Chapter 812 Where is the President

In the past, under the condition of the water element environment created by the rippling water droplets, the aquatic monsters would start to play their role every morning when the sun was born.

Therefore, the people of Zhencheng at that time only felt that the environment of yesterday’s city was pleasant.

But now the portraits and aquatic monsters have returned to their oasis area, and the water element environment here has been completely cancelled.

After the sun rises, Yesterday City will not enter that water element environment. The hot sun will gradually make the temperature in Huicheng continue to rise.

People began to complain, and even some cultivators couldn’t stand the problem of getting higher and higher, so they chose to leave Huicheng.

The changes on Huicheng’s side were naturally quickly discovered by President Ge’s people.

“What’s the matter, when I went to Yicheng to search yesterday, didn’t I see anyone?”

“Yeah, where have these people been hiding, and they are now entangled.

“This situation is not right, maybe it is the people who the president said are conspiracy.”

“Hurry up and report to President Ge, let’s greet some people here, and then go to Yicheng to do a good search.”

The person sent by President Ge to search this time is not the kind of person who is under special control. That kind of person can only use speed to intercept or kill, but can’t do the task of searching for the target.

With President Ge’s financial resources and strength, he naturally has many subordinates. In order to find Wu Chen and Glapiao, he also fought hard.

“Yicheng? Then it matches the information in the previous night market.” President Ge is looking for Wu Chen and their information in many ways.

Since Wu Chen and the others had other activities in the night market and purchased some items, there was naturally some residual information.

This situation, even Gera did not notice.

“Come on, form a team right away, I’m going to smash that Wu Chen to pieces. Hmph, grabbing the girl Laozi ordered, he’s afraid he’ll be tired of living.

The people in Baihuocheng were very surprised, because suddenly there were a large number of cultivators in the vicinity of President Ge.

Immediately afterwards, these cultivators followed President Ge and the others and quickly left Baihuo City. Their goal was naturally Shuncheng.

But Wu Chen and the others didn’t know anything about these situations.

After getting up in the morning, the five people who should have left immediately and continued to go to the Palace of the Gods, but because Luo Xue wanted to test the transformation of his water element environment, he had to temporarily stay in the City Lord’s Mansion.

“It’s alright now, in this desert city, after the sun comes out, the temperature will rise immediately, so there is no need to wait.

Wu Chen really didn’t want to stay here in Yicheng, after all, he was also worried that President Ge’s people would still come here.

But I didn’t want to leave Luo Xue with regrets, so I decided to let her try to create a water element environment here.

Luo Xue looked at the sun, and they all felt the heat of the air was increasing, so they nodded.

“You wait, watch me create a large water element space environment to cool you down.

She obviously wanted to show off her abilities in front of Wu Chen and the others, but you didn’t care at all.

After all, after Luo Xue has this ability, they may not need to enter any big city in the future when they travel through the desert, and they can rest in the desert directly.

It didn’t take long for Luo Xue to use her spiritual energy to create a water element environment space rhyme according to the method taught by the long-bearded handsome man.

However, she found that she had already used a large part of her spiritual energy to urge her fortune, and she just happened to cover the City Lord’s Mansion.

“Isn’t it?” Luo Xue was a little disappointed, “Is my strength not as good as that of the patriarch of that aquatic monster, or is there something wrong with my method?

In her opinion, the beautiful man with beard, the patriarch of the aquatic monster, has always been respectful to her, and she should be afraid of herself.

Since he is afraid of himself, his strength is definitely not as good as himself. But why was he able to create a water element environment that enveloped the entire Yicheng, but not himself?

Luo Xue was about to cancel this environment state, and then try again, but was suddenly stopped by Gelatou.

“Sister Luo Xue, wait, I feel a more familiar aura, and I’m already close to the city of yesterday.”

Glapiao’s words, as well as her changing face, suddenly made a few people think of something.

Wu Chen frowned immediately, and she asked: “Sister Ge, have you felt the breath of President Ge’s subordinates?

The only one who would make Glatou have this kind of reaction is the haunted President Ge.

Her face was a little ugly and she said: “Not only his subordinates, but he himself may have come to this Huicheng himself. They are still outside the Nancheng Gate, but they have already begun to approach the city. 99

If Sister Luo Xue makes this kind of environmental change now, I am afraid that his side will know our position immediately. ”

Luo Xue suddenly felt a little embarrassed, “Oh my god, it’s all my fault. If we leave here earlier, we won’t be blocked by him in the urban area of ​​Huicheng. 99

“This has nothing to do with you. It should be that the people in Huicheng fled around to avoid the increasingly hot environment, which attracted President Ge and his subordinates. Wu Chen immediately made a comparison. accurate judgment.

“Then what do we do now?” Xuan He asked. “I didn’t expect them to appear so quickly, there was no sign at all.”

Wu Chen also felt the situation now coming from the South Gate.

Gladu has been able to detect the aura of President Ge and others, Wu Chen is naturally no problem.

He couldn’t help frowning, and found that at the other three gates, there were also people from President Ge who entered Huicheng (Qian Li’s). This is not difficult to find, after all, President Ge doesn’t need to hide his people, he just wants to make a high-profile appearance.

But in this way, President Ge and his people attracted the attention of the entire Huicheng people.

Even if Wu Chen and others wanted to escape directly, they would definitely be intercepted by President Ge’s people. It’s hard to say whether it can go off the hook or not.

“Luo Xue, how long can you maintain this environment?” Wu Chen suddenly asked Luo Xue.

Luo Xue was stunned for a while, then thought for a while, and Wu Chen replied.

“According to the current situation and scope, I am afraid that it can last until the evening at most, about six hours.”

“What if you put this environment in a small area like our own?”

“Only in such a small open space, there should be no problem for more than ten hours.

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