Chapter 381 – :hope

At the same time, the supernatural power of his phantom clone, the separated individual, inherited half of Jiang Yuan’s combat power, can only send

An attack.

But the wordless words on the top of their heads have also changed and become upper words.

Half of two billion is one billion, and the power of one billion stars is the great realm of the Supreme Being.

Wang Teng Xing Ting, the Bloody Great Venerable is this ~ realm.


In the next second, Jiang Yuan’s body shook again, and countless clones separated from him,-walked out and stood-

Behind him.

More and more, densely packed, standing in a row, like an iron-blooded army.

The power of each clone has an extremely indifferent and arrogant look.

They don’t need wisdom, they just need to kill.


Jiang Yuan’s voice suddenly fell and roared, as if he was a general who took the lead in flying.

The breath on the body no longer blooms for the slightest reserved.

Behind him, there are a total of 10,000 phantom clones, making the same action, not retaining the slightest breath, all exploding

Issued to.

A full 10,000 supreme greats, the breath of the great realm erupted.

How horrible it is, like ten thousand stars, with an eternal and immortal breath, covering the sky and the sun, covering the sky.


Above the earth, countless people hiding in their homes feel a surge of pressure, with a breath of supremeness.

Oppressed on them.

Many people can’t help but look outside.

I saw an extremely shocking scene.

Ten thousand figures with large characters on top of their heads, exuding bright golden light, mighty and mighty, as if the army is advancing, just like

Behind one person.

Neatly and uniformly, the pace is consistent to the extreme.

“My goodness!”

“The Great Venerable, this, this is too terrifying! Ten thousand Supreme Great Venerables are dispatched together, what is this going to do?


“Could it be that the eight universities found the strangeness on our side and directly sent such a terrifying army to sweep everything?”

People were standing in front of their windows in horror, discussing with each other, looking at the high sky above in amazement,-Dao Dao

The figure of the golden stalwart.

Especially the one in the front, extremely domineering, with his hands behind his back, the clothes above automatically clashed without wind.

One step is a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters.

at the same time.

In the sky above Wang Teng’s star court, the bloody Great Venerable’s body was bathed in blood, his face was extremely pale, his arms were trembling, and his eyebrows were trembling.(Read more @

The golden core.

Because of the frantic drive, cracks have appeared.

If it is not repaired, it is likely to be broken. By then, his realm will fall crazily.

Not only him, Wang Teng Xingting, and the other two great lords are not much better.

Seven holes are bleeding, black blood.

This is when the necrotic cells in the body are excreted and have completely lost their vitality. They are truly dead and cannot be resurrected.

These cells.

The three of them were already seriously injured, but now they have reached their limit after a battle.

In front of them, the two great lords of Dahong Star Court resisted, each holding a huge umbrella, exuding

The breath of a star-level town sent weapon.

The other person holds the pagoda, which rotates constantly, sometimes expanding and sometimes shrinking.

Opposite them, there were a total of four powerful beings.

Two high-level animals, like demons in fairy tales, have two curved neighbors on top of their heads, and their backs are blood-red


Two great lords who destroyed the royal court.

They did not rush or slow down, and attacked slowly, with seven or eight martial arts supernatural powers on their heads, and they attacked with supernatural powers.

Sometimes it turns into a sharp sword and cuts down in the air, sometimes turns into a sledgehammer, knocking over at once.

Under them, the streets and buildings with a radius of millions of kilometers have long been turned into fly ash.

Even Wang Teng Xingting’s building has long become a pile of fly ash.

“Haha, Bloody Lord, you don’t have to struggle anymore, it’s useless, sooner or later it will die in one word.” Destroy the Star Court

A great Zhu Qing laughed.

“So long has passed, I think, that great alien beast has already killed Yi Su and destroyed one of your elite teams.

Then it was another team’s turn.

“You have no hope, so why don’t you give up resistance! In the face of all of you, I will give you a total of

A decent way to die. ”

The bloody grandmaster looked at him coldly and snorted coldly: “Zhu Qing, you think you have taken refuge in a veteran of the Wind Zhan Zifu

Can you run wild?”

Seek. Flowers 00

“You are just a waste in his eyes. When you are finished using you, you think you can still exist in the Destroyed Star Court, he must

Kill you to avoid future troubles. ”

“No, no, no.”

Zhu Qing is very self-belief: “Then you don’t know, we have long since retreated, and we are not relying on wind fighting.

The veteran of the Purple Mansion is just mutual benefit

Zhu Qing, don’t deceive yourself. “Grand Master Luo Ming scolded: “You and the alien beasts are working together.

In the ears of the university mansion, you can’t escape at all. ”

Zhu Qing seemed to hear a joke, laughed loudly and said: “You still don’t know yet? It’s really stupid.

Extremely! No wonder it has become what it is now

After that, his eyes were extremely cold and stern: “I might as well tell you that all of you, including the entire Yunhui Dayu Institute

Someone will die. ”

“As early as a thousand years, the entire domain has set up tens of millions of blood formations, large and small, and has been deployed for more than a thousand years.

It’s today.

Hearing the other party’s words, the bloody Great Venerable’s complexion suddenly looked like: “Do you guys want to destroy the entire Yunhui domain?

All creatures?”

“Ha only now knows, it’s a bit stupid.” Zhu Qing laughed wildly: “When the time comes, the big formation will break out, so

Some people were killed by refining and turned into pure energy of qi and blood. ”

“The veteran who fights against the Purple Mansion can hit the Nine Suns Realm, and we will also get infinite benefits and give birth to a respected veteran.

The existence of the great realm. ”

“With this kind of existential shelter, we destroy the star court, and we don’t need to live in a barren land like Yunhui Great Territory at all.

What does Yunhui’s life and death have to do with us?”

Zhu Qing laughed, very excited, as if attracted by the bright future he imagined, and his eyes were full of spirits.


However, his laughter came to an abrupt end, as if someone had caught his neck.

In the direction behind him, in the direction behind him, a huge breath suddenly rose up, in a kind of extreme

Approaching at a swift speed.

He turned his head back abruptly.

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