Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 177: From the abyss...

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Under the blue sky, the sea rolled up waves of white waves, lightly hitting on the unmanned golden beach.

The scorching sunlight shone on dozens of human bones half-buried by the sand.

They are like coordinates that mark danger one by one, warning humans of the danger from the blue water.


Deep and huge.

Once upon a time, in the impression of human beings, it was a place full of mysterious power that could not be completely controlled.

But with the development of productive forces, people’s fear and worship of the ocean has changed to adapt to the ocean, conquer the ocean, and use the ocean.

Until it affects the ocean and destroys the ocean.

However, after the advent of the era of aura recovery, human beings have changed from the role of destroying the ocean, and being forced to slowly change from the role of influencing the ocean, using the ocean, and conquering the ocean by those countless mutated marine creatures. To fear the ocean.

There is no worship.

No one has any idea of ​​worshiping things that can ruin all mankind.

B and other demon spirits.

Since the establishment of the Reiki Concentration Testing Agency, when mankind has a basic set of Reiki Concentration Testing Standards, the first thing to be determined is the marine organisms whose Reiki Concentration has reached the B level.

This was detected by accident when those extremely large B-type demon spirits appeared near some islands.

After that, there was panic and despair on the human side for a long time!

After all, at that time, the very small number of transcendents in all mankind was only to the level of E.

However, nuclear bombs and other powerful weapons could not be used because the opponent was in the ocean.

But as humans continued to cultivate and test on land, and finally discovered that the strongest mutant creatures on land were only to the degree of D, this panic and despair also dimmed.

After all, the sea is not the homeland on which mankind depends, it is indispensable.

The land is.

In the face of B and other demon spirits, in the face of the extremely deep and terrifying ocean, mankind almost immediately made a response-giving up all use and control of the ocean.

Concentrate on dealing with mutant creatures on land.

The ocean is still the same as before, in front of the gradually weakening human beings, the original mystery and mystery are restored.

Originally, when humans were observing B and other demon spirits, they thought that their personality seemed to be much gentler than those mutant creatures on land, and they would not have much destructive power.

But after that time, several B-class demon spirits went straight to the direction of the Neon Country from the direction of the American country, releasing a monstrous tsunami, flooding almost all of its plains, causing nearly half of the population to be killed instantly. After the tragic disaster in the belly, mankind once again redefines the danger of these huge marine mutant creatures.

The entire ocean was re-identified by all humans as a vast spiritual realm.

Black extinction class.

But since then, B and other demon spirits seem to have recovered their original gentleness, and there have been no reports of attacks on humans. Even the sudden impact on the coastline of Xiahu City was caused by the control of those alien beasts.

Human beings have also shifted their focus to that side because of the frequent strange events on land, the appearance of B and other demon spirits one after another, and even the demon king A who must be present in the Qifeng Mountain spiritual realm.

However, no one has ever understood everything in this huge spiritual realm that contains endless sea water.

The huge waves hit the cliffs by the sea, bursting with loud bangs.

Under the sun, the blue water is like a huge gem.

If you enter the sea that contains a lot of spiritual energy, you will find endless huge marine creatures rushing toward your face, and the color of the sea becomes more dim and deep.

And as the depth increases, the light gets dimmed.

At the lowest point in the ocean, the depths of the Neuriana Trench, whether day or night, it is always pitch black.

But in this barren environment with extreme high-intensity water pressure, there are tens of millions of mutant creatures inhabiting here.

Among them, dozens of extremely huge and ugly strange fishes are walking in groups at this time, constantly devouring everything they can devour!

Each giant fish is nearly forty meters in length. Its extremely sturdy body is fusiform as a whole, its tail fin is half-moon-shaped and extremely sharp, and its huge eyes occupy almost the entire area of ​​the head.

That terrifying big mouth full of spear-like sharp fangs, even solid stones can be easily crushed!

Even though they are so powerful, they know how to act in groups.

After all, as C and other demon spirits, they are not the only strong in this deep ocean.

After easily swallowing a group of monkfish with gleaming light above their heads, the group of giant fish suddenly noticed that the current in front of them became turbulent.

After perceiving the danger instinctively, they swam up the sea almost instantly!

However, as a giant shadow hidden in a cave suddenly floated out, and the body shot out like an arrow, the body of the last fish that was dragged suddenly broke a huge wound!

The blood fog filled the dark space, and the injured giant fish struggled to continue to catch up with its companions, but it was desperate to find that its companions suffered the same bad luck as it one after another!

Almost in an instant, that group of giant shadows killed all these dozens of C-class monster spirit giant fish!

It floated to the vicinity quietly, grabbed the corpses of dozens of giant fish, and then brought it into the cave.

The powerful **** mouth tore apart the strong steel flesh of the giant fish, and then stretched out the tentacles with thousands of suckers, trying to slowly dismantle it.

After a while, a luminous bead hidden deep in the abdomen of the giant fish suddenly appeared.

The giant image is like throwing away trash, throwing the giant fish's corpse out of the hole, letting it float upward, and then turning around to stretch its tentacles to other giant fish.

After a short while, more than thirty fluorescent beads were tightly sucked on its tentacles, and the bodies of those giant fishes were thrown out of the cave by him.

Juying ignored the fact that the fish carcasses outside the cave were divided and eaten by many mutant marine Wu Zi put the 30-odd beads into the huge mouth of the abyss instantly!

And then, almost a moment later, this extremely dark place at a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out of the cave!

Loud bangs continued to come, and the sound of rock cracking gradually sounded.

With the continuous expansion of the giant object, the originally wide cave became extremely cramped.

In the end, the caves made of rocks formed by the solid volcanic rock finally couldn't restrain the size of the giant shadow, and completely collapsed into pieces!

The white light suddenly disappeared, and replaced by a huge black shadow that can cover nearly a kilometer in size!

Even if it can detect a kilometer underground, the human aura concentration detection satellite cannot detect the depths of the trench.

In the seabed, another A-class Demon King was born...

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