Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 294: Dead but not completely dead

Letting the tiger go back to the mountain, Lin Ming absolutely didn't want it to happen.

It is even more impossible to let opponents whose fate will be this level continue to survive.

In his previous perception, he learned from the president of the Destiny Society named Adenau that in addition to him, there were three extraordinary people who had not been killed by him in this raid.

Alexandra, who is always crazy, can summon and reverse summons, and can control alien beasts;

Drake who can control the human mind and fly at a very fast speed;

The ability may be to use the combination of aura and weapons to create powerful aura weapons, such as the Aura shielding device and the six-gold phalanx.

According to President Adenauer, as long as these people are there, the Destiny Council will still be re-established in a short time.

After all, the abilities of these people are extremely important among them.

Others, according to President Adenauer's words, are not too important.

In fact, thinking about it, it is true. Lin Ming will fight Destiny so many times, basically what he encountered is the influence of these people's abilities.

Drake controlled the Tang State and founded the Association of Transcendents, the Nine Heaven Tower, and the Research Center of Transcendents.

Alexandra summoned to control the alien beast, which brought him trouble again and again.

And Bei Fulai didn't need to say any more, what kind of aura shielding device this product invented, as well as the six-gold square formation, and the demon fog bomb, which made Lin Ming fought hard in the first battle in Qingcheng.

As for President Adenauer, what Lin Ming currently knows is that this guy can use his aura to create his own clone at will.

It was the clone created by this guy who was killed by Lin Ming at the headquarters of the Destiny Club before.

At that time, they clearly did not come from any danger at all, and President Adenauer still placed his true body in the city of Irene in the country of Bruce.

This guy is quite thinking about his own life, and even created multiple clones.

It's a destiny meeting.

Lin Ming couldn't help but sigh. Even if the headquarters were completely destroyed, most of their combat power would be basically destroyed as a result, they could still maintain the most basic combat power, and at the same time, they could rejuvenate at any time.

Lin Ming also felt that his surprise attack this time seemed to be lonely.

Obviously this time, there was no room for destiny to have the slightest reaction, and it came to an end.

Originally, this battle with the Destiny Society could also be a face-to-face confrontation, which was extremely exciting.

It's like fighting with the soldiers under your hand. After the fight, go to kill the middle level, and then have a decisive battle with the president Adenau!


This is not in line with Lin Ming's character.

He still prefers to be in the dark, hiding behind the scenes, so that humans can't find out where he is, and then use his various abilities to make the enemy not even know how he died.

Just like this time raiding the Destiny Club headquarters.

Traveling all the way from Tang State to the northwest, he arrived at Xiong State, which is nearly 7,000 kilometers away, and completed a long-range raid in a gorge that no one could find.

Although it is not exciting, but the goal is basically achieved, and the operation is also very irritating.

Using the root system to create a dark space will take away destiny in one wave, wouldn't it be more beautiful.

Although these destinies already knew that his mutant creature was actually a mutant plant, a "mutant monster bamboo", but this group of people knew only this.

After he left Qifeng Mountain, the destiny group lost track and surveillance of him.

From what they said during the meeting, Lin Ming also knew that these people didn't even find the mutant demon bamboo that they had been paying attention to again until the First World War in Qingcheng.

To be honest, Lin Ming didn't think this was bad.

Rather than revealing where you are, walking from behind the scenes to the front, and if your fate will be tough, it's better to hit them by surprise as they are now.

Moreover, this also minimizes the disappearance of the headquarters of the entire Destiny Council, leaving them severely traumatized.

After all, people are alive and can run.

Lin Ming didn't want to catch people all over the world, that would be too much trouble.

Among these four people, it was already very difficult to catch them.

Although it hasn't been seen that this guild leader has other abilities besides the clone, as an A-class transcendent, it is definitely not only the ordinary ability of the clone.

Among the four, Alexandra is now missing. She can use the white halo to summon and reverse summons, and now she may appear anywhere Lin Ming can't reach.

For Lin Ming, looking for this product is really like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, Lin Ming thinks that this product will most likely be in the American country.

After all, he said when he called President Adenauer, only there was relatively safe.

