Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 184: Roar in the dark

   For humans, the destructive power of mutant creatures is mainly manifested in the powerful frontal impact brought by its huge body, and the unimaginable quantity.

   From the beginning of the rejuvenation of Reiki, until now.

   Except for those B-class demon spirits that have been discovered in the ocean, the four B-class demon spirits that existed on land have been wiped out.

   And every time when the rain broke out, it caused harm to humans, and even said that it was the mutant creatures that caused human deaths, such as C, and even D, E, etc., which were much weaker.

   Basically, humans also have a consensus.

   Compared with those B-class demon spirits who do not take the initiative to attack humans first, it is the best thing to do first to eliminate mutant creatures of C-class and below as much as possible.

   To use an analogy, perhaps in the long run, tigers are more harmful, but when the rain breaks out, flies and mosquitoes are the immediate scourge.

   But when they see a tiger, they still can't help but go up and fight.

   Until he hit the iron plate of the A-class Demon King, nearly one-third of the entire Tang State's army was completely destroyed.

  Xingyuan City is located in the buffer zone of the two super-large spiritual realms of Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm and Dashu West Spirit Realm.

   occupies a vast basin, which directly separates the two giant spiritual realms completely.

   This medium-sized city with a population of only 2 million was originally extremely inconspicuous in the entire world, the entire Tang Dynasty.

   But after experiencing the first Lingyu eruption, the person in charge of Xingyuan City came up with a method to block the mutant creatures with walls, and at the same time continued to build underground fortifications to build a strategic buffer zone.

However, when five walls were built, there was a sudden second eruption of spiritual rain, and under the block of these five walls, thousands of extraordinary men and tens of thousands of soldiers fought all night. The entire Xingyuan City did not even receive any casualties.

   Therefore, the "Xing Yuan Model" has also become a mainstream in subsequent reconstruction plans around the world.

   Almost all cities in the world, large and small, have followed the shape of Xingyuan City. They have built a circle after another around the city. At the same time, they have also established a large-scale underground space in the city's underground location.

   As the founder of this model, Xingyuan City naturally has more and thicker walls, as well as deeper and wider underground spaces.

   At this time, it was in a room in the underground space.

   Dozens of important figures in Xingyuan City gathered together.

"Everyone is here." The person in charge of Xingyuan City got up from his seat. Behind him is a huge projection screen. "Turn off the lights, let's not talk too much nonsense, just tell the matter clearly. , And then we will do it again immediately!"

  The person in charge has always been in a hurry, and he will immediately implement any ideas. It is not like the person in charge in other places. Before doing anything, he will grind for a long time and hold a dozen meetings before starting.

   The lights were turned off, the projector was turned on, and soon an image appeared on the projection screen.

"The direction of the Dashu West Spirit Realm has appeared one after another in recent days... These various plants withered and died. We have talked about it many times. From yesterday to today, there are a lot of giant trees that have withered to death, you see. Look, these photos are too many now, a large piece of a large piece, joined together!" The person in charge pointed to the projection and said, but his eloquence is really not that good.

   Everyone was talking about them while looking at the photos.

"You may think that these phenomena on our side are not that important, but we are not too far away from the Qifeng Mountain where the A-class Demon King is located! It's only a few hundred kilometers, people can directly put a thousand Everything within a kilometer is destroyed, then..."

   "Person in charge, your thinking is too jumpy, A and other Demon King, it has nothing to do with these." The assistant next to him reminded, "You can't lean over there for everything, let's..."

"What are we? I just think it's related. Would you please give me an explanation?" The person in charge leaned back in the chair. "Everything must be prepared for the worst. I'm just this kind of person. It’s not that you people don’t know."

   "Explain..." The assistant looked at others, and they looked at him again.

   In the era of Reiki Rejuvenation, where there is any explanation, everything can happen.

   Then who would have thought that A and other demon kings have always existed in the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm of Tang Country? But they are indeed there. Not only was, but also after being angered, all the military facilities in more than a dozen giant cities were wiped out in an instant, and all the extraordinary were killed.

   No one knows how it is done, but no one does not doubt that this is how it does it.

   "Shut up without any explanation, and send those extraordinary people to see. Anyway, they are not far away!" The person in charge patted the table, "Aren't they supposed to be doing this? Who, then, tell them to go!"

   The assistant looked distressed: "The person in charge, didn’t those Nine Heaven Towers just come back from the Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm this morning from a battle with C and other demon spirits? They are still recuperating and recovering, if..."

"If what if, they are doing this, can we let ordinary people like us break into the spiritual realm?" The person in charge patted the table vigorously, "Want ordinary people to break in? Well, you, you, you, you , And you, get me ready to go right now! Can you?"

   Everyone is silent now, die? No one wants to die.

   Let alone their identities and they are not allowed to go inside the spiritual realm, just say that these slightly obese bodies caused by eating and drinking are the kind of objects that can only be protected.

   "Well, don't mention this kind of mindless thing, whoever you mention will go! Old payment, you inform the extraordinary people to prepare!" The person in charge commanded, "Let them use the fastest speed, do you hear?"

   "Uh, all? Those who take care of that thing in the underground too?" The assistant held his glasses with sweat on his face.

"Yes, I said it was unreliable to use them to look at those Isn't this for dogs to look at the meat? It's too outrageous. Who can open something thicker than the vault Yes, go, hurry up!" the person in charge urged.

   The assistant ran out of the notice quickly, and the person in charge looked at other people again.

   "Okay, let's discuss the construction and expansion of a new protective wall..."

   However, shortly after learning that the team of Transcendents had set off, suddenly, the conference room in this underground space suddenly went out of power!

   Suddenly, in this extremely vast space, instantly fell into darkness!

   "What happened?! What happened?!" The person in charge shouted.

   However, before he could continue yelling, a loud bang came suddenly!

   "How did it explode? How did it explode?!" The person in charge, no matter what the others, all shrank under the table, they yelled, but no one dared to come out from under the table.


   is another extremely distorted and unpleasant metal pulling sound!

   The person in charge suddenly trembled.

   "That, that voice... wait! Could it be that... the phone turns on the lighting! Go to the storage room! There, there is a problem there!" the person in charge yelled!



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