Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 382 - The blood stone has changed life

Chapter 382 – : The blood stone has changed life

Not only him, but everyone around him, and even the Bloody Great Master and others, their expressions changed slightly.

You can see the position behind you. Golden brilliance, like a wall, rumbling forward, speed

Extremely fast.

In their perception.

The golden walls were pushed arbitrarily, and the space was constantly squeezed, as if a piece of paper was being-again and again

The same as folding.

There is a sense of fragmentation like a mirror image.

What’s more terrifying is.

In the continuously advancing breath, they felt the breath beyond the ordinary and innocent realm, which is the great realm of the superior.


“What’s the matter?” Zhu Qing was most frightened, with amazement in his eyes.

He was a little flustered,-the breath of the Supreme Being, intertwined with each other, this completely subverted his imagination.

And what he fears most now.

“August 17” is to be afraid that things will be revealed and be known by the eight universities.

Once the above learned that they had colluded with Yi Zeng and wanted to destroy a large area, it was a capital crime, and everyone would be strangled.

Even the race behind it can hardly escape the relationship.

“Could it be discovered! !”

The Great Lord Destroying Star Court beside Zhu Qing also looked shocked and terrified. He felt the breath of a large number of powerful men.

She was so frightened that her complexion was white, and her body trembled.

He even had the idea of ​​running away.

“We have done so much work and laid out for a thousand years. How can the news be revealed? Even if it is discovered, it is impossible.

React so quickly!’

Zhu Qing’s complexion changed wildly, and the cold sweat on his forehead constantly seeped out.


The bloody Grand Master laughed excitedly for a while and said: “I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect, what you did was already posted.

His eyes were excited and mockingly said: “Now I don’t know if it was you or us!”


Zhu Qing looked coldly-the bloody-eyed Great Venerable, gave the order straight away, and his body instantly turned into a golden stream.

Light is about to get into the space of the speed of light.

But just when it hit the space, the entire space actually stirred up waves like layers of water, bursting out of gold.

It is the sound of collision.

He was actually bounced back by the space.

“People from the school, the space must be locked, Zhu Qing, let me see where you are going to escape this time!” The bloody master saw this.

The situation is even more laughable, extremely cheerful.

The two great lords of Dahong Star Court also relaxed, and laughed with a relaxed expression.

At this time, the golden light in the distance finally arrived.

But at this moment, the smile on the face of the bloody Great Master suddenly solidified and stiffened.

The eyes widened directly.(Read more @

He finally saw clearly and saw the figures.

At the forefront of the figure is Jiang Yuan’s indifferent face.

And behind him, there are densely packed, exactly the same Jiang Yuan himself.

The Bloody Great Master immediately guessed that those figures were probably a kind of martial arts supernatural power of Jiang Yuan.

Not only he saw it.

Zhu Qing also saw the golden ancient rune text at the center of Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows.

The breath of Park Jiuyuan.


Zhu Qing got up in shock and recognized Jiang Yuan’s identity at a glance.

When fighting the two star courts in an all-round way, Zhu Qing had read the information of the owners of the two star courts, including Jiang Yuan.

He didn’t care at the time, it was just a chief instructor.

But looking at it now, the opponent is not a chief instructor at all, but a supreme figure who is countless times stronger than him.

Da Zun

Suddenly, the air-conditioning sound rang from everyone.

Looked at Jiang Yuan with amazement.

They did a lot of work, but they didn’t figure it out. The person here was not from the Eight University Mansion, but Jiang Yuan and Wang Teng.

Xing Ting is not special Jiang Yuan.

Just a few breaths.

Jiang Yuan came in front of everyone.

Behind him, ten thousand avatars, breathing with the violent wind, spread out, and directly wiped out the two stars in the star court.

The Great Master surrounded him.

Looking at Jiang Yuan, everyone at this time did not react.

It was really a scene before me, which was too shocking to hear.

But Jiang Yuan didn’t talk nonsense at all, his indifferent voice resounded, and he waved casually.

In an instant, the breath on all the avatars suddenly exploded, incredibly frantic, and all of them burned.

The whole body is full of anger.


One after another fisting madly against Zhu Qing

When someone hits it, every punch is a full blow, containing a billion stars

Chen Power

Zhu Qing suddenly woke up and roared, a golden light burst out from the center of his eyebrows, which turned into a big clock and spread out.

Enveloping him.

One after another avatar, fists bombarded the big clock.

The whole big clock erupted with old dull sounds, buzzing, and the golden light on the surface was constantly fluctuating, like water waves.

Vaguely mixed with-shattered sounds.

He supported it in a short time.

However, a great master and two great beasts beside him, before they even had time to scream, they directly

Was shrouded by the sky full of fist shadows.

The body was smashed into fleshy flesh, the golden core was crushed alive, and the martial arts spirit inside was like a piece of white cloth.

Was torn into pieces.

There was a miserable howl.

Three great lords died tragically in an instant.

The gap is too great to survive at all.

Jiang Yuan glanced over at once, there was golden light in his eyes, burning like flames, pulling

Pull out two golden silk threads.

Suddenly locked in by Jiang Yuan’s gaze, Zhu Qing’s face suddenly became extremely pale.

Even with a flattering smile on his face, he said: “Great Lord Jiang Yuan, misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! I just

The pawn who obeyed the instructions is not enough!”

“Who else misunderstood you”

Jiang Yuan hadn’t spoken yet in 3.4, and the Great Lord Luo Ming was irritated by Zhu Qing’s shamelessness. He roared and couldn’t bear it.

Go live.

Zhu Qing didn’t even look at Luo Ming, his expression became very fast, and looked at Jiang Yuandao very flatteringly: “Jiangyuan Dazun-

All were misunderstandings, and I was also instigated by the famous veteran of Fengzhan Zifu. ”

“Otherwise, I have nothing to do, how could I suddenly attack the two star courts! And I don’t have the ability to persuade the alien beast.

Let them cooperate with me

Jiang Yuan looked at him indifferently,-walking towards the other side step by step.

Zhu Qing’s complexion became paler, and he kept explaining, but couldn’t tell Jiang Yuan, and finally said directly: “Jiang

Yuandasun, don’t be impulsive.

“Don’t be impulsive, I use resources to buy my life, I have 100 million blood stones, and I use these blood stones to pay back my life.

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