Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 204: Ridiculous truth

   Attack the demon king such as A!

   Let the alien beast evolve, is to attack the A and other demon king?

   Even if you don’t hesitate to make a bet with so many Nine Heaven Towers and the lives of ordinary soldiers?

   is too crazy, right?

   Moreover, this plan, even...

"They succeeded, but they also failed." Xing Yue continued, "They overestimated the strength of the advanced monsters, but underestimated the strength of the monster kings like A. Although the advanced monsters can treat us B Waiting for C, etc. will make a lot of water, but for the A-class Demon King, it is not even a fart. A-class Demon King will kill the advanced easy monster, and at the same time make fate will be anxious, they are finally... "

"Wait, Brother Xing, it's not right, we understand this, and we can probably guess even about the demon king such as A, but why did you get caught? You shouldn't have been in a coma because of a severe head injury. Why? Why did I disappear, and I ended up being locked up with Brother Zheng in the cage more than 100 meters underground by Fei and Ge?" Cheng Yu was puzzled.

"Because, in our Ninth Heaven Pagoda, there is that person's eyeliner... Or, is it a traitor?" Xing Yue shook his head helplessly, "The traitor not only informed the person of my meeting, but also told me by the way. I saw how they deliberately sent the Podan to the mouths of the strange beasts and notified the person. Therefore, although I pretended to be seriously injured, I was still sent to the cage. Of course, it was with me. Old Zheng successfully took the head."

"Traitor...wait, how can there be such a thing in our Nine-layer Sky Tower?! We are all good brothers and buddies. We are all gathered together for our common ideals, aren't we?" Cheng Yu was extremely angry. He couldn't believe it at all, and he had been facing each other day and night. How could there be traitors among the companions who fought together!

   "You are still too young. Isn't it normal to be a traitor?" Zheng Guodong smiled lightly, "Think about it, you have been around that person almost all the time before and after. Who is the person who is always in charge of spreading the message?"

   "Traitor? All of our brothers from the Nine-storied Sky Tower will do it for... Fuck, Luo Ming?!" Cheng Yu shuddered suddenly.

   Luo Ming.

   The fourth sky tower of the nine-story tower is also the person who is responsible for the coordination of the relationship between the nine-story tower and that person, as well as many affairs notifications, orders and other affairs.

   Although Luo Ming usually doesn't show mountains and dews, his sense of presence is not very high, and even in terms of strength, he is not a superb type.

   Usually Xing Yue and the other towers are mainly in charge of fighting, and only Luo Ming is in charge of administration. It can be said that Luo Ming is the only one of all people who can always meet with that person.

   Of course, all the decisions made by that person are also communicated to the Tower of Heaven through Luo Ming.

"Although I can't believe it, when I pretended to be in a coma, Luo Ming led someone to throw me into the underground cage. Later, thinking about it, this kid's fox tail is actually not Less." Xing Yue nodded.

"Yes, in Heminger, Luo Ming didn't say anything at all when he recovered the pill pill of the ice monster wolf, and it was Luo Ming's special operations team that recovered the pill pill. Later I asked. Xing Yue, Xing Yue didn’t even know the existence of any special operations team. Of course, no one in the Nine Heaven Towers could have such a private team of their own. At that time, I was suspicious of this, Luo Ming, it is very likely. A person of destiny." Zheng Guodong sighed, "As a result, our lovely Xingtian Pagoda didn't believe it at all, but it was still caught."

Xing Yue blushed: "Who has not committed stupidity, it will be like fate. After the person in control has angered and provoked A and other Demon King, he suddenly made that person disappear when he was furiously counterattacked. Is it really stupid?"

"This...this is also true. Fate will play like this. I really don’t see that they have... Wait, I haven’t asked, Brother Xing, Brother Zheng, how do you know that fate will happen, and how do you know that? People are controlled? In addition, there are other animals, I heard you say they were transformed from mutant creatures, right? Then what is the white halo behind them?" Cheng Yu asked with a gun. String problem.

   For him, destiny or alien beasts are extremely strange and strange existences.

  Especially, Destiny will make him unable to understand all the actions before and after this organization hidden in the dark.

   Why does this organization appear?

   What is the purpose of this organization?

   The car drove forward slowly, and everyone could already see the staff at the checkpoint ahead, as well as the soldiers with live ammunition.

   It won’t be long before they will be checked.

   Zheng Guodong coughed dryly: "Let me answer, after all, I am the one who knows the most about it."

"The fate will be there at the time of the association, but at that time we didn't feel any threat to its existence. We just felt that this radical desire to make the transcendent become the only kind of human organization on this planet. It’s too extreme. That’s what Elder Zhai thinks, although there will be some similarities in destiny, but they are not the same."

"Lao Zhai’s idea is also extreme to be honest. He thinks that transcendents are superior to ordinary people in all aspects, so they should stand above ordinary people, enjoy more rights, and even let those ordinary people be slaves of transcendents. And inferior people. Because of this, although the association was cared for and supported by that person everywhere at that time, its ambitions were increasing day by day."

"But the Association of Transcendents is just one of the little chess pieces supported by the Destiny Association. After the use of it, the Association was completely destroyed by the Zhai Yu Incident, and most of the Transcendents were absorbed, and the Nine Heaven Tower was built, that is, that The Transcendents organization directly under the people. Those of you who were not originally the Association, certainly don’t know what’s going on, but as me from the Association to the Sky Tower, I know very well what happened between them."

Zheng Guodong shook his head and sighed, and continued: "Destiny will use that person's power to easily expand the association, and easily destroy it, and build a more obedient nine-tiered tower again. After that, everything will become better. For the sake of smoothness and simplicity, after all, the transcendents such as B in my hand can do whatever they want."

"As for that person is something that is controlled by the destiny club, it is actually very good to judge. If a person's actions are weird, then it is fundamentally motivated by interests. Although that person is an ordinary person, he wants to do whatever he does. To put ordinary people to death--think about it, give orders to provoke provocations only after he accurately judged that after the A-class Demon King that appeared in the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm, who was the biggest victim?"

   Fei Jun and Cheng Yu nodded.

   Who else can there be, there are so many cities and so many people around the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm.

   Only ordinary people.

No one can ignore the destructive power of   A and other Demon Kings.

   And that person disappeared mysteriously after doing such an unbelievable thing. Thinking about it now, it's hard to say it's not strange.

"In addition, the guy Xiao Liuzi, after approaching that person boldly because of my suspicion, brought back an unbelievable piece of information, which confirmed this statement..." Xing Yue added, "That person There is no thought or thinking in my is a weird void."

   "Empty, hollow?!" Cheng Yu was stunned.

   "Yes, if you insist, it's like a puppet, or even a strange beast that only knows how to act according to orders?" Xing Yue said, looking forward.

   Although they are just guessing, there is no doubt that the person's behavior before and after is not like a normal human being at all.

   Moreover, I can accurately know that Qifeng Mountain has such a very low probability that there is a demon king such as A...

Totally impossible.

   With almost all the evidence being extremely far-fetched, drawing this conclusion itself is suspicious.

   Later, he knew that A and other Demon King existed, and instead of directly attacking, he was the one who ordered the provocation.

   If it weren't for him to be controlled, it wouldn't make sense.

   Cars passed the checkpoint one by one, and the next one to be checked was them.

   And at this moment, he saw the shadow of a person in the crowd ahead!

   "Hello, show me your ID?"

   The face of that person made all four people in the car scream in exclamation!

   How is he...



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