Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 295: Prisoner's Realm

   On the highway, Adenauer noticed, not surprisingly, that he could not walk anymore.

   originally drove smoothly, and he even drove to a car that was nearly 200 kilometers per hour. He slowly slowed down after suddenly discovering that there was a huge congestion in front of him. In the end, he joined the army that was completely blocked.

   "Asshole plants, they are chasing so fast!"

   Adenauer listened to the huge explosions in the direction of Irene City behind him, and he quickly judged why he had encountered such a thing.

   The mutant demon bamboo has approached here from the direction of the bear country in a very short time, or in other words, its "dependents" have caught up here!

   And this congestion, the high probability is that the highway has been destroyed!

   quickly jumped out of the car, and Adenau instantly lifted it up and threw it onto the retrograde road on the other side!

   suddenly started the engine and sprinted retrograde in the opposite direction. As a result, it didn't take long for Adenauer to discover that the road ahead had been cut by several tens of meters inexplicably!

"It's ruthless..." After the emergency brake, the car dragged an extremely long black mark on the highway. Adenauer, who removed his face from the airbag, knew that his opponent's fighting method was Leave no room for the enemy at all.

   Standing on the roof of the car, Adenauer looked towards Irene City. The roar of explosions and fires that he kept thinking of over there proved that it had fallen into a catastrophe!

   Adenauer jumped out of the car, the extraordinary power possessed by the extraordinary, so that he can easily lift the car.

   Although it is said that his physical fitness has been greatly strengthened after becoming an extraordinary person, what he can do is only strange power.

   Like the advantage in speed, it didn't get much bonus. At this critical moment of strategic shift, Adenauer still relies heavily on this kind of transportation.

   The clone abilities he possesses are distributed everywhere, and they are all set for him to remotely control the entire Destiny Club.

   Although it is said that with his strength, it is impossible to encounter any danger that can kill him, but the original intention of this ability of the clone is to avoid risks to the greatest extent.

   However, after the clones in the headquarters of the Destiny Club were suddenly wiped out, Ardenne couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

   The opponent seemed to have destroyed the headquarters, and reacted almost instantly, and then immediately sent his family members to attack the city of Irene in Bruce Nation.

   is like knowing where his real body is!

   Nowadays, highways are destroyed, and there are not no places to go.

Carrying the car, Adenau instantly jumped from the five-meter-high highway to the side road next to him. However, before he put the car down, he suddenly felt a wonderful heat, from being very close to him. The place struck!

   "Fire element control!"

   He was shocked suddenly, and after putting down the car, he jumped backward, and in front of his eyes, a three-tailed fire fox the size of an ox spouted purple flames at him again!

   "It actually contains the purple inflammation element, does that **** bamboo have such an excellent subordinate!"

   Suddenly, Adenau urged his aura!

   An avatar that looked exactly the same as him appeared instantly beside him, and at the same time, this avatar immediately released the exact same Ziyan flame on the Ziyan that was about to arrive in front of him!

   Boom! !

   Two groups of purple flames collided, and after a great shock, they turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared instantly!

  Crack! !

   Suddenly a flash of lightning blasted, and Adenau once again released a clone, directly using the enchantment of the thunder element!

   "Thunder element control... how many such subordinates do you have..." Ardenne looked at the giant wolf with fluffy yellow fur that appeared in front of him. Ten more clones appeared.

   Green wind blades appeared one after another in the air. At the speed of electric flint, a wind blade instantly blasted the clone of the Thunder Element Enchantment controlled by his clone into fragments!

   At the very moment, the wind element barrier released by another clone of Adenau blocked all the remaining wind blades.

   "Does the element of wind also exist... and, it's still a giant wolf!" Ardenar screamed, and nearly three hundred wind blades suddenly rose, pouring in the direction of the opponent like a storm!

   The smoke was rolling, and Adenauer didn't dare to be careless. After stepping back several tens of meters, he suddenly realized that his sight was wrapped in a thick green!

   But another clone of Adenau immediately blocked him, releasing the barrier of exactly the same elements to withstand this attack!