Those who knew that he was a mutant bamboo in real life knew that Great Northern Ocean was a great moat that this mutant bamboo could not survive no matter how powerful it was.

As long as he is not stupid or stupid, this Alexandra should be in the American country right now, and maybe it won't take too long to rendezvous with Bev.

To be honest, the threat to him is actually the smallest. After all, how much does Lin Ming think about summoning alien beasts to control alien beasts?

When the strange beasts at the beginning couldn't provide evolution points, Lin Ming really felt that this thing was really annoying.

But after the invasion of the Sea of ​​Alien Beasts, there was an evolutionary point in killing the Alien Beast, which was simply beautiful.

Even if this mad woman could create a large number of giant monsters, Lin Ming said that they would not refuse anyone.

Anyway, those things can't even hurt him, it doesn't matter.

As for Drake who was flying in the direction of Tang Guo in the air at this time, Lin Ming didn't want to give up the opportunity to kill him.

According to previous perceptions, this product is just a B-class supernatural being.

Fly to Tang Country? So isn't it just in your arms?

The roots of the bamboo penetrate into the ground, and with the ability to "create new life", it connects to the nearest spiritual bamboo clone at a very fast speed, and this spiritual bamboo clone is directed to another spiritual bamboo less than 800 kilometers away. Take the avatar and leave!

In less than ten seconds, Lin Ming connected himself with his spiritual bamboo clone far away in Vermilion Valley!

And immediately after the connection, he urged his own aura to perceive the 2,000-kilometer realization range of every spiritual bamboo clone on the road!

Soon, a human figure flying extremely fast in the air appeared at a distance of more than 3,000 kilometers from Tang Guo.

"It's flying in a straight line, otherwise it wouldn't be caught so easily..." Lin Ming didn't expect to find this product in so little time.

So the next step...

He felt his subordinates again, and found that they were struggling to kill in a wave of mutant creatures at this time, as if they were enjoying themselves.

But to be honest, Lin Ming did not expect that the strength of this group of goods would have grown considerably in such a short period of time.

Especially the underwater troops. Under the command of Panda Pangda, they have entered the invincible realm in the wide river that leads to Beijing. Order or more than one order!

But now is not the time to watch these guys grow up.

At this moment, Chi Ying, Xue Jin, and B's subordinates are all assisting the relatively low-level companions in the battle.

"Red Shadow and Xuejin, take Feng Xiao and Feng Yan and fly to the location I have marked for you!"

To deal with those mutant creatures that can easily kill hundreds of them without them being taken seriously, their current goals are more important.

A B-class supernatural being can still fly.

Since they are in the air, just let Chi Ying and Xue Jin, who are also overlord in the air, deal with them.

Bringing Fengxiao and Fengyan is for insurance.

After all, although Drake can only fly and control, who knows if he can do other things?

After dealing with fate for a long time, when Lin Ming had to do anything, he started to get used to leaving a way.

There are still many secrets for the other party, not one for two.

"Master, promise to complete the task you assigned!" The two giant birds and the two giant wolves immediately put down the auxiliary tasks, and after they quickly lifted off, they flew in the shortest time in the direction indicated by Lin Ming!

For them, the words of the master are absolute.

The two abilities of Chi Ying and Xue Jin can make the enemy unable to observe with the naked eye at all, and hide the extremely large figure.

Although it still has the shortcomings of shadow projection, because of Lin Ming's "spiritual force field shielding" ability, it can basically be regarded as "invisible".

Moreover, this effect cannot be easily discovered by the opponent in the air, whether underground or on the ground.

"Master, we found the target!" In ten minutes, two giant birds found a black spot coming far in the air!

"Kill quickly!" Lin Ming had already begun to move at this time, and what he had to do now was to command the guild leader whose subordinates were about to flee.

That guy thought he could disturb his perception by releasing dozens of clones in Irene City?

What are you thinking about? You don't know me too much.

Lin Ming quickly came to the outer plain from the canyon, and he also found that his subordinates were quite powerful.

"Master! We have completed the kill!"

Having approached the black spot, after confirming that the enemy was a flying transcendent, Chi Ying and Xue Jin rushed towards each other like flying arrows!

