Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 189: Meet again

   late at night.

   Under the dim starlight, in the forest sea of ​​the spiritual realm, there were rustling sounds from time to time.

Most of   's subordinates are already asleep, but Lin Ming is still moving forward.

   Compared to these mutant creatures, as a plant, he doesn't need to take a break.

   Even from the beginning to now, Lin Ming didn't know what rest was.

Even so, he did not feel sleepy or tired. On the contrary, with the strengthening of his mental power over the course of more than a year, even when he dealt with the extremely large manifestations in his mind, he gradually Familiar and expert.

   This is probably another advantage he has compared to mutant creatures besides eating and drinking.

Lin Ming’s bird subordinates were holding the branches and resting close to each other, while Panda Panda was **** by one of his sticking out bamboo branches, and fell on it like a worm. The little white mouse snowed. Tooth also lay on its shoulders as usual.

   As for those water troops, after drinking the spiritual liquid, they obediently moved forward from the waters towards the Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm.

   Lin Ming didn't worry about them running away. After all, as long as they drank the spiritual liquid, they would completely become his subordinates. This thing felt like the ability to sign a contract with them.

   Lin Ming didn't know if there were any new changes to the spirit liquid after the constant upgrades. Now the lv7 level description is almost the same as before.

   Gives a lot of aura to the mutant creatures, can also heal the injuries of the subordinates, and can also get rid of the fierce poison.

   But it seems that besides giving spiritual energy to the subordinates, it seems that the other two are basically useless.

   Now, basically within the scope of his ability to rebuild the aura of all things, there are no mutant creatures that can threaten the safety of his subordinates.

   This is completely different from the beginning.

  In the beginning, the subordinates were even injured by human special weapons, but as their realm level increased, this kind of thing never happened again.

   It wasn't until the battle against the B-class demon spirit Silver Poison Sky Dragon that the wolves who were still very ordinary at that time used the function of the spirit fluid because of injuries and poisoning.

After    it never happened again.

   There are reasons why he has been dispatching, and there is no threat in the range.

   However, this is also good.

   at any rate proves that both he and his subordinates are basically in a relatively safe living condition under his protection.

   But if one day, his subordinates die because the opponent is too powerful, Lin Ming is not unacceptable.

   In this world, the law of the strong and the weak competing for the front and the weak eating the strong always exists.

   And in this era of aura recovery, this rule has become more acute.

  The strong survive, the weak are eliminated.

   If a subordinate cannot defeat a powerful enemy because of its weak strength, it can only be said that it should not continue to live.

   Lin Ming, as their master, has to bring them out of their weakest time. The subsequent development depends entirely on their own efforts.

   If you can use your hard work to fulfill your talents, like a mountain crossing a mountain, a leap-forward improvement from the entry level to the second level, then naturally it is also excellent.

   But if it was like those who came from the Ten Thousand Bamboo Sea Spirit Realm and hadn't improved a little for more than a month, then such subordinates, Lin Ming would not care too much about their life and death.

   Not to mention, they didn't even follow him to the Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm.

   Now, this rule also applies to these new subordinates.

  If they grow well, these fifty-four mutant birds can also form the air force they are looking forward to. While flying in the sky, they will become the most powerful air force in the world.

   These subordinates in the water are the same.

   Their characteristics of being able to move on both land and water, they can be used more in the future.

   Although it is said that Lin Ming did not detect any aquatic mutant creatures with more than one level of existence within the range of perception, it does not mean that there will not be any in the future.

   Moreover, he did not worry about the mutant creatures in the ocean.

   In the future, if there is a real battle with the mutant creatures in the ocean, then the powerful underwater troops will allow him to gain more advantages in this kind of battle.

   Although I don't know if I can adapt to the ocean after a few times in the water, from now on, it is urgent to train some powerful underwater troops.

   When Lin Ming was thinking, the range of movement increased.

   In the middle of the night, moving in this huge sea of ​​forest, he was obviously an existence that attracted the attention of many mutant creatures.

   But the mutant creatures in the Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm are also very clear that this walking plant is definitely not something they can afford.

   Even, some of them did not have time to escape, and were simply killed within a moment, making the others even less dare to approach.

   After too long, he caught up with the giant bear full moon that had set off first.

   Now that these guys have been walking for almost a day and night, they have to choose to rest, but after feeling his presence, they wake up separately and get together quickly.

"the host!"

   They were respectfully under Lin Ming, their heads lowered.

   Lin Ming was very satisfied with their attitude, and put the branches containing the spiritual liquid in front of them.

   The long and long journey has made the physical strength of the subordinates almost close to the bottom.

   What's more, each of them has different speeds. In order to take care of the slow ones, the overall travel speed is also quite slow.

   Lin Ming sensed everything around here, and realized that the destination was not far away, it was less than two hundred kilometers.

"Red Shadow, Snow Brocade, Ink Armor and Ochre come here soon." Lin Ming called the four-headed giant bird's subordinates in the field of consciousness. Since the distance is not far, then just let him They came over and sent some slower-moving subordinates over there.

   "Yes! Master!" The four-headed giant bird has been waiting for the order for a long time, and they have spread their wings before reaching the sky above Lin Ming's location, and hovering down again, stirring up a powerful storm!

   Seeing these subordinates again, Lin Ming first let them drink some spiritual liquid, then let some of the slower subordinates climb on their backs.

   "Master, let's go right away!"

   stood on their backs full of small tortoise ink dust, some pandas, etc. The dozens of subordinates who were not that big but were not fast at speed also spread their wings and fly high again to their destination.

   But Lin Ming put the panda Panda, who was still asleep, on the ground, and suddenly stretched out hundreds of bamboo roots, even extending to as much as one kilometer in all directions!

   "Master!" Panda Panda immediately got ready for battle.

   What Lin Ming perceives at this time are countless mutant plants that are constantly drilling from the ground. They are like flies, gradually approaching in this direction.

   Blood evil vine!

   Are they again?



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