Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 170: Hundreds of millions of lives

At this moment, go to Beijing.


   In the Shuxi Spirit Realm Countermeasures Command Headquarters, everyone is now in extreme chaos.


   Not long ago, the report from the temporary communication facilities in various places told the strange situation that the facilities of each army in more than a dozen huge cities were basically destroyed, and all the extraordinary people who were stationed were also killed.


Originally, when the incendiary bomb was dropped at the beginning, everyone was wondering why they wanted to provoke such an imaginary demon king of grade a. After all, it was quite difficult for them to deal with a demon spirit of grade b, even It takes a large number of transcendents from the Nine Heaven Towers to do it.


   But at that time, under the order of that person, no one dared to speak out.


In particular, that person led everyone step by step to the fact that can almost be considered the truth-in the spiritual realm of Qifeng Mountain less than 60 kilometers away from Rongcheng City, the mystery that has plagued everyone for a long time, that aWaiting for the Demon King should be there.


   If this A-class Demon King does not exist, then these burning petrol bombs can reduce the large number of mutant creatures in the spiritual realm.


  大 If this a is waiting for the Demon King, these burning petrol bombs can force it out.


and then?


   A large number of incendiary petrol bombs were blasted in that direction.


   Then the person didn't say a word.


   Immediately afterwards, one of the hundreds of armed helicopters in charge of monitoring exploded and damaged under unknown circumstances. No one knows why.


After   , important departments in more than a dozen megacities such as Rongcheng City and Shuangyue City were also unable to be contacted one after another.


   When everyone turned from dazed and anxious to extremely flustered, everyone found that the only person who could make a decision had disappeared!


   Even the nearest city to Shangjing, a straight line distance of less than two hundred kilometers, was attacked, and everyone was in a state of panic.


   Next, will it be them here?


   However, after such a long time at this time, it was obviously more important than those military facilities. After there was no change, everyone was lost again.




   "Lao Dong." Fei Jun's face was extremely pale.


   A series of events can no longer be explained by "coincidence".


   Especially all the decisions before and after that person can be said to be extremely contradictory. The sudden disappearance of this point is also unexpected to everyone.


   Elder Dong shook his head silently.


   The entire building, including all nearby buildings, has been sent all the guards to search for it.


   When they wanted to call up the monitoring facilities, they found that they were almost impossible to use, and all the people in the monitoring room disappeared mysteriously.


   The importance of that person is beyond doubt, it is almost unacceptable to be missing.


After    sent a large number of people to look for it, everyone on the scene turned their eyes to another direction.


   At this time, more important things are in front of you, much more urgent than looking for that person.


   What should I do next?


  In the face of a crisis, any decision made by these people can have a huge impact.


   "The A-class Demon King seems to be really irritated by us." At this time, Fei Jun stood in the middle of the crowd. He felt that the current situation was in danger.


Before   , he had thought that this kind of speculation of the Demon King might be just a speculation.


   But before they used the white phosphorous bombs to attack them second-hand, the gunships were all destroyed, and no one even knew how they were destroyed.


After   , bad news came from various giant cities one after another, and it was obviously aimed at the armed forces in various places.


  Whether it is various weapons or transcendents, these are extremely important combat forces deployed by Tang State in various places, but now they have been completely destroyed in a very short time.


   This is obviously the revenge and warning of the A-class Demon King from the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm!

   The meaning of that a and other demon spirits destroyed these military facilities is actually easy to guess.


   If humans dare to provoke any more, then it chooses to attack and kill those unarmed civilians, it is just the difference between wanting and not wanting!


   However, Mr. Dong shook his head.


   "This doesn't mean that the A-class Demon King is in the Spirit Realm of Qifeng Mountain. After all, the giant cities that have been attacked have no pattern in their distribution."


   As the person with the highest right to speak, he speaks with great weight, and it is he who is facing the crisis directly after that person is gone.


   But Dong Lao is usually too used to being a deputy, many things are not so clear.


   Regarding potential threats, he only wants to spend a small sacrifice in exchange for the peace of the whole.


   No matter which Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm has any so-called a-class Demon King, he wants to press that button.


   As the one who can make all the decisions now, he has also made a good sense of what he is about to do!


"Lao Dong, I don't think so. I just discovered something. Please switch the map, thank you." At this time, Cheng Yu of the tower on the ninth day suddenly stood in front of the huge screen. His face was even bigger than before. Be pale.


   Soon, the big screen was switched to the big map, and Cheng Yu also used a pen to point a black spot near the spiritual realm of Qifeng Mountain.


   "This is the Spirit Realm of Qifeng Mountain." He said, and on the LCD screen, he continued to mark, "Shuangyue City, Yuanda City, Beihu City..."


   After a while, Cheng Yu drew circles one by one in the giant cities that were attacked above Tang.


   Everyone didn't understand what Cheng Yu wanted to express, they were all staring at him.


"I found a very interesting fact, that is, among all the mega cities that were attacked, none of them were more than a thousand kilometers away from the spiritual realm of Qifeng Mountain." Cheng Yu pointed to the map, "The farthest one is more than nine hundred. The cities of Ohara and Short Gravel, Beihu City and so on are kilometers away, but there are no reports of attacks in other cities like Haisha City, where we are more extraordinary, and Shangjing City here."


   Cheng Yu's words made everyone suddenly realize.


   It seems, is that really the case? !


"This indirectly proves that the Spirit Realm of Qifeng Mountain has a level A demon spirit capable of attacking anything within a thousand kilometers, which is ten times more than that person's estimate!" Cheng Yu said, among them Another point was drawn 100 kilometers outside the Qifeng Mountain Spirit that was attacked earlier.


"What does this mean?" Dong Lao didn't want to understand the matter. He was just thinking about it. When he finished speaking, he pressed the red button next to the yellow and black pattern~www.readwn. com~ still don't wait for him to finish.


"Lao Dong, don't worry, let's look at this again." Cheng Yu saw what Dong Lao meant. He clicked on his pen next to Sanhan City. "The straight-line distance from the spiritual realm of Qifeng Mountain is one thousand and five kilometers. This Sanhan city outside is where we have arranged quite a lot of extraordinary people and weapons. It is also an important military town, right? However, we can still contact Sanhan city, and we have not heard of it at the same time. The attack report from there, right?"


   Dong Lao's hand has already touched the button: "So what?"


   "This proves that the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm possesses a Grade A demon spirit capable of attacking anything within a thousand kilometers, not just guessing there is there, right?" Cheng Yu smiled.


   Dong Lao stopped his movements, his face became gloomy at the same time: "You mean, we..."


"Any reaction we have now is enough for the other party to decide whether to directly take an act of destruction to everything within a thousand kilometers with it as the center." Fei Jun gritted his teeth, "Dong Lao, this It will not be a matter of Rongcheng City."


   "You, what you said..." Old Dong's hand trembled.


"Moreover, the other party is a Demon King, whether it can withstand the nuclear bomb, we don't need to risk hundreds of millions of people's lives in this kind of thing, to take this to bet. Dong Lao." Fei Jun shook his head, "a When the Demon King does exist, there is a high probability that if we use a nuclear bomb, then perhaps only ourselves will be destroyed."


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