Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 139: The secret of realm improvement

  Four blood finches, like four flames, are flying forward in this torrential rain!

   Behind them, two slightly larger shrikes followed them and turned into two small fighters with orange wings!

   It is an extremely simple matter for Lin Ming to kill the small alien beasts on those mutant creatures.

   only need to go into the ring cage and use extreme regeneration to turn the main root into a **** of thorns and spikes.

   In this way, both the alien beasts and the mutant creatures controlled by them will be completely wiped out by this move.

   But Lin Ming didn't want to do this.

   This is too simple for him, there is no need to shoot.

   Although the various abilities of these special types of strange beasts are very strange, in fact, their strength is extremely low, and they cannot withstand any attacks at all.

   This can be easily seen from the fact that it took only not that long for the humans to successfully block and suppress the tide of alien beasts, and then gradually repelled them and killed them.

   A special type of strange beast, even a few bullets can't stand it, let alone an attack by his A-class demon spirit.

   is like an elephant hitting a cricket, it's not worth moving once.

As for the demon spirits like Panda Pangda who have reached B level, these alien beasts are not qualified to challenge them at all...Well, Dushan is simply controlled by the alien beast, and it is indeed quite good. Shame.

What's more, compared with the subordinates who have been following them, the combat experience of the Air Force wingman squadrons that joined them is far from meeting the requirements, and the realm has not been improved. To be honest, it is indeed time to exercise They are.

   And this time the small alien beasts are coming, it is indeed just a chance for them to perform!

   Soon, they disappeared from his line of sight, and Lin Ming quickly established their manifestation in his mind.

   Although the alien beasts still cannot be perceived by Lin Ming, nor can they be manifested by him, it does not mean that Lin Ming cannot use other methods to confirm their accurate location!

   Soon, in Lin Ming's perception, the little blood finches and the shrikes rushed into the ring cage that was nearly ten kilometers away from him in the heavy rain!

   Immediately afterwards, both Lin Ming felt some dazzling attacks, and that was the beginning!

   The little blood finches cooperated skillfully, like bullets flying at high speed, diving and sliding over the heads of the trapped mutant creatures!

  Based on Lin Ming's usual observations, the blood sparrow attacking routine is to transform the kinetic energy after flying at extreme speed, and then release the enemy from the center through the dive!

  This method of attack is even like a cannonball. Despite their petite size, they have extremely terrifying attack power!

   The two shrikes shuttled between the mutant creatures, grabbing something with their sharp claws, and then flying into the air to put them down, repeating this action.

   Lin Ming knew that the two subordinates of the somewhat cruel shrike were doing the cruel behavior of "prey bunching incense" again.

  The way they fight is to use sharp mouths and fangs to kill the alien beasts, and then insert them on the sharp branches of nearby plants.

   However, being cold and cruel when dealing with enemies is the greatest magic weapon to survive in this aura-revived world.

   And these two basketball-sized shrikes are well versed in this, and they still maintained this attitude in this battle.

   These six air force subordinates have fully proved to Lin Ming that even as Chi Ying's wingman, they also possess quite powerful combat effectiveness!

   Before too long, Lin Ming discovered that the blood finches and the shrikes had finished fighting, and after a short rest on the branches, they rushed into the heavy rain and returned to his side!

   Lin Ming stretched out six bamboo branches, and the translucent spiritual liquid flowing from them also made these six subordinates who had just experienced fierce battle quite happy.

   They flew happily under the bamboo branches, sipping this precious thing that contained a lot of spiritual energy.

   Lin Ming stretched out the bamboo branches, gently stroked the rainwater on them, and at the same time checked their attribute panel.

   Now, the four blood sparrows have all reached the ninth rank at this time, and the two shrikes are also the same.

   This battle also allowed them to grow a lot.

   But when Lin Ming was looking at the two baby hyenas who were also happily outside playing in the rain with the hyena crossing the mountain, he found that their realm had reached the seventh level at this time!

   You know, they still enter the sixth level before it rains...

   Lin Ming seemed to understand something.

   It seems like that was the case when the rain broke out last time?

  'S subordinates quickly improved their realm, and at that time he thought it was because they killed a large number of transcendents to grow this way.

   But then the concentration of aura in the valley sharply increased, and more mutant creatures of the eighth and ninth levels were spawned.

   Now that I think about it, it seems that this "spiritual rain burst" is the real cause!

   Spirit rain burst has brought him quite a lot of evolution points, and it can also naturally bring more aura to mutant creatures!

   After those auras are quickly absorbed by the mutant creatures, it is natural to improve their realm.

   Although it is said that there is a certain amount of "experience" bonus in combat, in fact, when you think about it carefully, this spiritual rain burst is the root of the realm improvement.

   When the Spirit Rain erupts, the strength of the subordinates will continue to rise, and the mutant creatures outside will do the same.

   This is naturally the root cause of the "further deepening of Reiki concentration".

However, Lin Ming really did not expect this time these strange beasts that appeared inexplicably, actually took advantage of the eruption of the spiritual rain and the mutant creatures impacted from the depths of the spiritual realm, reducing their size and controlling those. Mutant creatures.

   Then, while they were riding the mutant creatures in disorder, they even hit a position about ten kilometers away from him!

   Moreover, this time Lin Ming also discovered that the fundamental purpose of these strange beasts may not be his A-class Demon King itself, but the inconspicuous Chiling Heart at the center of his main trunk!

   This Chiling Heart, can it be said that it is his own "Pill Pill"?

   Lin Ming couldn't help thinking.

   He also felt that the alien beasts had invaded him again and again, the purpose was to control him to destroy mankind.

   But looking at it this way now, it seems that this possibility has become much smaller at this time.

  I remembered that the first time I caught those two alien beasts, didn't they also look at the Chiling Heart like the previous one?

   It's just that he didn't care about these at all at that time, just observing them intently.

   At this time, just as Lin Ming was thinking, he suddenly discovered that the four blood finches and the two shrikes suddenly seemed to have made an appointment, and at the same time he stopped swallowing the spirit fluid.

   They flew under him, and immediately afterwards, the body began to change significantly!


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