Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 182: Stable source of evolution points

Purple inflammation broke out!

In an instant, the violently burning purple flames burned at different positions of the countless bamboo roots that formed a net, turning all the **** vines rushing towards Lin Ming in this vast space into coke!

[You killed an advanced fourth-level blood evil vine and gained 5 evolution points! 】

[You killed...]

The continuous system reminder sounded in Lin Ming's mind, which told him that it is quite a tricky thing to kill this huge number of mutant plants.

Although his subordinates are eager to try, Lin Ming feels that this kind of thing is better by himself.

After all, this huge number of blood evil vines was an evolution package for Lin Ming.

For the subordinates, although it is also cutting melons and vegetables, it is still very troublesome.

Compared with his move, the speed is much slower.

With the bamboo roots like infrared missiles, Zi Yan rushed towards more blood evil vines. Lin Ming could perceive that countless blood evil vines had all turned into black powder, blowing away with the wind.

In the face of absolute power, they have no chance of resistance at all.

Lin Ming even felt that even a Tier 1 self could abuse these mutant plants just like him.

Within a few minutes, in Lin Ming's perception, the thousands of blood evil vines that had just come straight to him disappeared completely.

Seeing the nearly 50,000 points of evolution point increase on the attribute panel, Lin Ming still had some meaning to be honest.

It’s easy to get rid of a lot of this stuff, is there a better source of evolution points than this?

If there is, it is a strange beast.

It must be said that it was the strange beasts I encountered last time, not the previous ones.

Every time before he killed the alien beast, Lin Ming had no sense of accomplishment or refreshment, and even always felt that the alien beast was really annoying.

After all, they appeared again and again, rushing towards him endlessly, just because of the Chiling Heart, and even using the power of the extraordinary, to go around and make trouble for him.

At that time, Lin Ming felt that these things did not look like serious enemies at all. They were weak and still loved show. Don’t fight, I’m annoyed. After you fight, nothing good will come out. There is really no enemy. .

But for the last time, after they formed a sea of ​​alien beasts with their immense power in the torrential rain, when Lin Ming was doing the final finishing work, he suddenly discovered that after crushing them, he suddenly had an evolutionary point in his account!

Lin Ming would be overjoyed, after all, this meant that he had another stable source of evolution points.

But unfortunately, since that time, he took his subordinates to the Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm on the way, and he really didn't feel the existence of the alien beast anymore.

These strange beasts gave up? Or, can't you find him?

If it is the former...

Lin Ming felt that it was absolutely impossible.

The battles between them are not small, and even said, they are almost doing everything, each time more difficult, and each time more annoying.

And the most important point is that even if they have been failing, they have been learning the lessons from the previous time and annoyed Lin Ming for a while in the next attack.

So instead of making Lin Ming believe that they would give up, it is better to make him believe that there are dozens of human supernatural beings like A in the world.

As for the latter answer, it also means one thing.

Behind the alien beasts are human beings.

In fact, this answer has long been ready to come out.

After fighting back and forth with the alien beast so many times, almost never the timing or behavior of the alien beast's appearance made him feel a strange feeling of "too coincidence" or "excellent timing".

After all, after so many times, no matter what kind of alien beast it was, Lin Ming felt that "the brain is not easy to use".

Although they have a lot of tactics, it can be seen from the fact that they never turn a corner, and always use a purely straight line of travel once they appear, that they actually have no brains.

It gave Lin Ming the feeling that it was a combat unit directly controlled by the player in a real-time strategy game.

If the route is not set, it will go on the shortest route, even if it is a giant tree in front of it, they will hit it before moving on.

Can you think of many tactics on this kind of stuff? Can you improve each time? Can humans be used to achieve their goals?

Who can believe it?

And every time they appear, the timing is too coincidental, and people can't help but wonder.

Finally, in the last time, the high-ranking human first used his incomparably clever mind to point out that Qifeng Mountain had a demon king like A. After three waves of burning petrol bombs, heavy rain followed, and then there was a strange beast. It doesn't matter, it's pure stupid, or stupid.

These strange beasts, not so much monsters, are actually like Lin Ming's previous thoughts.

They are more like combat units in real-time strategy games.

Each has different abilities, and each has different combat methods.

The ordinary type is like the weakest minion, while the special type is like the kind of auxiliary. The huge type is responsible for the strong attack and impact, and the flying big eyeballs are the air combat units of the flying system.

In their battles with him again and again, they changed their combinations, and in the end they even formed a sea of ​​alien beasts.

The ultimate goal is the Chiling Heart on his body.

It's like there is a "player" manipulating them with invisible hands.

And this "player" is undoubtedly a human kind.

As for who it is...

Lin Ming felt that it should not be the upper-level figure, but a mysterious Old Yinbi who belonged to the same camp as that figure and has been hiding somewhere.

This old yin ratio should have a special ability to create alien beasts, and then act and fight as he wants.

Lin Ming could even be whimsical. At the beginning, this guy was only able to make ordinary types. As his strength and realm improved, more and more species of strange animals appeared one after another.

This person will even have an old Yinbi gang or some organization that thinks like him, to gather together in order to destroy everything.

It's like the upper layer that disappeared, as well as the ones that can "make heavy rain", they are all together.

Of course, this was just a guess in Lin Ming's heart.

After all, he hasn't had any substantive evidence yet.

With a radius of one thousand kilometers, even if all the humans in the range were monitored, there was no such a person.

Even, he hasn't even sensed the upper level, let alone whether the other party is a transcendent or just an ordinary person?

Lin Ming felt that perhaps the answer was that after he entered the Great Qin Mountain spiritual realm he wanted to go to, within the spiritual realm near several huge cities, he might be able to perceive more news.

Today, for him, there are still too many things like unknown.

After sensing the breath of all nearby plants again, and after confirming that there was no blood evil vine, Lin Ming directed his subordinates to continue to move forward.

After another mountain, you will be able to reach the only place with the most human breath in the whole journey.

It was a solid fortress in the mountains, a city in the spiritual realm that could withstand two bursts of spiritual rain.

Xingyuan City.

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