Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 448 - Eight Yang Hengkong last-Yang

Chapter 448 – : Eight Yang Hengkong last-Yang

Visible to the naked eye, following the gap in Jiang Yuan’s palm, it turned into a golden torrent, wrapped around his arm, and continued to rise.

In the end, they all gathered at the center of the eyebrows, and they all got in.

At the center of his eyebrows, Jiang Yuan’s body suddenly opened his eyes, with countless bloodshot eyes.

Breathing is also instantaneous.

Fists clenched, waiting for the real impact.

In an instant, the turbulent impact began.

Like an endless torrent of power, sweeping all the cells of the body, like a sharp blade, arrogant and domineering, with a fierce impact

Go in.

At the same time, there was an indescribable tingling sensation, like a thousand swords piercing the heart.

Even Jiang Yuan’s extremely hard will feel shattered.

The brain is buzzing, and the golden core is shaking endlessly.

In an instant, the fighting power soared like never before.

The power of 3.3 billion stars

The power of 3.5 billion stars

The power of 4.1 billion stars

The power of 521.6 billion stars

The power of 6.3 billion stars

After the combat power soared to 6.5 billion, the speed began to slow down and slowly climbed.

In the end, the power of seven billion stars stopped completely.

Boom boom boom

At this moment, the drum-like roar was transmitted through Jiang Yuan’s huge body——

Time one time-

Every time is heavier than every time.

Every time there is a shock, an invisible wave of air begins to roll and pass, sweeping everything.

A deity is fighting frantically, killing a great deity who is almost irrational, and a strange beast, it feels like a chill

As if a basin of cold water suddenly poured down.

Let everyone wake up.

There was a roar in my ears.

That is a powerful beating of the heart.

“what happened?”

“My heart? My blood?”

“Why do I feel everything in my body? Is it trembling and falling with this voice?”

A great respected person, his gaze rose in amazement, and there was a huge wave in his heart, and he didn’t know what was going on.

Immediately afterwards, everyone’s eyes followed the direction of the crazy transmission of the heart.

At a glance, I saw Jiang Yuan’s extremely large body, like an eternally immovable mountain of heaven, standing still.

When they looked at Jiang Yuan, they could no longer look away.

Because behind Jiang Yuan, the azure blue sea of ​​stars is spreading crazily, spreading wider and wider.

The entire sea of ​​stars is not calm, but rough.

It seemed that something terrible was rising in it-like.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom(Read more @

At this moment, in the sea of ​​stars, for a day, he slowly nodded.

Then it rises faster and faster.

In the end, the whole body was suspended, and flew towards the back of Jiang Yuan’s blood and golden body.

People only noticed at this time.

Behind Jiang Yuan’s head, he actually had five days, plus six days in this round.

That is the power of six suns, the power of 600 billion stars.

Countless people were shocked.

One of the most shocking is Furukawa-

The eyes widened, almost poking out from the sockets, opening his mouth wide in amazement, and the cold air rushed into the ridge.


However, all this is just the beginning.

Behind Jiangyuan, in the endless sea of ​​stars, the tumbling waves are even bigger, the sound of the surging water waves, rumbling, no


Something is coming out again.

The breath of countless people suddenly freezes.

They have guessed it.

Then, the seventh big day, in the sea of ​​stars, slowly but firmly returned to the surface of the water, flying towards the back of Jiang Yuan’s head.

“Seven seven big days.”

“This, this, this is a Jedi eruption, against the trend, the sea of ​​stars is still there, and it is still rolling, is it difficult?

Could it be! !”

“Is there still an eighth big day


Countless people were shocked, and their whole bodies couldn’t help shaking, if it was really eight big days.

What concept will that be.

It is a truly invincible existence under the real nine suns, and is respected as a half-step nine suns by the world.

In the Purple Mansion, they are almost too high-level elders.

It is the heritage of a purple mansion.

Dinghai Shenzhen exists like a needle, with a long life span, reaching 9 million years, which is nearly tens of millions of years.

If you go further and reach the Nine Suns Realm, you will have a longer life span, directly breaking through 100 million, comparable to the sun, the moon and the stars, the real

Long and ancient, you can witness the epic.

It is a living myth.

Nine Suns Great Realm is also called by another name.

That is the overlord of the big domain, one force can suppress a big domain, and the eight suns are honored as the lord of the small domain.

You can see how noble status is

At this time, the sea of ​​stars shook crazily, becoming stronger and more violent than before.

Then, in the incredible eyes of countless people.

One day, a corner was slowly revealed.

At this moment, countless people went crazy, shaking in amazement.

Their guess is not wrong.

In that sea of ​​stars, the eighth big sun is indeed gestating!

People seemed to pay attention, watching the eighth big day, slowly rising, and finally came to the forehead of Jiangyuan Center.


The eight big suns are fan-shaped and arranged downwards.

The power of the eight suns.

Furukawa, who was hiding in 233 of the crowd, was almost not scared to death. He trembled all over, unable to lift any strength.

What silly thing did he do before.

He is actually challenging the power of the eight suns to promulgate the existence of the nine suns. This is completely an old birthday star hanging himself, looking for death!

Fear-an ocean in an instant, sweeping through his heart.

He felt everything darkened, his heart thumped and throbbed violently, and his blood felt solidified.

However, at this moment, there was a cry of exclamation, with an even more incredible exclamation.

“Look at the sea of ​​stars!”

The voice was crazy, almost screaming madly, the voice was hysterical, and it made people feel that the hairs were standing upright when they heard it.

The hair is creepy.

The sea of ​​stars behind Jiang Yuan is still trembling, surging crazily.

There was no slight decrease due to the ascension of the eighth sun.

It’s even crazier than when it gave birth to the eighth big day.

The entire sea of ​​stars even became a sensation, and it actually stirred up huge waves.

Could it be

“Impossible, impossible, how is this possible

“We must have had an illusion. The eight suns are already in the sky, and the last sun will not appear. Absolutely not.


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