Chapter 865 Be Careful

Of course Luo Xue also knew this truth, after all, Jinyu Rat was her blood pact spirit beast.

After hearing Wu Chen’s words, she immediately took the yellowed piece of paper out of the hook carefully.

Fortunately, there is no special situation here. After Luo Xue got this piece of paper, she exited from that space.

Also, “I don’t know what will be recorded on this, it seems that it is not too small, and it is folded together.”

Although Luo Xue knew that this piece of paper should have some value, she was still somewhat dissatisfied. After all, they are taking a lot of risk to come here.

As a result, when I got such a piece of paper, I naturally felt that it was not worth it.

Wu Chen, Xuan, Glapiao, and Sun Zhiqian all came over and looked at the piece of paper that Luo Xue was opening.

The paper after “Nine Zero Zero” was opened was twice as large as before, but the content in it made all of them brighten their eyes.

“God, what is this? Is it a treasure map? Are these marked locations where the magic weapon is located?”

Glapiao immediately made a few gestures on the content of the paper.

Sun Zhigan looked at the piece of paper and nodded, “Brother Chen, I think this should be a treasure map. Otherwise, it would not have been placed in such a hidden place, with such content. 9

Wu Chen frowned, and then carefully observed the content and picture of this piece of paper.

“I think that the drawing on this piece of paper should be the map of Wanling Yunchuan. Come and see these places, and the area here, it seems that all of them are places where we have walked.

Following Wu Chen’s hand, they immediately focused on the edge area of ​​the paper.

At this edge position, it is really similar to the place they walked, at least from the perspective of line proportions and some related lines, there is no problem.

“Even if it is a map of Wanling Yunchuan, then there may be magical soldiers in these places.” Glapiao continued.

Xuan Ye nodded and said: “The things that can be recorded on such a map should only be the items of the rank police such as divine soldiers, so they are qualified.

“Although this is said, there is no special label on it, so it is difficult for us to directly determine.”

Wu Chen did not directly regard these places as places where magic weapons exist, but said to them: “There are many unexplored areas in Wanling Yunchuan, at least no one knows what is there.

“There may be magic soldiers in these positions, but there will definitely be quite powerful monsters to guard them.”

“If we want to go there to find the magic weapon, it is definitely not an easy thing. 33

Luo Xue directly rolled up the paper carefully and said to Wu Chen: “No matter where they are, since they are marked, there must be treasures.

“Aren’t we short of magic weapons right now, so what are you waiting for, go find a kiss right away.”

Hearing her say this, several people have no objection. After all, what Luo Xue said was the truth.

If they want to gain something from entering the Palace of the Gods, they must find some magical weapons, and now that they have such clues, they naturally cannot miss the detour.

After Luo Xue finished speaking, she temporarily put away the paper, and then asked Jin Yushu: “Xiaoyu, what other treasures are there? Tell me all about it, it’s just such a piece of paper, it’s not so big. the stock that the city should have.39

I have to say that this sanctuary city looks small, but it exists in this place, but it is definitely not ordinary.

Therefore, Luo Xue had absolutely no reason to have only such a treasure map.

Although the treasure map is considered a treasure, it stands to reason that the Jinyu Rat should not directly find such an ordinary treasure map.

Sure enough, the Jinyu Mouse was yelling at Luo Xue again, and a pair of front paws continued to point to the room.

“No way, haven’t you already got the treasure map? Why do you say there are treasures here?” Police Luo Xue was sullen.

Xuan smiled and said: “Sister Luo Xue must have misunderstood. Although the treasure map is very valuable, it will not be regarded as a treasure by Jin Yushu. Therefore, the treasure mentioned by Jinyushu should be It should be still in there, we haven’t found it.

Luo Xue’s eyes lit up immediately and asked Jin Yushu, “Is that so? You have to explain it to me clearly.

Jinyu Mouse really nodded again, indicating that there are indeed other treasures in this one.0

Seeing this scene, Luo Xue immediately wanted to turn around and enter it again, but Wu Chen grabbed her.

“Wait, if you want to find the treasure inside, I’m afraid you can’t simply open the wall over there.

“Then what else can we do?” Luo Xue looked at Wu Chen with a puzzled look.

After thinking about it, Wu Chen said: “There are not too many people in this place, so we can’t all go in. Let’s go in. Brother Sun and I will go in and have a look. You are ready to protect yourself here. 33

Sun Zhigan immediately came to Wu Chen’s side. Although Luo Xue was a little reluctant, she still returned to Yi and Glapiao’s side.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Chen took Sun Zhigan, and the two walked carefully into the room, to the front of the wall.

“Brother Chen, do you think there are any other organs on this wall?” Sun Zhigan looked at the wall on this side, apparently not finding anything special, so he asked Wu Chen.

Wu Chen was also observing the wall here, and after hearing his question, he said, “Since the treasure represented by Jin Yushu is not the piece of paper, then the position has not changed, and the treasure may be on the partition of this wall. middle.”

He immediately put his hand into the space where Luo Xue had taken out the piece of paper before, and then tapped lightly on the other walls 1.2 in this room.

When he knocked on the side wall and was close to the inner side, there was a hollow sound as expected.

However, Wu Chen didn’t open this place immediately, but continued to tap in it. There were actually two other places, all with empty voices.

Sun Zhigan said in astonishment: “No way, there are three better babies here?”

Wu Chen shook his head, “No, although these three places are all empty sounds, they are not the same sound.”

“So, I now suspect that only one of the three is where the real treasure is placed, and the other two are all related organs. If we open the wrong one, we can say whether we are hurt or not, and the real treasure may be completely destroyed. damaged.”

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