Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 449 - In the middle of the night, the sun rises

Chapter 449 – : In the middle of the night, the sun rises

At this moment, much attention.

A pair of eyes looked up at Jiang Yuan’s huge golden body with horror.

After the golden body, the sea of ​​stars is boiling frantically, endlessly, like a tens of thousands of angry dragons, overwhelming.

The ocean is shaking violently, the turbulent waves beat the waves, and the waves roar.


At this moment,-wiped the bright golden light, suddenly rising above the ocean level.

At the beginning, there was only one touch, which was extremely dim and difficult to detect.

But in an instant, the golden light was vast, brilliant and dazzling, and extremely radiant.

The world was swept, and the darkness ushered in the day.


The body of the alien beast.

At this moment, there was a golden light, and it was so dazzling that people couldn’t help but use their hands to block the brilliance.

On the ninth day, it is rising.

From the stars in the sea, little by little vines rise.

Ninth Day

Nine days and sky

“Nine is the extreme of respect, for the great realm of Nine Suns, it is the Nine Suns! !”

In the next second, all the great elders boiled, roaring almost in horror, their voices trembling, and almost hysterical.

There was even fear in his voice.

Especially Furukawa.

His eyes widened, his whole body trembled in horror, his body seemed to have been cast by a body curse, and he couldn’t move at all.

Breathing the air frantically.

There is a feeling that the air can’t be sucked.

At this moment, the radiant brilliance shrouded him, almost as dark as the invasion of darkness.

It is a great horror, but also a great despair.

at the same time.

The universe, the city of Beijing, has entered the night.

On the suburban plain outside the city, in the neatly arranged tents, the native soldiers were already resting.

In the barracks, there was only the sound of soldiers patrolling back and forth, and the sound of crashing armor.

In the barracks, the soldiers and officers breathed calmly.

The warriors also have to rest, they are not gods.

Even Jiang Yuan needs a good rest for a long time.

At this time, the night is shrouded, everything is silent and peaceful.

Moonlight and stars, passing through the layers of clouds and fog, shone down, a little bit of starlight and moonlight, white.

In the coach’s military account, the lights are still brightly lit.

Headed by the Bloody Grand Master, there are a total of 38 Grand Masters, sitting upright on the sand table.

Looking at the huge sofa, lost in thought.

It can be seen that within the sand table, an extremely large army of hundreds of millions of people has been evacuated from far away.(Read more @

Back, marching fast.

The bloody Great Master had bloodshot eyes, and his heart was heavy.

“Unexpectedly, the Gu Rong Forbidden Army received the news so quickly that the whole army returned to the army after rushing away light-years at night.” ‘

Discussing his face also solemnly said: “A full army of one hundred million to one hundred million, composed of more than eight hundred great masters, can be withdrawn so soon,

You don’t even need to make an application, there must be some tricks.


Having said that, he hesitated and said: “Some of them are helping the flames!”

As soon as his voice fell, everyone stopped speaking, knowing the smell, and his complexion became even more ugly.

“According to the army’s advance route and time, it will arrive in Jingxiang City in less than two days.”

Speaking of this, there is some hoarse voice in the voice of the bloody Great Lord: War is inevitable in history. ”

“Send the order to the entire army, prepare for the battle, and begin to deploy defenses.

As soon as his words fell, everyone was about to say something.


In an instant, an extremely magnificent and shocking roar suddenly resounded, as if thunder was thundered in the day, and it resounded.

Deafening, passing the heavens.

The bloody Great Lord and the others were all shaken by the thunder.

“what happened?”

“What a strong voice?”

“Why is there-something is wrong.”

In an instant, everyone’s complexion changed.

What has changed outside?

Did not dare to delay, suddenly turned into thirty-eight streamers, rushed out of the military tent in an instant, and came to the military in the next second.

Over the battalion, his gaze cast out, looking far away.

The entire barracks were shaken.

Countless soldiers who were resting and regaining their vitality suddenly opened their eyes. The vitality in the body was at the same moment.

Controlled boiling.

It seems that there has been a shocking change.

You know, the entire Tenghong Forbidden Army is at the lowest level of the disaster enemy’s rank and is powerful.

They wore armors, their brows shone with golden light,-they put the standard weapon in their hands and rushed hurriedly.

Go out of the barracks and look into the distance.

I saw it

Natural scene.

In the far east, a bright brilliance is rising, slowly from the horizon, but gradually rising.

“That day?”

“It’s not right, how can it be a big day.”

“It’s only midnight now, how can the big sun rise in the middle of the night? And here is Tiansuke, not the universe

The law of heaven and earth cannot be changed. ”

“In the middle of the night, is this Da Ridong??”

In an instant, countless soldiers and officers were communicating with each other, their vitality and blood trembling endlessly, and countless people stared at Dongfang Shengda in a daze.

The sun shines brightly.

Slowly, the white light swept across the world in an instant, the light was extremely bright, and the darkness was completely dispelled.

A vision of heaven and earth, the universe is turned upside down, and the darkness turns into the day. This is the great realm of nine suns!! !”

“Someone in the Universe has reached the Great Realm of Nine Suns. The Great Sun has dispelled the darkness. This is a symbol of the Great Realm of Nine Suns!”

“Who is it, is it because the criminal movie star court can’t grow up?”

The Bloody Great Lord and the others watched Da Ri lift off into the air, opening their mouths wide, unable to close them for a long time. Shocked and thin muscles.

Everyone is standing there.

Across the distance, I don’t know how many light years.

The size of the big day is also unprecedentedly huge, as if it is close at hand, boundlessly huge, the previous

Unprecedented vastness.

It’s like a day, rising in front of your eyes,-endless.

What is shock, this is called shock.

The torrent of blazing heat is rolling in, distorting the space and roasting the earth unscrupulously.

In the city, there are countless green plants, even among the hula la la, they will burn themselves directly (Nomah is good), and the next moment

It turned into a plume of blue smoke and rose up.

The ground is cracked by baking.

Such a scene is not just the city of Beijing, but also covers the entire universe, boundless and vast.

A city, a variety of different races-

Zun Zun’s powerful existence, at this moment, felt the hot breath of stocks against his face.

Pull them out of their sleep-

When I opened my eyes, I saw a piece of daylight in the room, even brighter than a hundred days.

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