Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 328 - You really know how to blow

Chapter 328 – : You really know how to blow

As if scanning, after the circle, the power of qi and blood returned to her body, and she was sure that there was no one around her.

Finally, her gaze was once again on the Qi and Blood Pill Box.

The above seal has been opened. Except for those who have been honored in the alchemy room know the exact number inside, the entire Wang Tengxing

In the court, there will be no second knowledge.

And Lan Liangliang also said before that there have been a lot of defective products recently, and the damage to the Qi and Blood Pills is also very severe when the Tai Chi is rushed.

Thinking about this, Lan Yueer found a good excuse for herself, she was comforting herself,-shut her eyes now

Opened the pill box, stretched out his hand, gritted his teeth and grabbed a hand.

Almost at the moment Lan Yueer started her hands, there was a slight breath in the entire Zangwu Pavilion that fluctuated all of a sudden.

The horrible figure regained consciousness.

It is as if the gods and demons wake up from the abyss, with infinite purgatory boiling in their eyes, with an aura of incomparable horror-

Projected it down and landed on Lan Yue’er.

One of them appeared from the darkness, landed slowly on the ground, and just appeared.

Jiang Yuan was standing outside the Zangwu Pavilion, but he knew that in such a place, an instructor was not allowed to enter.

It’s here, but his eyes can easily penetrate in and see everything inside.

In an instant, he stepped out, his figure disappeared instantly, and when he appeared, he had already come behind Lan Yue’er.

Almost at the moment Jiang Yuan appeared, the eyes of a horror figure generally cast all the light beams on him, but

At the moment when he saw his looks clearly, there was a slight wave of waves.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful existence! Taking a step back, the body was once again shadowed into the darkness, as if it had never appeared before.


Jiang Yuan suddenly said, patted Lan Yueer’s shoulder lightly.

Lan Yue’er, who had just grabbed a handful of Qi and Blood Pill, was shocked and almost jumped up in shock, turning her head and staring in unimaginable eyes.

The discussion depends on Ruo Jiangyuan.

*You, you, you, you, you, you, why are you here?” Her heart thumped wildly, her scalp was numb, and it was so bad.

It’s all about suffocating.

“Can you be here? Why can’t I be here?” Jiang Yuan smiled faintly: “What are you doing here? Discover things


“I, I, I,” Lan Yueer quickly quibbleed: “Which one of your eyes sees me enjoying things, why are you?

Here?”(Read more @

“I came here to apply, naturally here!” Jiang Yuan looked at Lan Yueer with interest and answered truthfully.

Lan Yue’er suddenly widened her eyes and said, “What are you kidding? You come here to apply. How long have you been to Tiansuke?

I don’t know where Wang Teng’s Star Court is, but I’m still here to apply. What do you apply for? Sweeping? Planting? Built

?Water the flowers?”

Jiang Yuan just smiled faintly and shook his head.

Lan Yueer didn’t believe it at all, she couldn’t help but blurt out and made her debut: “Don’t tell me, you are here to apply for an instructor?”

Jiang Yuan shook his head, as if thinking about it for a while, “Listen to them, it’s the chief instructor! I’m not sure about this.

I understand very well, it should be this position.

“” Lan Yue’er-Zhenqi concluded: “You can really blow, do you know that the chief instructor is not an interview at all, is

Even if the instructor is promoted, even if the strength is enough, you still need to accumulate merits all the year round, and you only came to Tianjie for a few days.

Chief instructor, why didn’t you come to interview the clerical officer?”

Having said that, Lan Yueer’s brain turned, her eyes widened subconsciously and said:. You, you are not here to steal things too


Jiang Yuan opened his mouth as soon as he was about to say something, when he heard the direction outside the door, there were light steps passing by.

At this time, Lan Yue’er realized with hindsight, and said in a panic: “No, someone is coming.”

After finishing speaking, he looked around anxiously like a grasshopper on the verge of a catastrophe, hiding in the east, and ran to the back of the shelf.

Use shelf shadows to hide your figure.

But seeing Jiang Yuan still standing in place, showing no movement at all, his anxious brows were suddenly frowned, pressing

In a low voice: “What are you doing, why are you in a daze! Come here!”——

Seeking flowers——

Before Jiang Yuan could respond, he hurriedly pulled him to hide behind the shelf.

Outside the door, two voices were talking, talking and laughing.

“Brother Danchenzi, I got a few medicinal materials before. They came from a barren planet, which is very strange.

I can’t see why it came, you help me see what it is. “Peng Yu smiled faintly.

Dan Chenzi also smiled and said: “When it comes to the town’s weapons, I definitely don’t have the same vision as you, but in terms of medicinal materials, brother Peng Yu,

You are definitely not as good as me. ”

“This is natural, there is a specialization in the art industry! If I am proficient in everything, you will be the person in charge of the Dan Fang, I am afraid

It was my turn to sit down. “Peng Yu laughs

Then, the two chatted casually.

But the moment Peng Yu’s words fell, Lan Yue’er next to Jiang Yuan’s eyes suddenly widened, she was shocked, and her body was hidden.

The breath of escape,-now it spreads out a little bit.

Her complexion suddenly became extremely pale.

Almost instantly, Peng Yu and Dan Chenzi stopped talking, their eyes suddenly and sharply looked in one direction,-step by step

Stepping on the ground, the sound of dong dong resounded instantly.

Lan Yue’er’s complexion became paler, cold sweat on her temples kept falling, her mouth trembled, her fists tightly clenched, and she almost didn’t dare to breathe.

She knew very well in her heart that once she was discovered, she would undoubtedly not say that she would die, and the matter would be shocked, and her brother would even be implicated.

Even the race behind it must be held accountable.

But the sound of footsteps is still approaching slowly.

Dong dong dong

Getting closer and closer

Even Lan Yue’er could already hear two heavy breaths.

Her eyes suddenly filled with fear, her heart trembled crazily, and her eyes closed in despair.

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