The two hundred green wind blades created by Feng Xiao and Fengyan were launched at the same time. They would feel the danger, but they didn't see anything at all, but were completely surrounded by a huge green one-meter-diameter wind blade with no dead ends. After being surrounded, he also instantly felt despair!

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and Drake was completely reduced to countless pieces of meat under the damage of the wind blade that hit him almost at the same time!

"It's done well!" Lin Ming was quite satisfied with the efficiency of his subordinates.

However, after a moment, he knew that the matter had not ended so easily.

Hundreds of kilometers away, another Drake appeared!

Lin Ming hesitated for a moment.

Drake will also be a clone?

However, he did not have time to hesitate any longer.

"Kill the enemies in two directions separately!"

The subordinates did not hesitate, and each flew in the direction of the enemy.

And Lin Ming did not relax because of this. He quickly ordered the Air Corps not far away to come and support!

boom! ! !

After Drake in both directions turned into powder again, Lin Ming also sensed the airspace he could perceive at the same time!

But this time, he did not discover Drake's aura again.

Is it dead?

After feeling it for a while, Lin Ming didn't feel Drake's aura again.

What happened just now?

Although there are many doubts, people should be dead and can't die anymore. Lin Ming felt that he could be left alone for the time being.

After all, there are more urgent things that need to be done by him now.

At this moment, Adenauer, the president of the Destiny Society, was already driving on the highway outside Irene.

His goal should be the airport located in the heart of Bruce Country.

After all, things like airplanes can leave mutated birds that have not yet fully evolved to threaten the air in this era of aura recovery.

It is also the only transportation tool that can send Adenauer to America.

Although Lin Ming felt that his two subordinates, the ink armor and ocher feathers, could easily catch up with the huge iron bird flying in the air, he even wanted Adenau to stay on the land and be personally affected by him. Grab it with bamboo roots, and then completely dry it.

Even if there was a little residue left, Lin Ming was not at ease.

It was like the headquarters of the Destiny Club. Those who were already dead could no longer die, but they still ran out three, which was simply outrageous.

At this moment, Lin Ming had already cut the connection with the avatar of Lingzhu, and was galloping in the direction of Bruce Kingdom.

And the other subordinates are now riding on the ink armor and ocher feathers, heading to the direction of Irene City in Bruce Country at the fastest speed.

Their task is not to be tough with this unknown President Adenauer, but to delay as much time as possible!

Even the most powerful of the wind blasts, it is only at the level of B, plus the ink armor and ocher feathers, it is only three B grades.

And even though one of Adenau's current capabilities is the "clone", the aura concentration that is actually overflowing from him has reached the A level.

On the human side, it seems that as the level of realm improves, some new abilities will sometimes be awakened.

Lin Ming first discovered this kind of thing when he met Zhai Yu of the Transcendent Association who came to attack in the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm.

At that time, what Zhai Yu possessed was the ability to fly and use that strange weapon, and besides, he had considerable strength.

At that time, Zhai Yu's ability was only level one, level six or seven, which was equivalent to level C, and had not even reached the level of level B.

The same is true for many transcendents later encountered. Xue Yucheng, the third-day tower of the nine-story tower that will create a certain enchantment, has the ability to manipulate the elements, and that first-day tower, Xing Yue, is in Mo Di's element development has used its ability to a certain extent.

Coupled with Alexandra in the Destiny Club and Drake who had just been killed, Lin Ming would never think that Adner, the president of the Destiny Club, who had already achieved more than ten thousand people, would The ability of only one clone.

After coming out just now, I ran for a Lin Ming continued to accelerate.

Regardless of the rush of his subordinates, Lin Ming's ability to control bamboo roots is constantly improving!

He can also feel that his own speed is twice as fast as in the past, or even three times faster!

The large plains that beat Lu allowed him to run unscrupulously, constantly approaching the direction of Bruce Kingdom!

He doesn't need to run 1,700 kilometers directly, but only needs to run about 800 kilometers.

For the remaining 900 kilometers, his powerful root system can completely make up for it.

"Master! We have created an explosion in Irene City and completely destroyed that road! The enemy can't move for the time being!"

The reports from the subordinates in front also made Lin Ming relieved.

Adenauer, get ready.

Get ready to meet the end!

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