Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 178: Choices concerning the future of all mankind

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At this moment, although it is late at night, the huge conference hall that can accommodate tens of thousands of people is filled with all the high-rises from all over the world, as well as the vast majority of slightly higher-level transcendents.

Now, each of them knows the importance of this meeting.

This is a meeting that concerns the future of mankind and determines whether mankind will perish.

But Fei Jun just thought that the issue that could be said to be able to solve the current dilemma was easily rejected.

Fei Jun couldn't understand.

In a short period of time, using all resources to pile up one or several A and other extraordinary proposals, why can't it be passed?

But soon, he remembered Xing Yue's words again.

The dog owner will not let the dog become too powerful, because it will not be able to control it.

"Tsk." He frowned. "It's all this time!"

Why do ordinary people still consider those who have not?

The A-class Demon King is on the land, in the spiritual realm of Qifeng Mountain. At this time, it is not considered to get rid of it first. Instead, this kind of proposal is directly abolished!

"Up to now, a lot of spirit stones have been used to raise the transcendent to the level of A. There is no experimental data to support this kind of thing. If anything goes wrong, it will be a loss to all mankind!" As the main organizer of the conference , Mr. Dong of Tang Guo is making a final summary on this issue.

On the stage, representatives of all countries and regions in the world voted against!

Not even one abstained.

"We humans, at this time, there are a total of nearly a hundred B-class transcendents. They are the most precious wealth of mankind! But because this A-class Demon King uses the spirit stone to help, there may be some undesirable consequences!"

"Agree. If the aura cannot be controlled, it may cause disaster. We should focus all our energy on the development of weapons research and development." The senior level of the American country also continued.

"We also agree that the A level of the transcendents cannot be equated with the A level of the mutant creatures. Don't talk about this kind of thing. In addition, we think we can consider a nuclear bomb with a larger equivalent for weapons?" Also nodded.

"This method is not even as good as coordinating with the Demon King such as A. Doesn't it have a fairly high level of intelligence?" The senior officials of Faguo put forward a new idea.

"Then let the representative of the issuing country go to communicate with the other party? But we also agree to deny this method. Whether the side effects of the spirit stone exist still needs to be investigated!" Bray State damaged the high-level of the issuing country, but also refused to let the transcendent. Proposal to be promoted to class A.

Fei Jun sat in the audience.

He looked around.

All the transcendents have different expressions and actions, but the thoughts in everyone's hearts are probably not much different.

Today, the existence of this A-class Demon King on land is already a disaster that is erected in front of all mankind and even related to the direction of fate.

But now that this kind of life and death is a matter of life and humans may perish because of this, what these people think is that they still can't make the transcendents become stronger in the era of aura recovery, in order to threaten the existence of ordinary people like them!

Fei Jun couldn't help but smile.

When is this? When is this!

Mankind is about to die, still caring about the difference between transcendents and ordinary people, and still considering suppressing the transcendents by strength?

However, as an organization of the transcendents directly under the Tang State, the first day tower of the Nine Heavens Tower, Fei Jun's right to speak, is just like all the transcendents present here.

He didn't even understand why he wanted to attend this meeting.

Obviously, I was here to discuss how to deal with A and other Demon Kings, but in the end, they had no chance to intervene when they dealt with the main force of mutant creatures.

Now those high-level leaders are already discussing what kind of weapons to study against mutant creatures, and the following topics will move forward in this direction.

Fei Jun knew that, whether he was himself or the transcendents, I am afraid that except for breaking through himself, it would be impossible to use Lingshi to raise to A level.

Ordinary people are always on guard, even treating them as creatures more terrifying than mutant creatures.

After listening patiently for a while, he walked out of the meeting place with physical discomfort.

Originally, it was not mandatory to attend. Now that the meeting has progressed like this, he has no reason to continue to stay.

Taking out the cigarette case, Fei Jun walked directly out of the venue and went to the outside square. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the sign "No smoking in public places".

"Ge Fei Ge Fei, come one! I have been holding it for a long time, alas!" Cheng Yu patted Fei Jun on the shoulder, and he also ran out of it.

"You can't smoke in public places, just hold it back." Fei Jun raised his head and looked at the distant building, and suddenly a sense of depression came.

"Oh, Brother Fei, it's so embarrassing." Cheng Yu looked at the conference hall behind his back and sighed, "They are ordinary people..."

"Who is so special with, it's okay not to learn, I want to go to the hospital to see it again, are you going?" Fei Jun knew that when he went back to listen, he was just listening and let himself suffer.

It's better to do something else directly.

Fortunately, this meeting was held in Shangjing of Tang State, and he would not have nowhere to go because he was not familiar with the place of his life.

"Hospital? Lao Fei, you still don't give up." Cheng Yu smiled, but after seeing someone, his smile disappeared immediately, "Okay, stalker, do you still go?"

"Go. Why not?" Fei Jun also saw the transcendent, and after looking around, he found more people monitoring them.

After catching Cheng Yu, Fei Jun used his abilities in an instant!

A few minutes later, the two appeared at the door of the hospital.

This is where Xing Yue finally disappeared.

"They guessed that we could come, but they were much worse in terms of speed." Cheng Yu sincerely admired Fei Jun's ability, "We are equivalent to a super acceleration. By the way, Fei brother, can I smoke here?"

"Hospital, no." Fei Jun took Cheng Yu and instantly moved to Xing Yue's ward at that time.

There was no one in the ward, and Fei Jun closed the curtains and turned on the lights.

Xing Yue's hospital bed at the time was like the last time he came, and it was unusually flat and clean.

"The transcendents who were sent to us from what center are they all their dogs? They thought they were coming in to help. As a result, they didn’t do anything and didn’t listen to the command. They just stared at the few of us. Yeah, I'm so hehe." Cheng Yu said as he sat on the hospital bed and lay down directly.

"We are also dogs." Fei Jun pursed his lips. "I thought we were not before. As a result, let me know this time, we are."

The life and death of all mankind is still in intrigue.

Ridiculous and sad.

Cheng Yu and Fei Jun sighed They used to think that Xing Yue laughed at himself every day as the first day tower of the dog. It was really nothing like that, but at this time, they all felt that Will not listen to him, so it eventually led to such a situation.

The vitality of the Nine-layer Sky Tower was greatly injured. The tower disappeared on the first day, the tower on the third day, and the death on the eighth day. On the seventh day, the tower was crazy. Many C-class and D-class supernatural beings were killed by the giant monster.

The new ones are more loyal to the above dogs, ignoring Fei Jun and the original people at all.

Today, the existence of Fei Jun and the others has become extremely embarrassing.

"If Lao Xing were there, what would he say? Hey, where did he go?" Cheng Yu smiled and looked at the ceiling, "What else exists for us...huh? Lao Fei, look at the top. what is that?"

Cheng Yu's finger pointed to the line of black ink beside the lampshade emitting white light.

Fei Jun stared, the sweat on his face couldn't help streaming down: "Underground?"

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