Chapter 811 There is only one room

After the lake water has been purified, it is naturally time for the aquatic monsters to return, and for the environment in Picheng to return to normal.

Seeing that Xuan Xuan had completed the purification of the lake water, Wu Chen found that the lake water here is crystal clear, even under the moonlight that is not too bright at night, it also looks clean for the special police.

“Why do you feel that the water in this lake should be much cleaner than before?” Sun Zhigan asked directly.

Xuan said: “That’s because after the original toxin appeared in this lake, it was never infected by any creatures, and almost all of the original magazines were dissolved by the toxin in this period of time.

“Now that I have purified all the toxins here, it will naturally appear that the special police are clean.

In fact, the current lake water is like when it just came up from the groundwater.

In order to show that the water here has indeed been fully purified, Xuan personally took a handful and took a sip.

Luo Xue said in surprise: “Xuan’er, be careful, what if there is danger?

“There will be no danger.” Gera also walked over, took a sip, and said to them with a smile. “You can also come and taste it. This kind of water that thrives in the desert has a different taste from other places.”

Seeing that they all drank, there was no problem, Luo Xue and Sun Zhiqian also walked over.

Together with Wu Chen, Xueqiu, Xiaoyu, and Dalan and Xiaolan, you went to the lake to drink a lot of water.

Wu Chen nodded, “It’s really a different taste. The water quality has just been purified a lot. However, we can’t continue to stay here. Let’s go back to Huicheng first. Over there, The aquatic monsters are still waiting.

Everyone did not neglect, and then got up and returned from the oasis city here.

They stayed at the oasis for more than a day, and the guys sent by President Ge to search for Wu Chen and the others had already left Huicheng.

After Luo Xue brought them to the city lord’s mansion yesterday, he again used the ability of the rippling water beads to enter the environment where the aquatic monsters were.

“Auntie, you must have brought us good news when you come back this time.”

When the long-bearded handsome man saw them, his eyes lit up immediately, and at the same time he felt the aura of the ripples on Luo Xue’s body.

“Having absorbed the rippling water droplets, the little aunt is really amazing.

“Don’t keep calling me auntie in the future, and call everyone old.” Luo Xue said with a bit of objection. “However, the lake water on the other side of the oasis has indeed been purified, and you can welcome the life on the other side of the oasis.

After hearing Luo Xue’s words, the aquatic monsters in the front hall of the City Lord’s Mansion were all excited.

These guys followed the long-bearded beautiful man and bowed to Luo Xue and others, thanking Wu Chen for their help.

Obviously they knew that it was not Luo Xue’s credit that they could get the help of Wu Chen and the others to purify the oasis again. What’s more, they also felt the hostility of President Ge’s people who came to search during the day.

The long-bearded beautiful man taught Luo Xue the method of using the rippling water beads to unravel the current environmental state. In the future, Luo Xue can also use the rippling water beads to create a water element environment state by herself, but the range is related to her strength.

In fact, this method is interoperable, that is, after hearing about this method now, Xuan can also use the anti-toxic beads to create an environment full of toxins.

However, if she really did that, she would be the only one who could survive in the poisonous environment.

Luo Xue didn’t take it lightly, and directly lifted the water element environment state of Huicheng.

But now it’s almost midnight, so the people in the city didn’t know it at all.

“Little auntie, we are now going to live in the oasis that we have come to.” The long-bearded man Xiang Luo Xue resigned from the police. “If you have time in the future, you can visit us there.

“Don’t worry, as long as there is a chance, I will definitely find you to play.” Luo Xue said cheerfully.

There are actually many aquatic monsters hiding in the Yicheng City Lord’s Mansion, not just a group in the front hall.

Under the cover of the night, these aquatic monsters quietly rose from the city lord’s mansion, and then left Huicheng.

After all, they are not used to living in desert cities, only their original living environment is the most suitable.

“We’ve been busy for such a long time, let’s find a place to rest. Tomorrow, we’ll continue on our way to the Palace of the Gods,” Wu Chen said.

Before and after, it took several days to delay here, but the result was finally quite satisfactory.

Apart from offending President Ge in Baihuo City, they were very satisfied that they could have the opportunity to help these aquatic monsters return to the oasis they came to.

Originally, Wu Chen wanted to find an inn to rest, but before he could leave, Luo Xue said to them: “What inn, there are many empty rooms behind the city lord’s mansion, let’s rest here. 33

Luo Xue had already entered the City Lord’s Mansion more than once before, and naturally, she was fully aware of the situation behind the City Lord’s Mansion.

When Wu Chen thought about it, he was right. Yesterday, there were no city lords or city managers living in the city lord’s mansion. All of them were driven away after the arrival of those aquatic monsters.

At night now, it is impossible to invite these city owners and managers back, it is better for them to rest here for a night.

Immediately, the five of them came to the back and found a few rooms to rest.

Normally, Wu Chen, Sun Zhiqian, Luo Xue and Xuan usually rest in two rooms. This is both less awkward and less expensive, but now it’s different.

Yesterday, all the rooms in the city lord’s mansion were empty, and there were only five of them in the huge backyard, so it was a bit presumptuous.

Luo Xue and Gera were both clamoring to live alone, and it was rare for Sun Zhiqian to choose a room by himself.

As a result, in the end, each of the five of them chose a room to rest. That’s not all, Xueqiu and Xiaoyu didn’t return to Luo Xue’s storage bag, they simply went to a house and got into it.

Only Da Lan and Xiao Lanniang, because they were different birds, rested directly on top of the tallest building in the City Lord’s Mansion.

In the entire Huicheng, it seems that nothing has changed, and it is still the same as before.

But when the next morning, people looked at the rising sun, but found that something was not normal.

Because today’s weather is getting hotter and hotter,

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