"Very poisonous! Damn, one by one!" He watched the green thick liquid falling from the enchantment falling on the broken asphalt road, burning it out of a huge pit, and instantly understood this. What is it.

   The dark green wolf in front of him turned out to be a poison element!

"Three-flavored Firefox, Thunder Wolf, Poisonous Wolf, Wind Wolf..." After Adenauer’s three clones copied the abilities of these mutant creatures with different attributes, they looked at tens of meters away and each launched an attack. After that, there were no enemies to act again, and I couldn't help being surprised secretly.

   The control of elements by mutant creatures is not so common at all.

   One out of ten thousand and twenty thousand is not bad, and it has to be said that it can survive the extremely weak spiritual realm.

   Generally speaking, in a huge spiritual realm, there are dozens of them even if they are extremely rare, and they are not proficient in the control of elemental abilities. In this respect, they are simply incomparable with humans.

   Even after constantly improving their intelligence, mutant creatures' control over the elements is much worse than that of humans with a sound IQ.

   But looking at these mutant creatures in front of him, Adenau could not help but leave layers of sweat on his forehead.

   Although they only had one trick with themselves, each of them had reached the level of B-level strength. There was no doubt about this.

   The strength of the Sanwei Firefox at the beginning may be slightly weaker, but the Thunder Wolf and Poison Wolf afterwards are both stronger than each!

   Three Bs and so on?

   Although Fate would have been monitoring the mutant bamboo and his family members before, it has never detected the concentration of aura in these mutant creatures.

  For some reason, they can even detect the aura concentration of any mutant creature in each spiritual realm, but as long as it is a mutant creature related to this mutant bamboo, each one is so special!

   Even this mutant demon bamboo itself cannot detect any aura, even if the aura concentration detection satellite is aligned together, it will be useless.

What is   ?

   Now, seeing the strength displayed by the three mutant creatures, he felt that it might be this mutant demon bamboo, possessing the aura that can make itself and its dependents undetectable by the instrument, but it still actually exists!

   At this moment, nearly a hundred ice cones with arms about two meters long suddenly appeared in the air, and there was a strange light green on the ice cones!

   "Hey!" Adenau knew that something more difficult had happened!

   These countless weird ice cones suddenly penetrated directly from all directions, and for a while, the roaring sound continued!

   The dust has not yet fallen, toxins, purple inflammation and thunder, wind blades, and once again penetrate everything, completely covering the place where Adenau is!


   At this moment, Lin Ming, who was rushing at high speed, entered a giant canyon again after crossing the spiritual realm near the square city.

   Perceiving the existence of Adenauer, he also kept giving orders to his subordinates.

   Facing an A-class transcendent, these subordinates can't do much.

   By destroying the highway, this is only the first step to prevent Adenauer who wants to use the highway to escape.

   Lin Ming discovered that among the other abilities of the president of the Destiny Society, none of them seemed to be able to move quickly, just like the Drake who had just been killed.

   Therefore, it must be done to destroy that highway.

   This kind of thing is naturally the most suitable for Fenglang Fengji.

  The wind blades produced by the control of the wind element of the wind speed can have a certain choice in number and size.

   is close to the A class, it can make a super-large wind blade with a diameter of nearly five meters, but there will be some sacrifices in quantity.

   And the cutting force of these wind blades will also reach a higher level after the diameter is enlarged.

   rushed to the expressway in the wind with the ink armor.

   Feng Ren cut the highway back and forth two roads into a nearly 30-meter-wide sky moat in a very short time, thus cutting off the escape route of Na Adenau.

   And it's easy to do next.

   Mokai and Zheyu transported their partners to block this vain attempt to lift the car off the expressway and escape from the side road of the expressway. After the president of the Destiny Association, the encounter began.

   Lin Ming's plan is actually very simple.

   Generally speaking, he dragged the Adenauer as much as possible.

   In terms of details, the subordinates, who have reached the level of strength B, make full use of their abilities to launch various attacks on Adenau.

  The purpose is to test what kind of ability this product has.

  Knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to survive in every battle.

   In case the abilities possessed by this man happen to be able to overcome his own abilities, when it is finally caught, it may take a lot of effort to get rid of it.

