Chapter 64 Mysterious Paper

Listening to what she said, looking at the door that had been smashed by her hidden weapon, everyone was speechless.

However, as silent and violent as this approach may seem, the effect is definitely the most immediate and surprising.

Since it was directly hitting the knee room door with a hidden weapon, no matter what mechanism there is, it will be triggered immediately.

Wu Chen and the others were farther away, so it didn’t affect the five of them at all.

Coupled with the hidden weapons composed of Xuan’s spiritual energy, the number can be large or small, how could it be possible for the organs at the door to affect them.

Simple, direct, violent, and easy to crack the crisis at the door is obviously the best way.

This is why Wu Chen and the others are really speechless.

If you really thought that Xuan’s actions were reckless, it would be a big mistake.

After solving the crisis at the door, when they came to the door and looked inside, they found that the space inside was not too big. Although the door was a normal size, the interior was equivalent to a compartment.

Since only Jin Yushu knew where the treasure would be hidden, Luo Xue Bento stepped into this room first.

Just when Wu Chen and the others all wanted to go in, Luo Xue turned around and waved to them.

“You all don’t come in, I myself and Jin Yushu came to find this thing. The space here is too small, if there is any other mechanism, everyone can’t escape if they want to.

“Then you must be careful, if it’s a big deal, ask first, and then find a way.” Wu Chen hurriedly persuaded her.

Luo Xue nodded and smiled at him: “No problem, you all have to be careful outside, I always feel that this hall is not so simple, let us get the treasure here.”

Outside, Wu Chen, Xuan, Glakai and Sun Zhiqian set their sights on other places around.

They have already observed here, but there is no other place to hide people.

Besides, this hall has been frozen for a long time, even if someone is here, I am afraid they would have already starved to death inside.

Wu Chen just observed it briefly, and then completely gave up his attention to the outside world. What he was worried about was Luo Xue.

However, Xuan, Guerra, and Sun Zhiqian were completely responsible for the security issues outside.

I saw Luo Xue who had entered this small room, and there was no other place to move. Under the guidance of Jinyu Mouse, he went directly to the wall near the deepest part of the room.


Just following Jin Yumo, he had already explained to them that the baby should be in the interlayer.

There are no other furnishings in this small room, so the mezzanine will naturally be inside the wall.

Luo Xue confirmed to Jinyu Mouse again, “Xiaoyu, are you sure you are in this wall?”

The Jinyu Mouse wailed twice, and she nodded her head.

Now that the target location was confirmed, Luo Xue directly picked up the divine weapon sword in her hand, but she did not immediately cut or destroy the wall, but chose to use the divine weapon sword to gently touch the wall. percussion.

This has two purposes, the first is to ensure that there are no other special mechanisms on the wall, and also to try to check whether the mezzanine can be opened without breaking.

Another purpose is to confirm the range of the mezzanine above the wall, so as not to really damage the treasures in it.

During this process, not only Luo Xue was nervous, but Wu Chen, who was watching her from the outside, was also nervous.

It can be said that Wu Chen is more attentively staring inside than Luo Xue, and his ears are also working hard to help Luo Xue to listen to the voices that come from the hook.

What makes Wu Chen more gratified is that in the process of Luo Xue knocking on the wall, no other mechanism was triggered.

Of course, perhaps on the wall over there, there is no such harmful mechanism designed at all, so naturally there will be no danger.

While Luo Xue noticed that there was no danger here, she also determined how large the space on the mezzanine behind the wall was.

Next, on the premise that there is no opening machine on the wall, it is natural to forcibly open this mezzanine.

The reason why the magic weapon is respected by everyone is that the first condition is because of the sharpness of the magic weapon. The magic weapon that cuts iron like mud can deal with the material of the wall.

If it weren’t for the fact that when she was just beating around Luo Xue, she chose to use the side, it is estimated that the wall has been destroyed by her now.

·0 for flowers

But now she only needs to use the magic sword to easily cut the position of the entire mezzanine.

However, in order to ensure that the treasures inside are not damaged, Luo Xue did not cut the sword of the divine weapon too much into the wall.

Judging from the feel, she could easily perceive that the tip of the sword of the divine weapon had penetrated into the inner interlayer space, and then just cut a gap in the wall.

No danger was found, and no abnormality was noticed.

Luo Xue made a victory gesture to Wu Chen, and hurriedly looked into the gap.

But after looking at it like this, she was a little disappointed. Yingwang said to Jin Yushu: “Xiaoyu, you didn’t make us work so hard, and what we got in the end was a piece of waste paper.”


I saw that there was nothing but a yellowed piece of paper in a small space behind the wall.

But the paper is not too small, and it seems to cover the bottom of this sandwich.

Soon, Luo Xue noticed some of the scattered objects, and frowned to check.

“I went, this is too emblematic, the things inside have been taken away, and only a piece of broken paper is left.

In the end, Luo Xue, who had nothing to gain, still understood the situation.

Maybe a long time ago, there really was something in this mezzanine. But at this moment, there was only one piece of paper left, and the other things were probably taken away before the entire Sanctuary City was frozen.

Hearing Luo Xue’s words, Wu Chen outside frowned and said to Luo Xue who was about to hook him: “Wait first, Xiaoyu can’t point useless things as treasures.

“Luo Xue, see if there are other things, or bring that piece of paper to rhyme and let’s study it.

So far, there has never been a mistake in the place that Jinyu Mouse pointed out to them.

In other words, that is, wherever it takes Wu Chen and others, it will find something good. Even the worst herbal medicines have reached the level of more than hundreds of years.

Therefore, Wu Chen feels that the paper in this interlayer is not necessarily just for padding there.

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