Chapter 832 Negative Teaching Materials

“Sister Ge be careful-”

“Be careful girl-”

When Wu Chen and Yun Zhang saw this scene, they both involuntarily opened their mouths to remind Gera.

Yun Shanfei’s behavior was almost like a sneak attack without any district police. Everyone could see that Glapiao did not take any precautions before announcing the start.

But when Guerra was talking to Luo Xue, she moved her hand without saying a word.

Even those people in Yun Mansion didn’t have the embarrassment to applaud Yun Shanfei’s beautiful offensive tactics at this time.

In any case, sneak attacks and taking advantage of others’ dangers are, after all, despised behaviors, even if one’s own people can’t make it through their hearts.

But it was obvious that Yun Shanfei didn’t care about this, all she wanted was to breathe a sigh of relief on herself and defeat Gera Piao.

Perhaps in her eyes, now she can only defeat Gera, and then she can show her own strength and self-reliance.

Although Wu Chen and the others were sweating in their hearts, they reminded Gera loudly.

But after all, Yun Shanfei’s attack was very fast, they just wanted to go forward to help resist, but they didn’t have any chance.

What’s more, the power of a soft weapon like a long whip is often not enough to avoid damage by blocking it, and there are many special circumstances.

However, this made everyone a little surprised to take advantage of others’ danger, but in Gera’s own eyes, it was not at all disturbed.

It was as if she had long known that Yun Shanfei would sneak attack on her, and when the long whip rang and fell on her body, she had already avoided it.

Although it was just a very simple dodge, it showed that Glapiao had in fact been guarding against Yun Shanfei all the time.

This also made Wu Chen, Yun Zhang, Luo Xue, Yan, Sun Zhiqian and others relieved, and put down their little hearts.

“Oh, it seems that you know that you may not be able to beat me head on, so you decided to strike first?”

Gera not only avoided Yun Shanfei’s sneak attack, but also rudely despised Yun Shanfei’s method.

Hearing Glapiao’s words, Rao Shi Yun Shanfei couldn’t help but show a blush on his face no matter how strong his desire to win.

After all, she is still a girl, no matter how strong Yun Shanfei is, she will not be ashamed at all.


“Sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I want to see what kind of skills you have,

After Yun Shanfei finished speaking, he immediately accelerated his attack. Although the sneak attack she just went around was very disgusting, to be honest, there were not too many tricks.

But from this moment on, Yun Shanfei showed her accomplishments in whipping.

One after another whip shadow, carrying a good spiritual energy cultivation base, kept greeting to Glapiao’s body.

With her ability, if she really dealt with ordinary people, or someone with similar strength to her, it is estimated that she would be injured in less than ten strokes, and no more than twenty strokes at most.

But Gera Arc, who also practiced the whip technique, was not only stronger than Yun Shanfei in terms of strength, but also naturally knew how to avoid attacks.

In the previous few moves, Glapiao didn’t fight back at all, he just saw the opportunity and evaded in the gap of Yun Shanfei’s whip attack.

This made Yun Shanfei feel a little anxious, and the long whip in his hand once again accelerated the offensive.

How can I continue to show my strong strength in front of these people and prove that I am much stronger than Gera?

Undoubtedly, only by defeating Gera Piao at the fastest speed would he be able to perform like that.

But just after the previous few tricks, Yun Shanfei already felt that Glapiao’s understanding of the whip technique was definitely not under his own. If you want to defeat her quickly, I am afraid you have to speed up the offensive, otherwise you will not be able to threaten Glapiao at all.

“In such a hurry to express herself, she probably won’t be able to hold on for long, it just depends on when Sister Ge fights back.

Xuan calmly analyzed and said: “The faster the attack, the more flaws will be revealed, and the easier it will be for Sister Ge to see her routine.

Wu Chen nodded, “This situation is a very good negative teaching material, we must remember not to panic in the future.”

That’s right, the more unable to quickly defeat the Yun Shanfei of Glapiao, the more flustered he will appear.

Before Glapiao could launch a counterattack, she had already made quite a few mistakes. Although based on his own understanding of the whip technique, he would not hurt himself because of such mistakes, but he also became more impatient.

As Xuan said, it is almost impossible for such a Yun Shanfei to have another chance to defeat Glapiao.

Even those people in the nearby Yun Mansion had already seen this situation, but Yun Shanfei himself didn’t know it.

Seeing that Glapiao coped with ease, Yun Zhang finally had a light look on his face, but he also looked at the person on the roof over there, his brows were still tightly wrinkled, unable to dissolve the wrinkles.

In the current situation, there is no need to wait for the hand of Gela Piaoyun at all, which has basically proved Yun Shanfei’s failure.

Although it was possible that after Gera hooked his hands, he would lose to Yun Shanfei, but the odds were too small.

Gera didn’t rush to take action, in fact, he just wanted to see what kind of strength this Yun Shanfei could have.

Not only wanted to see her cultivation strength, but also wanted to know how her attainments were above the whip technique.

But what I didn’t expect was that after just a few tricks, Glapiao’s heart was already full of disappointment. Yun Shanfei’s performance can be described as abysmal, and there is nothing that Glatou can be interested in.

After the ten moves, while avoiding Yun Shanfei’s long whip, Gera Piao dodged and retreated to a slightly farther position.

i Yun Shanfei, if you only have such strength, I advise you to admit defeat. ”

“Bastard, how could Miss Ben admit defeat, I will definitely defeat you.

Yun (Qian Qianhao) Shan Fei was so angry that he was half-dead by this remark, but he continued to charge in front of Grapiao desperately.

She has always been sought after by the people in the Du Yun Mansion, how could Yun Shanfei admit her failure like this, wouldn’t that make her lose face in front of everyone in the Yun Mansion.

Thinking of this, Yun Shanfei’s attack on Glatou became even more swift and swift.

Seeing that she still didn’t give up, Glapiao threw away the long whip that never had a fisherman in his hand.

– A crisp whip sounded, and at the same time, a layer of turquoise aura was directly covered on top of her long whip.

“Since you don’t choose to admit defeat, I can only stop this farce myself. However, I hope you can withstand this blow and the pain of failure.”

As soon as the voice fell, Glapiao’s figure flashed in the shadow of Yun Shanfei’s whip, and at the same time, he also attacked Yun Shanfei with his own long whip,

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