Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 188: New subordinates in the future

   The roar of the helicopter echoed between the valleys.

   The lights on their bodies are even more dazzling on this moonless night.

   At this time, it was located in a corner of Xingyuan City, the fire was blazing, the explosion sound continued, people shouted loudly, and riots broke out frequently.

   No one knows what happened, but everyone knows that after the underground space was powered off, this mysterious building exploded. What happened was definitely not a simple thing.

   At this time, in the dense forest sea nearly a hundred kilometers away from Xingyuan City, Lin Ming has come to a small lake.

   Nearly sixty flying birds also stopped with his footsteps, and slowly landed from the sky.

Panda Pangda stared at the lake and looked back and saw that the owner Lin Ming had used bamboo branches to easily dig a huge hole on the shore of the lake. After introducing a lot of lake water, he put the six aquatic mutants on the bamboo roots. Gently put it in the small puddle.

   "Master, don't we go on?" Pangda teased the little guy on his shoulders and asked his master Lin Ming.

   "Take a break, and..."

   Lin Ming replied, looking at the aquatic mutants in the puddle, and seeing that the skin on them had gradually changed from dryness to slippery, he knew that they were not in danger of life.

   The light of the stars in the sky is not very dazzling, even a little dim.

   Under the shroud of this huge tree with a height of one hundred meters, even the light from the lake's water can't see anything clearly.

   But in Lin Ming's visual system, it was no different from Dayu.

   He looked at the fifty-four mutant birds that were surrounded by the four blood-luan.

   They are all mutant organisms under study that escaped from that research center following the blood lunatics.

Although their realm is as high as the fourth level, there is no doubt that they have been deeply impressed by the strength released by his bamboo, so there is no hesitation at all, they all follow Come here.

   Fifty-four mutant birds, and there are quite a few species in them.

   is like some blue-throated sunbird, pochard, hoopoe, orange-headed ground thrush, woodpecker, etc.

   Among them, there are more sparrows.

   Sparrow, as the most common bird, Lin Ming is quite familiar with them.

   These little guys like to chat together and jump on the ground.

   But at this time, they are almost twice the size of the gadget in the impression, but they are quite quiet, and the other birds are almost the same.

   They all know that the giant bamboo that can move in front of them possesses an extremely powerful force that they cannot match.

   These mutant creatures with simple intelligence, after escaping from the research center that conducted experiments on them, hardly any hesitation, they flew to Lin Ming with Xueluan, and never left.

   Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is also one of the instincts of creatures.

   But obviously, the vast majority of aquatic mutants don't think so.

   So Lin Ming only took away the six who were willing to go, and turned the others directly into evolution points.

   Anyway, they are sure to die in the building that will be destroyed by Panda Panda and him.

  Six aquatic mutants, two blue-purple toads, three giant salamanders and a crab.

   Their current body shapes are much larger than the original ones, and the colors are quite strange.

   However, the future is quite promising.

   The reason why Lin Ming caught them in the first place was because they were the type that could be adapted to both land and water. Although the speed of travel on land was a little slow, it was better than none.

   This is much stronger than the satin color of tortoise fish.

   Satin color guy can't live without water at all because he was originally a fish. This is also the reason why Lin Ming asked it to detour from the river to the Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm together with the Giant River Shrimp Giant Armor.

   Now these six new subordinates don't have this anxiety. Lin Ming only needs to bring them to touch the water from time to time.

   In addition to these, Lin Ming's main purpose this time is the little white guy who is now lying on the shoulders of Panda Panda.

   This is a fairly "normal" white mouse.

   Originally, Lin Ming was quite disinterested in things like mice.

   In this era of aura recovery, the rats have continued to evolve in a huge direction.

   At that time, either in the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm or the Lingxiao Peak Spirit Realm, even in the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm, and within this spiritual realm, the mutant mice that Lin Ming had seen and sensed all worked hard to develop their body shapes.

  The biggest Lin Ming has ever felt has grown to the size of a medium-sized dog, which is simply outrageous!

However, as their size increased, their intelligence has been maintained at a very low level. Although they like to move in groups as before, to be honest, Lin Ming's evaluation of them is a group of people who like brainless impact. Just rubbish.

   And the little white guy who is lying on Pangda's shoulder now is very different.

   Although it is currently only Level 4, its size hasn't changed much after its mutation. On the contrary, it has a lot of enhancements on top of its intelligence!

   Moreover, by checking its property panel, Lin Ming even found that it has an extremely good ability.


   The explanation of this ability is that it can unconditionally obey its orders and do anything at a long distance after it releases its ability.

   As for how much to control, it depends on the level of its ability.

   In other words, if this ability is raised to the top level, then this product can steadily control thousands of mice remotely, and act as a dead man to do attacks or surprise attacks.

   is not too beautiful.

  Although this product is only in the fourth level, the ability of this piper has reached the level of lv7!

   Another goal of Lin Ming, that is, in the operation of Xingyuan City to subdue his subordinates, in fact, the main goal is this little white mouse.

   As long as you get it, it becomes extremely simple to carry out some secret operations in a human city.

The human side is also very concerned about the size of this little white mouse whose aura concentration level is not, so they are kept alone in a very strong and hidden place in that research center. Even, they I also roughly know the capabilities of this product.

   Lin Ming didn't know how far they had studied, but he knew very well that if there was such a human being with the same ability, it would be a terrifying thing.

"the host."

   At this time, after a short time transfer of a large amount of knowledge, the white mouse has already understood quite a lot of things, and can quickly communicate with Lin Ming consciously.

   Lin Ming looked at this small guy: "Do you want to show me your ability?"

   "Master, please allow me to do this." The mouse bowed his head to ask for instructions.


   However, Lin Ming quickly sensed that in this spiritual realm, there are already thousands of mutant mice, which have poured in from all directions!

   It didn't take long for him to watch the huge black mice appear around him. Lin Ming knew that he had another subordinate with great potential.

   "From now on, your name will be called Xueya."

   He immediately gave this little guy a name.



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