Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 378 - Yi Su has no self-confidence

Chapter 378 – : Yi Su has no self-confidence

Jiang Yuan then waved his hand, and the martial arts sky map suddenly shook, shrank quickly, and flew over and landed on his hand, transforming

Make a normal-picture scroll.

He closed his eyes, everything inside turned into rolling data, rushing into his mind.

Just now, it directly collected a whole army of more than 1 million alien beasts, of which a total of 900,000 calamities emperor emperor

The strange beast of the realm.

More than 100,000 strange beasts in the broken star realm.

Among them, Wu Zun has one, whose strength reaches more than 50 million stars.

Wu Sheng has more than one hundred heads, and his strength reaches two to three million stars.

There are also many Valkyrie, up to tens of thousands.

The realm of the invincible ancestors is no longer a minority, nearly one hundred thousand.

This is an extremely large number.

What’s more terrifying is that after these alien beasts entered it, their bodies were instantly imprisoned, but their instincts started to arouse.

The power of blood.

A resonance is formed between heaven and earth.

Every time the power of qi and blood is surging, it will be swallowed up by the martial arts sky map, and the power of the martial arts sky map is continuously enhanced.

Vaguely, improving its quality.

06 The quality of Budo Tiantu itself is only a top-ranked weapon of the big day level, but it has collected so many powerful weapons at once.

The strange beast.

For Budo Tiantu, it is a huge opportunity.

Jiang Yuan had a feeling that probably within a few days, the martial arts heaven map would be promoted to the Star Territory-level town sent weapon.

Even more terrifying is that Jiang Yuan also discovered that he can mobilize the power of the blood of these strange beasts in the martial arts heaven map, for

For your own use.

He immediately clenched his fists, did not use his own strength, but mobilized the power of the qi and blood of the alien beast in the Martial Dao Tiantu.

In an instant, the fist burst out-a bloody smell, like a strange beast, and the combat power contained in it is also constantly


The power of a million stars

The power of thousands of stars-

The power of billion stars

The fist condensed the power of 100 million stars in an instant before it stopped.

Jiang Yuan had the answer in his heart, so he dissipated these forces.

This kind of combat power seems not much, but don’t forget, this is only the power of one million strange beasts, if it’s ten million

How about one hundred million? Even ten billion, one trillion?

How strong was the power that burst out at that moment? What kind of body can only withstand such a power burst?

Thinking carefully, I am afraid that the strong in the Nine Suns Realm will be beaten to death with a single punch, and the typical force has suppressed everything.

The team far away at this time-

Both eyes were looking at Jiang Yuan, with horror, shock, and surprise for the rest of his life.

Especially the people in Wanteng Star Court were extremely pleasantly surprised.

Turning into a ray of brilliance, they rushed up directly.(Read more @

But none of Dahong Star Court dared to come up because they didn’t know Jiang Yuan.

Even more because Jiang Yuan is not the supreme master of their Dahong Star Court.

Bai Hong took the lead, and brought the mighty, surviving elite of the four masters of Wang Teng Xingting to Jiang Yuan’s side.

Hastily saluted respectfully: “Thank you Jiang Yuan for your help.”

Jiang Yuan slowly turned his head and looked at each other.

The moment the two people touched their eyes, Bai Hong’s eyes suddenly rose in amazement, and he saw that the wordless on Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows had changed.


Become the upper character.

Not only did she see it, but at the moment Jiang Yuan turned around, all the people in Wang Teng Xingting behind her could see clearly.

“The second stage of the supreme majesty, the great realm

“Oh my God! The Great Realm, which surpasses the power of one billion stars, is much stronger than the ordinary Great Realm of Wuzhi.

“I’m obedient, it’s no wonder it’s so scary,-the fist beats a great alien beast to death.”

Everyone’s hearts were shaking, and their expressions on their faces became more respectful. With their heads down, their breathing became weak, imitating

The Buddha was afraid to attract Jiang Yuan’s attention.

“Don’t thank you, I’m all a star court person, it’s nothing more than raising my hands!” Jiang Yuan smiled faintly.

In an instant, Bai Hong’s spirit was in a trance, with a feeling like a spring rain, and the nervous emotions in his heart.

Zi Shu spread out.

But her heart is still full of incredible shock.

When I first saw Jiang Yuan, I knew that he was extremely powerful, almost without limits, any enemy,-punch


She has tried her best to widen her brain hole, and her brain replenishes the strength of Jiangyuan.

I even thought about whether Jiang Yuan would be a martial master with the power of 90 million stars, half a step in the realm of the supreme great master.

But who could have imagined that Jiang Yuan is actually the Supreme Being, and he is not like the Supreme Being, it is even more terrifying

The great state of the upper.

Surpassing the power of one billion stars is the second stage of the Supreme Master.

More thinking

The more shocked, the more invisible to Jiangyuan.

Vaguely in her heart there was an extremely absurd idea, constantly flashing.

Perhaps Jiang Yuan’s current strength is not true strength either, his strength is even the third of the Supreme Being.


Great realm.

Such a thought, as soon as she rose up in her heart, she was shocked and her complexion turned pale.

Get up, dare not look at Jiang Yuan.

Regardless of the possibility, Jiang Yuan’s current strength is also the top strength in Wang Teng Xing Ting.

The amount cannot be shaken.

At the same time, Yi Su’s face changed and changed in the distance.

Finally, he took a deep breath and instantly turned into a stream of light before he came to Jiang Yuan.

The shocking light in his eyes was flowing, and his heart was trembling, but he was as stubborn as him, and he didn’t want to admit it at all.

At this moment, he was afraid of Jiang Yuan

I have seen Jiang Yuan Da Yi Su-opened, his voice stammered, his face and muscles were very far-fetched:

“Thank you for helping me-

After the sentence was finished, all the strength in his body was simply emptied.

Make him look green and white.

He 570 still remembered very clearly, in the Star Court-level meeting space before, his roaring voice, there was still a lingering sound

Er, very much disagrees with the opinions of the five great lords.

Let Jiang Yuan be the leader of a team.

Even for this reason, he still cursed Wu Dazun in the meeting space.

That’s called a carefree.

But who could have thought that the change would come so quickly.

He even had some Jiang Yuan that he didn’t look down on, but he was actually a famous man.

What’s even more frightening is that he is not an ordinary great deity, but the second stage of the supreme great deity, the great deity, fighting

The existence of power beyond one billion.

The two supreme masters in their great star court are just the realm of nothingness, belonging to the first stage of the supreme master.

It was not much different from the Great Beast Master who was beaten to death by Jiang Yuan before.

In other words, if Jiang Yuan is willing, the two supreme great lords of Dahong Star Court will not even be able to hold Jiang Yuan-Xue-

Thinking of this, his face became even more ashamed, and he couldn’t wait to find a hole to drill up, and he was so faceless to see people.

Especially, when he questioned Jiang Yuan before, Jiang Yuan’s gaze still came over.

Maybe at that time, the other party was watching an ant howling there, watching him joke-like.

It turned out that the other party didn’t care about him all the time, but he was singing a one-man show, like a clown, embarrassing.

The more I think about it, the redder Yi Suo’s complexion becomes.

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