Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 329 - Scared away directly

Chapter 329 – : Scared away directly

Jiang Yuan shook his head lightly.

Lan Yue’er is in such a state of mind, but still lacks the heat,-encounters a major event, is confused, loses his mind, and is so frightened,

Unable to settle the mind, to reach the current state, I am afraid it is also a pile of resources.

Flimsy strength is also normal.

However, Lan Liangliang is simple in nature and excellent in character. He takes good care of him, but it is not easy to watch his sister get arrested.

Isn’t it ungrateful.

Immediately, Jiang Yuan slowly exposed half of his body.

Almost instantly, the eyes of the two Dan Chenzi were sharp and locked in an instant, the vitality and blood were activated violently, turning into a shroud, and the breath came to a cage.

To oppress, we must trap him and prevent him from moving.

But the breath enveloped, as if sinking into the sea, entering the void space, clearly visible to the naked eye, but unaware.


Absolutely strong

“Sixty-six-zero” can only cause such a terrible phenomenon that it cannot be detected if it is powerful and surpassed several times.

The two of them were horrified. In an instant, their brains were running fast, and countless powerful figures kept flashing in their minds, ——

Contrast, one-veto.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuan’s silhouette appeared in an instant, directly facing each other, and they overlapped each other and became generally indifferent.


The expressions of the two of them shook suddenly, their complexions instantly turned pale, their pupils widened, and their breathing was heavy. They looked at each other,

They all saw the horror in the eyes of the other party, shocked and shocked.

In their situation, everything is meticulous, everything can be remembered at a glance, not at all

Will forget.

What. What should I do?” Dan Chenzi was most frightened, sweating like rain, and his heart was swaying, and he lost his square inch.

He has no background, it doesn’t matter, he is just a small person in charge of the service agency of Wang Teng Xingting, as if he had run into the emperor.

Once Wang Xingfei was discovered, he would be charged the first time, it was a capital crime, and there was no luck.(Read more @

The body stinks in the stinking ditch the next day.

Peng Yu was also extremely frightened, his body muscles stiffened, and the entire Wang Teng Xing Ting, he was most afraid of Jiang Yuan.

It’s special, and vaguely, a terrifying and stalwart Supreme Lord stands behind him and supports him.

Such a person is a source of spontaneous ignition,-if touched, it is to catch fire on the upper body, burn himself, and be burned alive,

You can’t fight it.

“Pretend to see nothing.

Peng Yu was extremely horrified, his face pale to no blood, and the cells all over his body were trembling, as if they were all scared to pieces.

Turn around and leave.

But at this moment, the person on that half of the body slowly turned around at this moment, revealing a simple look,

But full of majestic cheeks.

Extremely shocked

In an instant, the breath of the two of them almost solidified, and their pores were enlarged in fright.

Taking time out, his legs softened and almost knelt down.

But this is not what scares the two of them the most.

The most fearful thing is that on that face, a pair of charming eyebrows, slowly wrinkled, with the slightest anger.

The mighty breath did not activate the slightest energy of blood, but it suddenly resembled a mountain.

Suddenly oppressed.

With a sloshing sound, the two were sweating profusely and almost knelt down.

At this time, the footsteps of Wen Du slowly walked over, accompanied by a faint laughter and said: “You

What do you two haunt, ask you to get something and do it for a long time?”

Wen Su walked step by step, smiled at Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan’s brows also stretched out, and he nodded slightly.

The two of them trembled in an instant, the terrifying pressure disappeared in an instant, and they were all loosened, and both let out a sigh of relief.

He looked at Wen Su pleadingly with his eyes.

Actually with the taste of the rest of my life after the catastrophe.

The strength of Wen Su’s blood shook suddenly, and it was directly passed into the ears of the two of them and said: “Let’s go! Lord Jiang Yuan is not targeting you.

His wrinkles were just dissatisfaction with the cowardice of the woman next to him.

The two nodded frantically, did not dare to delay, followed closely behind Wen Su, lowered their heads, and were more clever and bigger than the students.

He didn’t dare to breathe, as if his breath would startle the existence of gods and demons behind him.

When they walked out of the gate of the Tibetan Pavilion, the two people breathed a sigh of relief, but they were soaked in sweat before they knew it.

At this moment, in the Zangwu Pavilion, Jiang Yuan looked at Lan Yueer, who was shivering next to him, but his brows were still not loosened, faint.

The voice came into her ears and said: “People are gone!”

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, Lan Yue’er slowly opened her eyes, her heartbeat accelerated, and cautiously turned her head to look behind her.

Seeing that there was no one around, I was relieved. 0

Wang Teng Xing Ting, it is our Wang Teng Xing Ting who is the most powerful, Dahong Xing Ting is the bottom, even so, this person fights alone——

A Star Court is also great, but he is so unscrupulous that Dahong Star Court doesn’t care about it.

What pipe? This damage is a star court

The face!”.

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