Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 426 - Zhen Ru who regrets so much

Chapter 426 – : Zhen Ru who regrets so much

Zhen Ru and the others’ complexions changed suddenly, their eyes shrank, and they panicked in an instant.

The heart seems to be pinched tightly by an invisible big hand-like

What does he want to do

“This is what to do.

“what happened?”

Zhen Ru’s eyes shrank, and her heart was extremely frightened.

In the next moment, he finally had an answer.

Accompanied by a frantic roar, the clouds shook, as if the ancient giant was tearing apart.

On his body, there was shaking that was hard to see with the naked eye, and it was like a broken thread, as if there was another body.

He was torn.

It’s just an instant of ten thousandths.

Accompanied by-screaming-

The same huge and terrifying figure split out.

He stood beside Jiang Yuan like this, his eyes were cold and merciless, and he looked exactly like Jiang Yuan, even-

Kind of smile.


In an instant, all the great lords in the formation opened their eyes wide and gasped, their eyes horrified.

All banned.

It’s scarier than hell.

In Ancient Rong City, countless races, the leaders of famous forces, were also numb with horror in their scalp.

Above the city wall.

The soldier raised his head and looked at two terrifying giants, their bodies pierced through the clouds and shed bright golden light, both of them were difficult.

Swallowing saliva.

A long distance away.

They are as small as ants, fragile and vulnerable, even the city wall under their feet is as small as

Same as a small mound-

A soldier opened his mouth wide, his palm and weapon fell to the ground with a clatter.

It’s been a long time to recover.

“Such a giant can still clone?”

“Is this still alive?”

“How to fight this?”-

Thoughts rose up in the hearts of countless people.

But the next second, everything they saw.

Make their brains almost unable to think.

Because Jiang Yuan’s body is still shaking frantically, and another stalwart and terrifying figure, divided into two, separated from his body.

Get out.

Accompanied by a strong rumbling sound, both feet stepped on the ground.

Until this moment, everyone is no longer surprised, because the brain can no longer think.

However, this change has not stopped.

Jiang Yuan’s body was still trembling violently and shaking.

Immediately after the third huge giant, once again separated from his body.

Then the fourth(Read more @





In the end, a full eighteen, stalwart bodies, just stood between the sky and the earth.

Lined up behind Jiang Yuan.

The sunlight is blocked by their terrifying figures, layer upon layer, and the light can only weakly penetrate through the gaps.

The Five Great Venerables such as the Bloody Great Lord were completely dumbfounded by this matter.

Looking at Jiang Yuan sluggishly.

They can’t tell which is Jiang Yuan’s ontology and which is clone.

Because all the avatars exudes the terrifying Supreme Master, the breath of the third stage.

Every stalwart existence, their heads are condensed with bright and dazzling ancient characters, big characters.


At this moment, a terrifying and dull voice resounded from a huge body, with 18 figures behind him.

The blood and golden body shook loudly.

Before striding forward, there was endless killing intent in no one’s eyes.

They clenched their fists, their faces were hideous, and fisted madly towards the huge formation.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

Yixuexue brazenly slammed on the formation, the formation of the impact swayed constantly, and the sound of rumbling resounded through the world, dull and yet again.


A famous person inside is gradually lacking and struggling, unable to support, the internal cells of the body seem to be burning like fuel.

Burning, making his body shrink.

In a blink of an eye, it became thin and skinny, and the whole person was shaky.

The power of qi and blood in his body has been consumed excessively.

In the next second, he couldn’t hold it anymore, his body fell straight down, and the whole person fell under the big formation.

As one person falls, the pressure on everyone is even greater, and it is evenly divided among everyone, which is simply accelerating their rate of destruction.


A famous person could not bear it, his body quickly became thinner, losing all his strength while shaking,

Almost into a state of suspended animation.

The luster of the entire formation began to dim.

Seeing if it is going to be unable to hold on.

Outside, eighteen terrifying giants, with one punch, still never stop.

, An extremely spicy shock came over.

“Resist and resist

Ask for flowers

Zhen Ru roared frantically, his eyes were blood red, and his heart was violently agitated because of excessive consumption of blood.

Cold sweat kept falling on his forehead.

He was really regretful at this moment.

The regretful intestines are all green, and I can’t wait to slap myself.

Why did the people who agreed to the wind fight the purple mansion in the first place? Why!

Is this provoked existence still human? It’s simply the existence of a different beast than a foreign beast, and it’s basically a natural race.

The appearance of a strange beast.

“Why am I so stupid! !”

He has a kind of sorrow that looks up to the sky and howls, but it is too late, and there is no regret medicine to take under the world.

If time can go back, he is willing to bow down directly at the foot of Jiang Yuan

But it’s too late!


Accompanied by the violent shaking of Dao.

The big formation finally couldn’t hold it, and the red sky above his head was still shattering a little bit.

Almost instantly, the horrible backlash, violent impact came down.

A famous great screamed, struggling, howling miserably, his body was like ice, quickly dissolving.

In the end, only a golden pill remained in place.


Eventually the sky shattered.

Jiang Yuan’s body stepped out one step at a time, and his big hands caught him all at once, directly pinching hundreds of great lords.

They struggled constantly in Jiang Yuan’s hands, wailing and begging for mercy.

Even many people were half of their bodies outside, slapping Jiang Yuan’s fingers frantically, just like ordinary people.

Because at the moment they were caught, all the power of qi and blood in their bodies was imprisoned.

Jiang Yuan’s huge body slowly raised his head, as if aimed at the sun. He opened his huge mouth and raised his palms high.

“No no no no

“No! I don’t want to be lived by me for 150,000 years, this is not the result I want!”

“Spare me, spare me, I am willing to join Shenghong and spare me

All the great lords looked at the huge mouth below, it was like the mouth of the abyss, full of great horror, with golden inside.

The liquid is flowing.

The glowing temperature can almost dissolve their bodies.

But in the next moment, amidst countless panic and desperate sounds, Jiang Yuan directly released his palm.

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