Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 396: Worthless

   If you say, let Lin Ming choose his least favorite opponent.

   Then this answer must be a strange beast.

   The strange beast possesses powerful power and the ability to think strangely.

   They were originally creatures that had been transformed by mutant creatures after they swallowed the Podan, but they were therefore very different from the original mutant creatures.

   tentacles, eyes, huge mouth with sharp teeth, and soft body make up most of their bodies.

   Besides, there are quite a few of them, possessing extremely wonderful abilities.

  Normal attacks are invalid, or elemental attacks are invalid.

  Even, they have both, they can only find a breakthrough point to bring down their defense system.

   Moreover, as long as they eat any creature, they will produce some fully replicated individuals, and they don’t care what creature they swallow.

   Ordinary humans and general lower-level mutant creatures, after being swallowed by them, will become their nourishment and become another copy of them.

   But what about mutant creatures of high-level realm?

   Lin Ming still remembered what happened in the spiritual realm of Goganda.

   The counterfeit Fang Pingchuan sent almost all the Nine Heaven Towers to the Guoganda Spirit Realm located on the western edge of Shu Province to eradicate the newly discovered B-class demon spirits there.

   However, after they arrived there, they soon discovered that B and other demon spirits were being controlled by several strange beasts.

   After finally getting rid of the alien beast, and then after killing the B-level demon spirit, they just took out the B-level demon spirit pill, but the alien beast snatched the pill pill.

   The alien beast that absorbed the pill pill became a monster with extremely terrifying combat power in an instant!

   The giant alien beast that reached a terrifying level in terms of speed and attack power, although it was quickly killed by him that time.

   But there is no doubt that this alien beast can become stronger by devouring the Pill Pill.

   This is basically the opposite of mutant creatures.

   And, not only that.

   Lin Ming had also seen the sight of them devouring extraordinary people.

It was in the Spirit Realm of Qifeng Mountain. On the third day of the Nine Heavens Pagoda, Xue Yucheng was killed by his plan. After he deliberately left the strange beast and swallowed Xue Yucheng, his body suddenly expanded several times. Reiki even directly reached the level of B!

   However, that strange beast is just huge, and its aura level is relatively high, and there is nothing special about it.

   But since that time, Lin Ming has also received intrusion from strange beasts one after another.

There are many types of them, whether it is the "normal type" with the largest number, the "special type" that can release the "physical attack neutralization" or the "elemental attack neutralization" ability, the big eyeballs that can fly, and the size Huge "giant type",

  Even in the Great Northern Ocean, I have seen giant deep-sea beasts that look like octopuses but have tentacles like dead branches in the forest.

   is the same.

   These strange beasts with various appearances, no matter what they are, in fact, apart from being ugly and really annoying, in fact, for Lin Ming, it has no influence or threats to him at all.

   This is not a big deal.

   is that for him, there is no threat at all.

No matter when you are an A-class mutant creature, when you face them in the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm, or when you are a Demon King like S, when you face them in the Great Northern Ocean, or you are a SS, etc., it transcends everything. This is the case at this time of existence.

   Alien Beast, has never been his hostile side.

   just because of them...

   Not worthy.

   The reason is simply too simple.

  For Lin Ming, the alien beast is not an opponent at all.

   But now, where the seabed is 600 kilometers away, that weird thing, at first Lin Ming thought it was a mutant creature that hadn't been discovered before.

But now that the other person’s manifestation had established the manifestation in his mind, Lin Ming immediately discovered that this guy should be called a "different beast aggregate", or simply a "garbage dump". .

The reason lies in the fact that countless octopus-shaped monsters with countless tentacles that have been seen in the Great Northern Ocean before have been continuously assembled and attached to the body of this product. They are integrated with each other. A strange beast, in fact, still exists alone, and has not lost them as an independent individual because of the combination.

   This actually represents this guy, which is a combination of a single individual as the center and countless deep-sea monsters as the outer shell.

   Even if the aura concentration of this product has been upgraded to the seventh, eighth, and ninth steps, its location is actually just a matter of the number of deep-sea giant beasts.

