Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 183: An extremely important thing under close custody

   On the overall route planned by Lin Ming, this city of Xingyuan must pass through.

   This huge city located almost in the center of the Daqin Mountain spiritual realm can be described as a solid and unsinkable fortress for human beings in this spiritual realm.

   It actually resisted the tide of mutated creatures brought by two consecutive rain bursts!

   Lin Ming could perceive that there is a population of nearly four million in this huge city, still living as before.

   The reason why he said that he must pass, instead of staying away as far as possible, avoiding human eyes and ears, was because there was something Lin Ming wanted.

   "Master, we are very close to the gathering place of human beings, do we want to move on?" At this time, Panda Panda spontaneously went to spy, and returned to report to Lin Ming.

   Although it also knew that Lin Ming could learn all the information about the destination he was going to at a very long distance, for the sake of insurance and his own prudence, Pang Da went to the front to investigate.

   "Go on, but..."

   Lin Ming affirmed Pang Da's answer, and at the same time ordered all his subordinates to stand by.

   They can't help much in this matter, instead they will attract the attention and counterattack of the defensive opponent.

   Although it is said that the subordinates can easily kill half of this giant city with the strength of Pangda, Rock Wolf Yansi, Gazelle Crossing Mountain, and Bai Qi, it is not necessary at all.

   If it arouses human vigilance, he will unknowingly move from the spiritual realm of Qifeng Mountain in the west of Shu Province to the spiritual realm of Daqin Mountain, maybe it will be exposed.

   Rather than being forced to be discovered, Lin Ming wanted to appear in front of humans more generously, and then made them feel desperate.

   After all, I was forced to find that it was too uncompelling.

   "If you are slower, I will tell you the direction of travel. Except for Pangda and Xueluan, all others will continue to move towards the destination!"

   "Yes! Master!"

In fact, even if this group of subordinates follow them, it’s nothing, but after adding the group of wolves, there are more than two hundred in number. Among them, the giant bear full moon and rock wolf rock are still so big, the goal is too obvious. .

   In this extremely huge piece of spiritual realm that was connected into a whole piece, Lin Ming originally recognized that Xingyuan City, which occupies a large area of ​​the basin, was more conspicuous.

But the strange mutant plant of the blood evil vine caused the death of a whole piece of giant tree in the spiritual realm, causing its leaves to fall apart and leaving only dry branches, and it was completely covered by green. Quite a few gaps appeared in his spiritual realm.

   These gaps are actually nothing if they are one or two alone, but after they become a large piece, they are extremely conspicuous.

   And the human side is not stupid. After they suddenly discovered these gaps, they didn't come to investigate. It was not their character.

   Lin Ming had already sensed that the direction of the airport in Xingyuan City was moving, and they estimated that they would arrive in this direction soon.

   When the time comes, the subordinates who are passing through the giant cedar forest, which has been withered by the blood evil vine a lot, will be easily photographed by the reconnaissance plane above.

  This kind of thing, how can it happen?

   After hearing Lin Ming's order, the subordinates have now moved to the densely vegetation area, avoiding this dry giant cedar forest, and heading for the Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm a little bit far away.

   And Lin Ming speeded up, leading the panda Pangda and the four blood luan birds to continue to approach the spiritual realm outside Xingyuan City.

   Feeling the movement of Xingyuan City Airport and other important departments at any time, Lin Ming unexpectedly discovered that the Transcendent Department of Xingyuan City seemed to be quite aware of this kind of matter.

   The transcendents of Xingyuan City, it seems that this is not the first time that this giant tree withered in large numbers, but they did not know the existence of the blood evil vine. In their understanding, this is a kind of self-regulation in the spiritual realm and the survival of the fittest after the living environment has changed.

   Lin Ming was extremely speechless about this, and he should really have a **** vine wrapped around each of these supernatural beings, so that they would know exactly what survival of the fittest is.

   However, the human side has not discovered the existence of mutant plants so far, which is enough. After all, looking at those blood evil vines, how happy they look, they are more dynamic than any mutant animals, don't you think?

   But fortunately, the existence of mutant plants was not found. Otherwise, they would start from this aspect, maybe they could be sure that the A-class Demon King is a mutant plant.

   Thinking of this, Lin Ming took a few of his subordinates and once again entered the huge forest sea of ​​the rich green spiritual realm. At the same time, the reconnaissance planes on the human side also took off from the airport and headed in this direction.

   Under the cover of the boundless giant tree, Lin Ming would not be discovered by these reconnaissance planes at all, but moved closer to the direction of Xingyuan City, where the humans are.

   It didn't take long for him to reach the edge of the spiritual realm, and at the same time he saw Xingyuan City and the ten-way separation wall surrounding Xingyuan City.

   Separation wall, this thing Lin Ming knew for the first time sometimes, it was still in Rongcheng City.

At that time, Rongcheng City had experienced the painful lessons after the second Lingyu eruption, and decided to use the fastest speed to build those huge cement and steel walls a few kilometers away from Rongcheng City, the purpose is to minimize it. The loss when the next rain burst.

   And this trick is said to be something that the entire Tang country is doing as long as the huge cities close to the spiritual realm.

  Even, they are also constructing underground space at the same time, and they think quite well.

   At that time, Lin Ming still wondered, when did human beings be so smart.

   However, when he got here, he learned from some key figures in Xingyuan City that whether it was a wall or underground space, it was not passed from Shangjing or Xiahu City.

   After the first eruption of the spiritual rain, Xingyuan City, surrounded by large and small spiritual realms, did a pilot in advance, and only after it proved feasible, did it increase its efforts to promote it.

   However, due to the lack of understanding of the spiritual rain outbreak and the incomplete early warning system, it was not until the second spiritual rain outbreak that the dual protection strategy of wall and underground space was finally promoted.

   The ten-story protective wall, each of which is almost ten meters thick and nearly twenty meters high, is indeed very much like the original ancient city wall.

   There are also quite large underground facilities built underground, almost 20 meters deep, the space is vast and all are covered by layers of strong reinforced concrete.

   And one of the things that Lin Ming was looking for was in this underground space, guarded by layers of heavy soldiers.

   Those things were put in special metal boxes, and among them there was one of the largest metal boxes, which was placed at the top.

   Lin Ming didn't understand why human beings put this extremely important thing in the depths of the underground space of the most central city in this spiritual realm.

   This powerful and extremely important thing shouldn’t be put in Shangjing?

   It's weird.

   At this time, Lin Ming stepped back and found a place covered by a giant tree.

   After piercing all the bamboo roots deeply into the ground, Lin Ming controlled it to advance rapidly in the direction of Xingyuan City!

  The purpose is naturally that thing.

   And this so-called ten-layer thick wall, the so-called reinforced concrete, may be able to deter ordinary mutant creatures, but for him...

   is nothing but nothing!



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