   However, after just letting the three-tailed fox Xuanhuo unleash the purple flame burst ability on it, Lin Ming immediately got the information he wanted.

   Another ability of this A-class supernatural being besides turning his aura into a clone is ability duplication!

   Ability duplication, Lin Ming himself also has an almost identical ability.

   It's just that after the successive attacks of Feng Ji, Thunder Silence, and Poison, Lin Ming discovered that the extraordinary power of this Adenauer's "ability replication" seemed to be somewhat different from his own "multiple ability replication".

   Lin Ming's own "multiple ability replication" only needs to use any bamboo branch or root, or even bamboo leaves, and there are no restrictions on the ability to replicate.

   If he wants, he can use dozens of elemental abilities at the same time.

   But Adenauer's abilities are all different.

   The ability of this product can only be used by the effect of "clone".

   After using this ability, the clone can almost instantly grasp the law of use of these elements, creating enchantments or attacks.

   But a clone is limited to the use of one element, and only when the other party uses the element, can Adenau's clone master the ability of this element.

   In other words, Adenauer’s ability to replicate his abilities is “passive” rather than “active” like him.

   But there are still some similarities, like the ability of the absorbed elements, which will increase as the user's own strength increases!

A specific example is the shadow space ability of the dark element attribute that Lin Ming often uses. The little antelope shadow can be made is pitiful, but if Lin Ming thinks about it now, a dark space with a diameter of 50 meters can still be easily relaxed. Use it.

   And looking at this Adenauer, his abilities are exactly the same.

   After simply absorbing the respective abilities of his subordinates, he can quickly use the abilities of various element attributes to turn them into enchantments or attacks, thereby resisting the powerful attacks of his subordinates.

   But Lin Ming didn't want to just see these at this time.

   This kind of ability can be the big boss among the big bosses of the dignified destiny, isn’t it that simple?

   Lin Ming immediately directed his subordinates to continue to attack, and the players who played were the giant monkeys who had been holding back for a long time, the Huaikui who controlled the grass element, and the ice soul who controlled the ice element ability!

The abilities of the two giant monkeys are actually quite peculiar, and they have reached the level of B not long ago, and one of their proud abilities is the combination of the two attributes that seem to be "inhibiting each other" to form possession. The attack is a combination of ice element and grass element with compound abilities!

   This trick was used once against the enemy during the Battle of Lingxiao Peak a long time ago, between Wind Wolf Fengxiao and Yanlang Yanqi, but it was only an experimental stage at that time.

   Soon, under the command of Lin Ming, after the two giant monkeys fell from Ochre's back, they immediately used their abilities in mid-air!

  Composite elements, Adenauer, how do you pick it up?

   Lin Ming, who was constantly walking, sensed that the ice and grass elemental attack had hit the target, and found that the opponent didn't seem to have suffered any loss.

   Oh humiliation.

   blocked it.

  In Lin Ming's manifestation, it was discovered that Adenau had sacrificed two clones and created a multi-layered barrier to block this move.

   It takes a lot of energy and energy.

   As a human being, this is what I fear most.

Even as an extraordinary person, they have a Compared with the mutant creatures who have absorbed the heavenly spirit and earth treasures and are extremely adapted to the aura, the extraordinary person is still quite inferior in nature. .

   It doesn't matter if they don't have fangs or sharp teeth. Although they are quite high in intelligence, they are limited in physical strength and aura.

  The main reason should be that when they face more mutant creatures than themselves, they usually use more aura-consuming attack or defense methods to fight.

   Although its attack power or defense power will be strengthened, it will also cause a lot of loss of aura.

The concentration of Adena’s aura is A, but when he is cloned, he will separate some of the aura into his own body, and using this clone to release various elemental defenses or attacks is an extremely aura-consuming behavior. .

   Plural clones can also consume aura in plural.

   Lin Ming didn't perceive the existence of any spirit stone in Adenau's car, and naturally there was no such thing on him.

   Then, what do you want to do with this stuff? How to get out of this predicament?

   I won’t be dragged to death by my subordinates before I get there...

   If this product is so weak, don't really be the president of any Destiny Club, and report directly to the underground.


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