Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 169: Hidden in the dark

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The sea of ​​alien beasts.

Nearly tens of millions of ugly and disgusting monsters began to move forward from the gathering place at this time.

Ground and air.

The white beast completely covered the black ashes remaining after the original flame burned, and as it moved, it completely exposed the black again.

Their weird eyes and weird tentacles are like death gods born in the depths of a nightmare above the ashes.

Lin Ming sensed these enemies without hesitation for half a moment.

"Red Wind, Red Moon, Fei Xia, Yan Xing, you will now carry out precise assaults on the special types of the alien beasts!"

"Yes! Master!"

As soon as Lin Ming's voice fell, four flaming red lights burst into the rain instantly!

The blood luans are extremely fast, and they are suitable for assaulting the most tightly protected special monsters among the enemy forces.

These alien beasts can use their abilities to directly enchant all alien beasts with a layer of normal attack and a layer of elemental attack, and they can also hide their breath.

This time, they were not missing in the Sea of ​​Alien Beasts, and they were also deliberately placed in the most central position, protected by a large number of ordinary types with three layers inside and three layers outside.

However, these protections are completely useless to the **** Luan who are extremely fast and powerful!

"Crazy war, Vito! You are responsible for attacking those large alien beasts. There are a lot of them. Be careful!"

"Yes! Master!"

Two huge flying birds soared into the sky, their orange-red wings were very eye-catching.

As a heavy bomber, these two heavy-eyed birds have the ability to easily destroy and kill alien beasts that are more than ten meters tall but whose only weakness is the head.

To attack those big monsters, they are also the best choice.

As they rushed into the torrential rain, Lin Ming looked at the other subordinates again after heading to the destination.

Panda Pangda, Yinlong Qinchun, Golden Python and Golden Scales, Rock Wolf Rocks, Iguana Crossing the Mountain, Baiqi, Giant Bear Full Moon, Little Turtle and Ink dust.

These are the subordinates who can still play.

Although Little Hyena Shadow and Sheng Bai had a strong desire to fight, Lin Ming didn't want to let Dushan and Bai Qi be distracted because of them, so naturally he would not send them both.

The same reason also applies to the mutant creatures that came from the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm before.

Although they almost all touched the side of the first order, most of their strengths were still a lot worse.

This time, Lin Ming didn't want to let them go out to take risks. He would talk about it after he made contributions. After all, when he wanted to cultivate some reserve forces in the future, their existence would be quite precious.

As for the giant river prawn giant armor, tortoise satin color, it is not suitable for fighting in this environment.

The two of them are aquatic creatures, although the giant armor can go ashore, and it will not be affected to a certain extent by leaving the water for too long under this kind of heavy rain.

But as a player with strong defense ability, Jujia is indeed a considerable shortcoming in terms of speed.

It might be okay to tackle tough problems, but in the face of those dexterous monsters, the giant armor really can't be said to have any advantages.

It can attack those large monsters if it is dead, but the opponent is ten meters high, so there is no advantage to this product that stands only two or three meters high.

Whether it’s the satin color of the tortoise fish or the giant river prawn giant armor, the two of them wait until after he builds an underwater army, they will exert their power when dealing with human weapons from rivers or mutant creatures in the water. The moment.

"Qin Chun, Bai Qi!" Lin Ming interrupted his thoughts and continued to give orders.

"Subordinates are here!" Yinlong and Baiqi stepped forward.

"Bai Qi, you are responsible for using the light element to make an enchantment that protects your companions! Qinchun, you are here as a support!"

"Yes! Master!"

"Pangda, full moon, rock place, crossing the mountain!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Dushan is responsible for taking the three of you, going forward to do the best foremost defense support, and waiting for the opportunity to counterattack!"

"Yes!" The four subordinates immediately set off.

Pangda is on the full moon, the full moon is on the rock place, and the rock place is on the mountain crossing.

The shape is quite strange, but the speed is not slow, especially moving from the valley to the outside, and even quickly caught up with Qinchun and Baiqi who set off earlier.

"Ink dust!"


"Ink dust?" Lin Ming used his consciousness to forcibly communicate with the little turtle.

However, he found that the little tortoise was missing.

"..." Lin Ming sensed, and found that this item was actually lying directly on the back of Panda Panda this time.

"Master..." Mo Chen's Lingzhi was still a little bit short before he passed it.

Lin Ming used the bamboo root to directly drag it from Pang Da and dragged it to his side.

"You stay by my side, this kind of moment is not the best time for you to go out."

"Master...Yes." Little Turtle Mo Chen was very obedient.

It naturally has a big effect, instead of going out to beat those scumbag monsters.

At this moment, besides it, under Lin Ming's body, there was a subordinate who was very anxious to fight.

"Master, Jinlin asks to play!" This huge golden python was extremely excited from the beginning.

But from the beginning to the end, Jin Lin never heard the owner call his name, let it go to fight with the humans along with the red shadow, nor did he hear it deal with the annoying alien beasts.

Jin Lin eagerly wanted to show his mighty power in front of Yinlong Qinchun.

After rising to Tier 2, Qin Chun transformed from a snake into a dragon, and even grew wings.

And it is still a golden python, and it doesn't mean much to change except for its size.

Jin Mang felt that he had to further improve his realm so that Qin Chun could see its strength.

Let the master see its strength!

"Golden Scales!"

"Yes! Master!" Jin Lin was extremely excited. What he can give himself at this time must be a very important task!

"You must stay by my side." To Jin Lin's surprise, the master Lin Ming's command made it stunned for an instant.

"Master, master?"

"You stay by my side are much more effective than you in destroying the alien beasts!"

Jinlin didn't understand it, and it couldn't understand it.

"The most powerful weapon used by the human side can be completely invalidated only by your ability."

"Yes! Master!" After hearing Lin Ming's explanation, Jin Lin instantly became energetic, "Master, I must be at your side!"

Lin Ming stroked his head with a bamboo branch, and the golden scales were also full of enthusiasm.

Whether it's golden scales or ink dust, if they are both by your side, then you can basically evade human nuclear bomb attacks.

Lin Ming would never ignore the occurrence of things that might happen.

Will the human side become irritated and directly cover the Qifeng Mountain spiritual realm?

Although this possibility is small, it is not impossible.

If they really did that step, whether it was golden scales or ink dust, they would be able to use their power to reduce or even completely eliminate the threat of these nuclear bombs.

Jinlin's ability to control metals, ink dust's ability to change life and other effects on luck, are all abilities that can be called bugs.

Lin Ming is not afraid of nuclear and even said that even if dozens of large-yield nuclear bombs strike at the same time, it will not have any effect on him at all.

The ability to create a new life allows him to regain his original shape in an instant even when the organization is destroyed to only a few millimeters.

But nuclear peace, and even if there is one, dare not nuclear peace, these are two concepts.

As an A-class demon king, a third-order mutant bamboo, Lin Ming felt that he had not yet reached the level that humans would not dare to bomb even a million nuclear bombs.

Fourth order, fifth order.

Even higher.

Once that level is reached, there is really no need to go on.

Today, still in the dark, who is not known by human beings, he deeply feels that he needs to become stronger.

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