Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 140: Destroy a rainstorm

   At this time, under Lin Ming's body.

   The four blood finches and the two shrikes actually started to improve their realm at the same time!

   And their body shape and state at this time, each has a different change!

Lin Ming saw that the size of the four blood finches at this time had gradually grown from the size of about ten centimeters to about thirty centimeters, but the whole body gradually elongated from the round shape of the past. Many, the whole has become more slender.

   Lin Ming saw that they all seemed to show an extremely bright red color, especially the beak, which was even bright red, quite conspicuous.

   This feels more like a wingman.

   Lin Ming thought so, and checked their property panel.

  [Race: Blood Luan]

  【Realm: First order and first order】

   [Ability: Lethal dive lv3, quickly flap your wings to increase your speed to the fastest, and the sharp beak becomes a weapon that can penetrate everything when you dive!

  Steel body lv5, can turn the body into steel-like hardness during battle, and increase defense and attack at the same time. 】

   [Special ability: Afterimage lv4, through ultra-high-speed movement, creating afterimage in the air, when attacking the enemy, the afterimage will also have a damage bonus to the enemy. 】

   Lin Ming felt that he hadn't looked at the attribute panel of his subordinates for a long, long time.

   But what I didn't expect was that after a long time, I looked at the upgraded and evolved attribute panels of these four blood sparrows, and found that they really became quite a lot stronger.

   Lin Ming felt that just seeing their current race names, one must give them a nice name as soon as possible.

  Xieluan Lin Ming had no impression, but Qingluan still knew it.

   It's an ancient spirit beast anyway.

The evolution direction of these blood sparrows also seems to be slender and speed. Now, looking at the various abilities, they are quite capable of matching with the four main aerial forces of Chi Ying and carrying out some harassment or auxiliary attacks. .

   However, this is also the case for now.

   If the attack power can be further strengthened after reaching the second tier, it may also turn from a support role to become the main attacker.

   After all, it will be a red shadow, isn't it the way they come here?

   In the beginning, when Chi Ying and their strength were not strong, they have been supporting the wind and howling wolves and supporting them in the air.

After    later evolved to Tier 2, he transformed into a composite type combining reconnaissance and assault tactics, and has now become one of Lin Ming's main force.

   Looking at these **** luans now, Lin Ming felt that in the future, his air force might be a very powerful force.

   looked at the two shrikes again.

   This looks like a harmless bird with orange wings. Who would have thought that they are little devil who like to kill their opponents and then cruelly insert them on the pointed branches?

  The shrike in Lin Ming's impression should be a relatively small type.

   But before the two shrikes under his hand had evolved to the current level, they were already nearly 30 centimeters in length as a medium-sized bird.

   Now that they have evolved to the first order, they have become a large, round bird with a length of nearly one meter, with a wingspan of nearly one and a half meters wide!

   Lin Ming believed that there would be absolutely no problem when they wanted to hang a normal-sized alien beast on the tree now.

   And Lin Ming even discovered that their two eyes were different from the original ones, and they seemed to have two pupils.

   But after he read the attribute panels of these two fat guys, he suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

  [Race: Heavy Eyes]

  【Realm: First order and first order】

  【Ability: Death Blast lv4, when attacking an enemy stronger than yourself, the attack power is increased by 40%.

   Feather Blade Storm lv4, feathers into sharp blades, engulf the enemy in the inescapable storm. 】

   [Special Ability: Soul Relief Song lv2, every time an enemy is killed, the attack power is increased by half. 】

   Heavy-eyed bird, Lin Ming felt as if he had heard similar names somewhere.

   But the ability introduction on their attribute panel, although the number of words is indeed not many, but no matter how you look at it, no matter how you look at it, you can feel that the word "cruel" is between the lines in the words of these abilities.

   If these two guys are directly thrown into a tide of strange beasts, it is estimated that it will not take long for them to enter the "super god" mode, and kill them, right?

  In the beginning, Lin Ming regarded them as their wingmen, but now, let’s not talk about them, they are the two heavy-eyed birds, they are properly a medium-sized bomber.

   Nowadays, the blood sparrow has evolved into a blood luan, the shrike has evolved into a heavy-eye bird, and its own air force seems to be quite large.

   Next, Lin Ming felt that he wouldn't be in a hurry to accept some new flying subordinates. Whenever he meets the right one, he can strengthen the air brigade again.

   After reading them, Lin Ming also called out all his subordinates from the underground space.

  Since the eruption of the spiritual rain can increase the concentration of aura in the mutant creatures, why not accept the most precious gift from the era of aura recovery in this rain?

   At this time, not only the subordinates who stood in the rain and began to drink from the rain, but also the subordinate river prawns and tortoises in the lake, poked their heads out of the lake at this time, allowing the torrential rain to wash their bodies.

  In contrast to them, the other mutant creatures in the spiritual realm still rushed to the outside of the canyon like crazy at this time, and then rushed into the vast Jianghan Plain.

   This rain of spirit erupted, driving these mutant creatures who were originally only active in their own territory crazy, making their eyes even become blood-red.

   Let them rush out of the spiritual realm, come to the gathering area of ​​human beings, attack everything and destroy everything!

   Lin Ming quietly perceives their whereabouts, watching how they manifested in his mind, how after rushing out tens of kilometers, they encountered the humans who had been prepared for a long time.

   How to fight to the death with those humans, and how to die with those humans.

   How to be gradually suppressed by those human weapons and extraordinary powers.

   What about, completely become a corpse, let the heavy rain drown their corpses in a sea of ​​blood...

   However, the number of mutant creatures from the spiritual realm is still like a mountain, like a sea.

   They formed a wave after another, hitting the line of defense built by mankind again and again.


   In the dark night, the heavy rain never stopped.

   The battle between humans and mutated creatures, the long howls and roars, screams and screams, gradually lengthened and disappeared in the sound of the rain.

   In the manifestation of Lin Ming's perception, countless lives are fading at an extremely fast speed.

   Before Lin Ming, he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to kill some extraordinary people with special abilities and reduce the potential threat during the eruption of the spiritual rain.

   However, he found at this moment that there seemed to be no chance to do it at all.

  Mutated creatures have already fought with the transcendents and ordinary soldiers.

  Moreover, it gradually swallowed the humans who were absolutely inferior in number.

  Even extraordinary people like C can't stand the siege of hundreds of mutant creatures from all kinds of blind spots.

  Humanity was a complete failure.

   In the eruption of the rain, they do not have any advantage at all.

   Even if you have an extraordinary person, even if you have a powerful weapon.

   But for these mutant creatures swarming under the cover of heavy rain and night, they are gradually unable to do what they want.

   Lin Ming still remembers.

   He had perceived the dialogue between a few extraordinary people in Rongcheng ~ those extraordinary people had said with confidence.

   All over the world, there are constantly B-class supernatural beings.

   The victory in the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm also greatly inspired all human beings.

   They have continuously won victories in dozens of spiritual realms, and they have also turned the mutant creatures that they were afraid of that they could not face into corpses.

   They said confidently:

   "We humans are about to regain the status of masters in this rejuvenated world."

   "We humans are the strongest at the apex of this world."

   Now it seems.

   They are so ridiculous.

   Not to mention his A-class demon spirits that are still hidden behind the scenes, they can't even deal with the tide of mutant creatures in the eruption of the rain.

  They can only wait in despair, begging the rainstorm to stop sooner.

   arrogant human.

   is also a sad human being.

   Lin Ming felt the rich aura in the rainstorm.

   Feeling that in this spiritual feast, everything gradually becomes crazy.


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