Chapter 831 Special Weapons

When Yun Zhang heard Glapiao’s words, he moved his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed.

Wu Chen smiled and said to Yun Zhang: “Grandpa Yun is worried about the strength of Sister Ge, but I don’t think you need to worry about it. If she and this Yun Shanfei can both lose, then we would have long ago. Died in Yicheng.39

Yun Zhang would not be clear about Glapiao’s strength, but Wu Chen understood it quite well.

According to what Guerra said, she has lived in Baihuo City for many years. What Yun Zhang knew about was definitely the same thing as before. How could he know that Gera himself had also absorbed a hundred herbs and wood beads.

On the other hand, Yun Shanfei, who was run on by Gela Piao with his words, obviously did not know how powerful Gela Piao was.

When she saw the strength of Luo Xue, Xuan and Sun Zhigan, she was indeed shocked.

However, now facing Gelatou alone, Yun Shanfei, as the leader of the younger generation in the Yunfu, naturally would not flinch.

Therefore, under the words of Grapiao 10, she immediately agreed to test with Grapi alone.

In fact, Wu Chen knew that Gratou should just not want to get into trouble with more people.

Otherwise, with her strength, even if she were to fight against everyone in the backyard by herself, there would be no problem.

“You say how you want to compete, Miss Ben will give you a chance today to let you choose the way to compete. 93

Yun Shanfei stood there, ignoring Gera Piao at all, and gave Geratou the opportunity to choose the test method.

Glapiao was not polite either, she moved her arms to dry, and then took a step forward.

“Since it’s a competition for strength, then it’s simpler, don’t do so many tricks, and fight directly. 99

This is indeed the most intuitive way to show who is strong or weak. It doesn’t even need to fight to the end. During the battle, everyone can judge who is the strongest.

The people from Yunfu in the backyard immediately started cheering on Yun Shanfei.

In the eyes of these people, it is impossible for anyone to beat Yun Shanfei, especially those of the same generation.

At the same time, Luo Xue, who was standing behind, suddenly touched Wu Chen and the others, and pouted on a nearby roof.

Wu Chen, Xuan, and Sun Zhiqian immediately turned their eyes away, and found that a person appeared on the roof over there, standing there watching the situation in the backyard.

“It doesn’t matter who he is, but if he wants to do something to Sister Ge, he once blamed us for being rude.”

Xuan did not care about that person at all. Anyway, now they are friends with Glapiao, and they will never care about the guy in Yunfu.

At this time, in the front of the field, Yun Shanfei came out arrogantly amid the cheers from the younger generation of Yun Mansion.

Yun Shanfei looked at Glapiao with a sneer, “Since you are so eager to be ugly in front of everyone, then I’m welcome.”

A long whip appeared quickly in her hand, and Wu Chen and the others were all a little surprised when the weapon was fired.

You must know that among weapons, the cultivation of various soft weapons is undoubtedly more troublesome than normal swords.

Not to mention other things, to use these soft weapons, the most important thing to practice first is not to hurt yourself.

Especially this kind of long whip or nunchaku, etc., because often as long as it is controlled and touched by the opponent in the process of attacking, the soft weapon will take a special shape, and it is very likely to cause damage to itself. .

Even if Yun Shanfei’s strength is definitely not comparable to Gera, but she dares to take out the long whip, it means that she can definitely use it proficiently.

However, despite this, Wu Chen and the others did not worry that Grapiao would fail because of this.

In any case, in the face of absolute strength, any opportunistic means will be meaningless.

Glapiao was surprised to see that she was using a long whip, but she just raised her brows.

Yun Shanfei admired the surprised expressions of others when he was holding the long whip. But she found that Glapiao didn’t have much response, and immediately snorted coldly.

“Don’t pretend to be calm here, or take out your weapons, and make excuses when you lose.

“It turns out that the weapon you are good at using is the long whip. Coincidentally, I prefer to use this weapon. 99

Under Yun Shanfei’s surprised gaze, Glapiao also took out a long whip in his storage bag.

The two of them were using the same soft weapon, which really surprised everyone.

But because of this, everyone’s sense of anticipation rose instantly. Man, this makes it easier to see who is better, just by doing it.

Yun Shanfei’s face was a little ugly, as if he wanted to open his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

Apparently, she was always the one who was most surprised that Gera also used a whip weapon.

Does it matter what kind of weapon Keren uses? Did she let Glapow use her long whip?

Therefore, Yun Shanfei did not speak after moving his lips.

In fact, even Wu Chen and the others were shocked that Glapiao also used the 883 long whip.

On the way, in more than ten days, they have not fought with wild beasts once. But every time, most of what Glapiao showed was the martial skill of fist and palm.

Today, this is the first time I have seen Glapow use a weapon, but it is this special weapon.

Luo Xue watched the fun and didn’t think it was a big mess, and immediately shouted with a smile: “Come on, sister Ge, let’s see if your whipping is good enough.

In this yard, I am afraid that Luo Xue is the only one cheering for Gera.

Of course, this is because Wu Chen, Xuan, and Sun Zhigan didn’t shout out like she did.

Glapiao turned back and bent Luo Xue with a slight smile, and said to her: “Don’t worry, Sister Luo Xue, I promise not to embarrass you. 39

The opposite Yun Shanfei was very unhappy at first, but seeing Luo Xue cheering on Gera Piao now, and Gera being so relaxed, she became even more angry.

She should be the only person who should be the focus of attention in the audience, how could she let Gela Piao steal her limelight.

Thinking of Yun Shanfei here, an evil thought arises in his heart.

Looking at Gera Piao at this time, she was turning back to talk to Luo Xue, but her eyes narrowed slightly. At this moment, she silently waved a long whip at Gera Piao,

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