Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 427 - The Great Realm of Zun

Chapter 427 – : The Great Realm of Zun

The great ants like ants screamed and wailed, struggling, and fell into his mouth like ants.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuan’s huge mouth closed and his teeth moved.

The sound of bursting berries resounded constantly, accompanied by the sound of-a little bit of crushing of bones-

Pieces of golden pills shattered in his mouth, and the power of turbulent blood spread in an instant.

The cells in the body seem to wake up in an instant, and they all tremble, as if with excitement, they are scrambling to divide these

The power of blood.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan’s palm plunged into the formation again-

Grab it, including Zhen Ru, everyone was caught in the palm of their hand.

This time, Jiang Yuan didn’t leave his hands at all, and suddenly used force.

Zhen Ru was screaming frantically and begging for mercy, her body squeezed, and even the golden core at the center of her eyebrows was not spared.

Was crushed to pieces.

In the end, the other party’s miserable wailing of “Three Six Three” broke out in the golden core.

But such a voice stopped abruptly.

From this moment on, sitting on one side, Chief Executive Officer of the Fourth Grade Star Court in Endless Domain, Zhen Ru was removed from his name.

Almost instantly, Jiang Yuan’s combat power once again went mad-soaring.

And this time, it was an unprecedented surge.

It was also the first time in his history that he killed such a large number of greats at once.


The roar of Qi and blood erupted in the body.

300 million jumped directly to 400 million.

500 million



Combat power-Lu soared to 800 million before gradually slowing down.

Even so, it still surged upwards for a long time. It didn’t stop until 1 billion combat power, and finally it was frozen.


One billion basic combat power.

All things gain forty times, that is 40 billion combat power.

The first form of vitality, blood and golden body, doubled again, to 80 billion.

If the second form broke out, it would be 160 billion.

Soaring directly to the fourth stage of Wu. Shangda Zun, the great state of Zun.

At the same time, more than a thousand martial arts supernatural power fruits were also swallowed by Jiang Yuan, all rushing into the center of the body’s eyebrows.

Under the refining of the origin formula, it turned into countless supernatural power essences, wound around the golden core ring, and condensed on it-

One after another new supernatural power fruit.

This time, Jiangyuan Jinda Golden Ring, thirty full rings, all bear fruit.

From one hundred and forty-two, soaring to two hundred and seventy.

Reaching this level is equivalent to the limit, and his golden core can only hold so much in the limit.

But soon, the supernatural power fruit above unexpectedly produced a powerful pulling force spontaneously.(Read more @

A large number of martial arts supernatural power essences that could not be born were all extracted and evenly divided by supernatural power fruits.

The martial arts supernatural power fruit squeezed by Jiang Yuan instantly bulged up.

Each color becomes bright, with a mysterious color.

Soon, all the essence of martial arts supernatural power fruit was divided up.

However, the greatest benefit is the magical power of the phantom clone.

Jiangyuan, the infancy inside, also accelerated his growth, his limbs became obese, and his small face became more shaped.

It seems as if from the first month of pregnancy, skipping three or four months and entering the middle stage.

“I don’t know what will happen when this supernatural power fruit really gives birth to me?”

Jiang Yuan’s inner thoughts-flashed past.

But he knew that this must be a good thing, but he didn’t know what huge changes would be made.

All changes in the body are instantaneous.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuan’s breath was soaring, and his body made continuous crackling noises.

Within the Buddha’s huge body, the bones were stretching.

With a full 1 billion basic combat power, his body soared in one time.

Bone replacement is also increasing.

The first is his muscles, bulging pieces, full of explosive power.

There was a constant creaking sound, loudly, as if the continental plates were colliding.

Even on the superficial skin of the muscles, the golden blood vessel meridians like the roots of the old trees, one by one protruding, spread in


The already huge body was almost a lap bigger.

More full of wild and savage atmosphere.

His size also increased at the same time.

100 million class-

Billion ten million-

Billion twenty million

150 million class-

Billion eighty million

Accompanied by the creaking sound of bones, his body nearly doubled abruptly.

Before the clouds could cover his shoulders.

But this time, his body is getting bigger and bigger.

As if the clouds are constantly falling


From the shoulders to the chest, to the stomach, and finally to the waist, it stopped slowly.

If people had to look up when they watched Jiang Yuan before, now even if they look up, they can’t see him clearly.

Full picture

Only by flying into the clouds, standing in the clouds and looking up, can it be difficult to see clearly.

At this moment, everything is dead, and the world is quiet.

Inside the ancient city of Rong,-double eyes, watching Jiangyuan.

Jiang Yuan also absorbed all the benefits of this war, and his gaze slowly fell into Ancient Rong City. “What does he do.

“Didn’t he have killed Gu Rong Xingting’s chief executive, even two hundred great lords? He still

What do you want to do?”

“He, he, he doesn’t want to live in and destroy the entire Gu Rong Star Court, right?

“Destroying the entire Gu Rongxing star, what is the difference between Na Na Na Na and Tucheng?”

Many people looked at Jiang Yuan’s cold and merciless golden eyes, and their hearts trembled endlessly, and the great horror suddenly surged.

Countless people trembled

Chief Officer, you, you

The Great Lord Luo Ming only reacted at this time, and he was shocked. The voice passed into Jiang Yuan’s ears and said: “Do you want to

“Overturn the ancients.

Jiang Yuan’s mouth opened, and his voice rang out loudly, conveying the extremely majestic, with firm conviction, the root

This cannot be shaken.

Grand Master Luo Ming suddenly gasped.

Gu Rong Xing Ting has been operating Gu Rong City for millions of years. The time is so long that it cannot be traced back.

The tribes have contacts.

The Great Lord Luo Ming suddenly panicked and tried to dissuade him, but was pulled by the bloody Great Lord beside him.

The blood of the bloody grandmaster shook 1.8, and the voice was passed, and he said cruelly and ruthlessly: “Don’t

His eyes were extremely clear, he looked at Jiang Yuan’s huge body, and his voice said every word: “Killing a person is a crime, but killing a man

Yi Xiong, destroying millions is the emperor. ”

“If we want to gain a foothold, we must be cruel.”

“Only by destroying an ancient star court that has existed for millions of years, nearly tens of millions of years, can people in this entire universe know

“Our Tenghong Star Court is powerful, and only in this way can we gain a firm foothold.”

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