Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 379 - Wishful thinking

Chapter 379 – : Wishful thinking

Jiang Yuan’s gaze swept across everyone, and finally stayed on Yi Su, nodding slightly at the other party, his eyes with kindness.


Yi Su was taken aback for a moment, and his heart trembled.

From Jiang Yuan’s eyes, he saw a touch of recognition and approval.

Jiang Yuan’s gaze then turned to Bai Hong, and his voice said with a trace of seriousness: “Now the situation is unclear, the original plan is to sell!

If you meet with another team, once you encounter danger, the resistance will be stronger if there are more people. ”

Bai Hong nodded, agreeing very much, “Okay, how about you!”

Jiang Yuan raised his head, looking at Yunhuicheng and said, “I will go back to the city.”

As he spoke, his body floated slowly.

Yi Su’s complexion changed again, and finally couldn’t help but said, “I will go too.”

Jiang Yuan glanced at him and said, “If you stay, you need you more here.”

During the speech, the body shook, the air flow around the body tumbling, and in an instant, the sound of breaking the barrier erupted, and the space imitated

The Buddha’s glass is normal, and it keeps creaking and breaking.

In the next second, he rushed out suddenly, like a golden beam of light, piercing the sky, after a few breaths, it disappeared.

Lost in front of everyone.

But in the sky, there is still a golden phantom, slowly dissipating.

The speed of Jiangyuan almost surpassed the speed of light. He left the wilderness in an instant and saw the huge wall in the distance.


The instant he entered the city, his speed soared.

In an instant, it reached ten thousand times the speed of light, and everything in front of me turned into colorful streamer particles, constantly regressing.

At the same time, the power of his blood also burst out, he himself was the center, like a radar, scanning everything-

In the next step, I felt that not far in front, there was a wave of powerful energy and blood, which was bursting and rolling.

In the next second, he escaped from the speed of light space and drilled out.

The golden light of the body began to be distorted, quickly turning into his original appearance.

He hovered in the air, underneath his feet were high-rise buildings, and in the distance, there were nine energies soaring into the sky.

Like a red beam of light, it rushes straight into the sky.

Such a beam of qi and blood is invisible to the naked eye.

Among them are the aura contained in the five qi and blood beams. Jiang Yuan is a little familiar with them. They are the three great lords of Wang Teng Xingting, and the

The two great lords of Hongxingting.

In addition, there are four auras.

Two of the auras are extremely bloody and bloodthirsty. They are not the aura of a normal Great Venerable, but are unique to other animals.

Interest, easy to identify.

The other two auras, you don’t need to guess, are the two great masters of Destroyer Star.

These four auras obviously suppressed the two big star courts, and the beam of light was brighter, with fighting spirit, the more the battle became stronger.(Read more @


On the other hand, the five qi and blood of the two star courts are very decayed, swaying constantly, and the color is very dim.

“The three great lords of Wang Teng Xing Ting, went to the front line to support before, were ambushed, and the injuries were not shallow. It seems to be more than I thought.


Jiang Yuan muttered to himself, quickly analyzed the situation, did not do it the first time, but expanded his energy and blood.


The sensing range of qi and blood is continuously expanded, and scanning is performed accurately every time.

Soon, his eyes lit up, not far from the battlefield, about 10 million kilometers away, and he felt a sense of

Very weak breath.

This breath is perfectly concealed, it seems to carry something special on the body, which can block the general big venerable


Even Jiang Yuan, after investigating several times, only felt slightly.

“It seems that this time, Destroying Star Court is preparing to wipe out Wang Teng Star Court and Dahong Star Court, all the great lords in one go!


“I just said, why did a great eminent move out to besiege the team led by Yi Su, and haven’t conquered it for so long. In fact,

This is intentional. ”

“Let Yi Su continue to pass on the news, so that several great elders are anxious and desperate to save others, how much they will do-some carelessness.


“It turned out to be like this.”

Jiang Yuan’s heart moved, and his eyes stared in that direction for an instant. His body flickered as if he was invisible.

The earth disappeared out of thin air.

Instead of flying at full strength, he slowly reduced his speed and passed by at low altitude.

The speed is not fast or slow, hold the breath, not leaking out at all,-little by little approaching.

Soon I came to the bottom of a building,-I saw the top of the building,-a man with his hands on his back and behind him, quietly

Suspended quietly, smiling, staring at the direction of the war.

Under his feet, an octagonal disk, as thin as a cicada’s wings, exudes the atmosphere of a big day-level town school.

There are countless silver-white characters carved on it, and each character exudes a faint white brilliance.

The power of Qi and blood radiating from the opponent’s body is all absorbed by the brilliance, without revealing a single trace.

Jiang Yuan slowly approached, coming behind him a little bit, the breath and even the heart in his whole body almost stopped beating.

The man looked into the distance and was in a good mood.

“. Although this Yunhui big domain is a bit poorer, the two big star courts have been standing for a long time.

A lot. ”

“After the two big star courts are destroyed, according to the plan, I can divide the two big star courts into ten-tenth of the resources, under such resources

“Maybe I can sprint to the Supreme Realm of the Supreme Master.

The man thought hesitantly, his head was full of a bright future, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but he couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a breeze coming from behind.

His brain stagnated for a while.

I am very puzzled: “I am in the formation astrolabe, while isolating my own breath, but also isolating the outside world, for

Why is there a breeze coming?”

As soon as my doubts fell, I suddenly thought of something, and instantly exclaimed: “It’s not comparable”

He turned his head abruptly, and saw behind him. I don’t know when, standing there, looking at him with an extremely cold expression on his face.

Even at the moment he looked at it, the other party smiled at him slightly.

From his point of view, this smile was like a visitor from hell, full of hideous evil.

“Hello!” The moment Jiang Yuan’s indifferent laughter sounded,-his hand suddenly accelerated, and it penetrated the array astrolabe in an instant.

Under the force of the opponent’s unresponsiveness, like an extremely sharp dagger, it penetrated his chest and pinched him.


At the same time, Jiang Yuan’s entire palm turned black in his body.

Countless black particles decomposed from his palm and turned into small black particles snakes, winding and circling constantly

constant increase.

After breathing, he rushed into his brain from his heart, and found the golden core at the center of his eyebrows.

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