Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 203: 2 possibilities

   Destiny will be.

  The purpose is to build a world with only extraordinary people.

  Moreover, they even wiped out humanity and actually fed the supernatural beings who had been severely injured!

   This kind of sensational thing, no matter who it is, it is unacceptable.

   Cheng Yu and Fei Jun were shocked, and they also questioned the existence of this Destiny Club.

  What exactly are they? Why create alien beasts?

   Besides, there is still a relationship between that person and the Destiny Association?

"After I was imprisoned in the deep underground of the Transcendents Association, they quickly gave me that kind of tranquilizer, but it didn’t work for me, so I played mad, and passed the previous and the upper floors. Lao Xing, who expressed his incomprehension in action, established a unilateral connection. At first, Lao Xing didn't believe that what I said was right. He also thought I was really crazy, haha." Zheng Guodong smiled, his face messed up. His beard also trembled.

"Huh, who doesn't think you are crazy, just like the lunatics I have seen, but if Xiaoliu weren't covering for you, it would be no use pretending to be like you." Xing Yue yawned, "If it weren't for him, You have long been made by that person to survive and die."

   "Little six?" Fei Jun was stunned. "That Liu Fei book who can read mind in the original association?"

"Who can anyone else. If he didn't have old friends with Lao Zheng, would you still see us?" Xing Yue looked at Zheng Guodong, who was a little surprised, "Lao Zheng, it's not that you are smart. Liu Shufei knows that you have concealed the difference from him." After the beast matter, I told me the alien beast's matter, so I became suspicious before investigating the alien beast's matter."

   "Is that...Is that so?" Zheng Guodong also looked surprised, "Little Six..."

"I did find a lot of information and some evidence later. However, it was after the alien beasts appeared in the western part of Shu province. Later, I went to the place where Lao Zheng was detained and pretended I went to see my friends, but I used my ability to take a cover, and I really saw the strange beast that Old Zheng said. Although my actions were not discovered, but because of this, I was also targeted by that person." Xing Yue said, looking at Fei Jun, "Remember, after the rain broke out, when we had a meeting, that person suddenly came over and left after a few words?"

Fei Jun thought of the scene at that time, and nodded: "At that time, almost everyone went out because of the explosion in the western part of Shu province. As a result, only the two of us were left alone to clear the spiritual realm. At that time, you were very unhappy. satisfaction."

"Naturally, after all, I have been to one of the production bases of the thing, that person can let me go again? It is of course to be on guard against me. Then you will naturally have no chance to go as a close friend of mine to avoid suspicion. Facts have proved that strange beasts have indeed appeared there, but they were simply killed by the A-class Demon King." Xing Yue sighed.

"A-class Demon King...wait, I said, except for the time at the seaside and the time at the Goganda Spirit Realm, didn't those strange beasts all appear in the western part of Shu Province, near the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm? Could it be said? ..." Cheng Yu suddenly took a breath.

"Yes, one of the meanings of the existence of the alien beast is that fate will deal with the A-class demon king, but at that time, none of us knew what that thing was used for, we just thought, These disgusting and crispy things are just disgusting to us." Xing Yue replied.

"Huh, whether it's the seaside or the Goganda spiritual realm, the purpose of those alien beasts is naturally the A-class demon king. It's just that the seaside failed, but the Goganda spiritual realm succeeded." Zheng Guodong He shook his head, "Nine-storied Pagoda is their chess piece. Although we think in our hearts'to protect the peace of the people with our own strength', that person, or destiny, would not think so. For them, use It is their goal for the Ninth Heaven Tower to slay B and other demon spirits, then take down the soul pill, and use it for other animals."

   "Wait, the seaside failed that time?" Cheng Yu's doubts were ignited, "If, if I did not kill those special monsters when I commanded, then..."

"Those alien beasts will not release their true strength if you kill them, but when you take out the soul pill, then the alien beasts will pounce and become the kind of terrifying monster we have all seen." Xing Yue sighed. , "It would be in the Goganda Spirit Realm. I was puzzled as to why the B and other demon spirits behaved so strangely, but when I wanted to understand it, I found that it had been killed."

   "So, it turned out to be like this?" Cheng Yuxin had a lingering fear, "If I hadn't killed those alien beasts at that time... Fuck, I would have ruined their plan?"

   "It's a crooked hit." Zheng Guodong nodded.

   "Lao Xing, I don't think I understand. According to what you said, you were only suspected of seeing a strange animal in that base. How could you be locked into the ground together?" Fei Jun asked suddenly.

"Hehe, I said it was the reason, but it was actually two." Xing Yue stretched out a finger. "The first one is that when I mobilized before the war, I said a taboo thing, do you remember? At that time I said It is absolutely impossible for the Destiny Club represented by that person to be tolerated, although I did not know the existence of Destiny Club at that time."

Fei Jun and Cheng Yu nodded, yes, at that time Lao Xing said a series of things that could be described as "great rebellion", completely bringing the sharp contradiction between "ordinary people" and "extraordinary people" to the table. Of course, The contradiction between the "Nine-storied Sky Tower" and the above was also brought to the table.

From the perspective of the Destiny Although Xing Yue’s statement is the same as their purpose, it is fundamentally different. That is, Xing Yue still believes that extraordinary people and ordinary people can get along with each other on an equal footing. But they are not recognized.

   But the transcendents present at that time, who didn't hear the blood spurting, who was not suffocated, wanting to prove what the transcendent is?

   But in the final analysis, what Xing Yue said at that time was really too impulsive, and it was not like what the tower should say on the first day of a nine-story tower.

Xing Yue stretched out a second finger: "The second one is that after we killed the B and other demon spirits, when a'specialist' took out the soul pill, the strange beast that suddenly appeared inexplicably, don't you think, too Coincident? I thought it was too weird at the time, and the movements of those "specialized personnel" were too slow. They could have responded better. But not only did they not have it, they were even slow, as if they were Wait for those strange beasts to come."

   "Uh, Brother Xing, why are you so mysterious? Why? They waited for the alien beasts on purpose...Ah, what do you think of, fate?" Cheng Yu suddenly realized again.

   "Yes, the so-called specialists are that person's direct team, that is, the people of Destiny. Their purpose is to do an experiment to let the alien beast ‘evolve’, and then attack the A-class demon king!"

  Fei Jun and Cheng Yu's pupils shrank instantly!



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