er breathed a sigh of relief, and her body trembled slightly.

She was really afraid that the other party would check her token carefully, but she didn’t expect it to be so simple and mixed in, and said in a respectful voice: “Thank you.

Thank you, Master Inspection. “” The other party snorted and watched Lan Yue’er walk cautiously towards the inside of the building.

When Lan Yueer walked into the building, the patrol 530 directly faced the person behind him and whispered: “You go and follow her.

If there are any minor actions, kill them on the spot. ”


The person behind him nodded slightly, and his body faded in place instantly.

As Lan Yue’er stepped into Wang Teng’s star court, her heart was beating uncontrollably, and her breathing was extremely difficult, as if her

All spaces are very solidified and it is difficult to absorb air.

Not only that, the cells in her body can’t pull the power of qi and blood in the space, just like the qi and blood here

The power is generally blocked, and it is difficult to shake.

Even so, she could feel the strength of Qi and blood here, which was ten times stronger than the outside world.

There was a flash of horror in her eyes, and her heart trembled: “Li Bugui is the Wang Tengxing that countless people yearn for.

In the courtyard, it is rumored that Wang Teng Xingting’s courtyard is divided into a hundred layers, each time the blood concentration is twice that of the downstairs, so

Calculating, the concentration of qi and blood in the top layer is one hundred and ten times that of the outside world.

Ten days.

“I didn’t believe it before. (ciba) didn’t expect the rumors to be true.

The person who invited is actually unable to absorb!!”(Read more @

Lan Yue’er lowered her head, as if she was a descendant, she didn’t even dare to shuttle from the center of the lobby, she could only go around from the side.

But a pair of eyes watched the people cautiously.

Looking at those twos and threes with envy, they are personable and luxurious, like an ancient prince, wearing golden clothes

The star court student decorated.

They are here, unfettered, can speak freely, walk in their own courtyard, and can swallow without restriction.

The power of Zhou Tian’s qi and blood.

And I can only watch, be cautious in words and deeds.

It is impossible to say that she is not envy, but she also has self-knowledge, based on her talent and the strength of her family,

Not to mention her, even her brother is twice as strong, and the distance becomes the threshold for students here, and there is a long way to go.

She has dreamed of wearing that luxurious golden dress and embroidered with Teng characters on her body countless times, becoming a student here

You can discuss academic issues and secret experience with others.

Shuttle freely in Wang Teng’s star court, unfettered, what a yearning!

Lan Yue’er sighed slightly, Lan Yue’er closed her mind, had already walked behind the door, gently opened the back door, and walked in.

Suddenly a scent of scholarly air spread over the face.

A lot of rumors immediately appeared in my mind, and my body became tighter and my head lowered. Follow the location of the inspection.

Go forward carefully and slow down your breathing as much as possible.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan, who was giving people “treatment”, felt a familiar breath, his eyes lifted instantly,

In the middle, golden light flashed, and the wall blocking in front of me instantly became transparent.

All of a sudden, I saw Lan Yue’er walking cautiously in the distance, her brows frowned.

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s expression, the Wen slip beside him suddenly felt like he was doing something badly, so he provoked the master and paused.

Shi’s face became pale uncontrollably.

As soon as I was nervous about asking something, I heard Jiang Yuan’s voice saying: “I have something to go out.

After speaking, without waiting for the other party to react, the body instantly twisted, disappeared into the room in an instant, and when it reappeared

Just like a ghost 1 suspended behind Lan Yue’er.

Lan Yue’er didn’t notice it at all. She walked to the Zangwu Pavilion and saw two horrible figures standing at the door.

It exudes a hot breath, as if it were two big suns.

The eyes of the two suddenly came over. They did not linger on Lan Yue’er at all, they saw Jiang Yuan, and they were immediately ready to bend.

He bowed his waist, but was interrupted by Jiang Yuan waved behind him.

When Lan Yueer saw these two people, her heart trembled. She thought she would encounter entanglement and stood still for a long time, but there was no silk.

There was a little movement. When I looked up, they found that the two of them didn’t look at him at all. They looked ahead, just like puppets.

Not moving.

Taking a deep breath, Lan Yueer mustered up the courage, took a step forward, and carefully observed the expressions of the two;

After they hadn’t been okay, they walked in nervously.

The interior of the Zangwu Pavilion is extremely huge. When you go in, all shelves are tens of meters high, densely packed, as if

The internal space is endless and general.

The more you go inside, the darker the inside becomes, as if there are gods and demons hiding in it, opening the mouth of the blood basin, waiting for someone to die.

From time to time, there will be a cold wind blowing to the bones.

After blowing, it made her horrified, her scalp was numb, and she felt countless pairs of eyes watching her around her.

She walked through the shelves one by one, like tiny ants, walking between giants, her body couldn’t help it.

Shaking and trembling, my heart gradually became a little frightened.

Soon she saw a shelf with a lot of boxes that were the same as her hands, and this was the place where the Qi and Blood Pills were placed.

The place.

She took a deep breath, slowly placed the box on the cabinet, then turned her head, looked around, very cautious

Wing, finally mustered up the courage to stimulate the power of Qi and blood in his body, and then he spread out.

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