   "Master, what should I do?" At this time, Yinlong Qinchun's spiritual language was conveyed into Lin Ming's mind.

   Lin Ming immediately issued the order.

   After all, he can't do everything in detail. For some things, it is better to let this subordinate who also possesses good abilities do it.

   "Qinchun, you are responsible for killing all the deep-sea monsters I have marked one by one, can you do it?"

   "Master, it's too simple! If it were them!"

  Qinchun instantly turned into a silver-white streamer and disappeared in the sea!

   Those deep-sea monsters with more tentacles are nothing to it.

   You only need to destroy them one by one with the highly toxic aura bullets.

   can be said to be really tricky, it is the aggregate.

   Its gas bomb could not penetrate the outer shell of this assembly. Even if it melted some of the outermost layer, it would soon be supplemented by other deep-sea monsters, and immediately restored to its original state.

   In this deep sea, this collective monster occupies a considerable advantage.

   After all, fighting in the deep sea requires many things to take care of.

   is not only about depth, water pressure, currents, and various unfavorable terrain conditions.

   The number of deep-sea monsters that are constantly supplying here is also extremely tricky.

   Master, can you kill this monster?

   Originally, Qinchun was able to reach the place where the master was in the shortest time, and could even catch up with the master to attack those enemies.

   But what I didn't expect was that when it was flying above the sky, it was suddenly attacked.

Although the collective monster is in the deep sea again, it can release weird aura bombs in the water, and it is still the kind of tens of thousands of scattered ones, so Qinchun has to fly to a higher place to be able to escape. .

   But in order to get rid of this guy and ask the owner for a reward, Qinchun still dived into the deep sea to fight this guy, but what he didn't expect was that his strength was far worse than the opponent, but it was not a matter of a star and a half.

   Fortunately, the master finally found this place, otherwise it would not be so easy to retreat.

   "Master, this guy is very difficult! You..."

boom! ! !

   It suddenly felt an extremely shocking boom, coming from the existence that had just been far away!

   At the same time, one after another shock waves shocked the entire ocean!

   "Master! What happened to you?!"

   Yinlong Qinchun struggled to get rid of the crazy current, and his huge wings struggled to maintain balance in the sea.

The huge aura contained in its body, as well as the extraordinary power, the understanding of speed and water flow, made it quickly adapt to this sudden and great change, and at the same time, it moved from the turbulent sea water at a very fast speed. He rushed out, spread out his broad silver wings, and flew in the air!

   At the same time, it immediately looked in the direction of its owner Lin Ming. However, it unexpectedly saw a spectacular sight that could be called a "vision"!

   An extremely huge black thing "floating" in this and mid-air under the scorching sun.

   And below it appeared a huge "dough" composed of seawater, and countless seawater around frantically poured into this depression, forming hundreds of water walls as high as 100 meters!

   At the same time there was a loud bang, this black mass had no time to fall, and was supported by countless black bamboo roots protruding from the sea, and threw it directly into the extreme distance!

   Qinchun is really silly this time.

  This, what is this?

  What kind of battle is this? Is it the same dimension as what I have seen before?

   The black shadow of that behemoth is undoubtedly a collection of alien beasts that has just plunged oneself into an absolute hard fight!

   And threw it from the deep sea into the air several hundred meters high, and then held it tightly with bamboo roots, and then threw it out again, undoubtedly the owner Lin Ming!

   Master Lin Ming's strength may have reached an incredible level!

Yinlong Qinchun looked at the recessed place originally surrounded by the stormy waves, and formed a super vortex with a diameter of more than three to four hundred meters. The degree of horror is estimated that if humans see it, they will feel that the end is coming. ?

Looking at the black shadow, it has disappeared, but the rumbling from far away proves that it has been thrown onto some solid soil and rock, rather than in the vast expanse of the ocean. .

   "Qinchun, sweep the deep sea monsters!"

   "Master, subordinates understand!" Qin Chun recovered, dived from the air, plunged into the extremely deep sea, and galloped in the direction marked by his master Lin Ming at the fastest speed.

   It knows that its task is also very heavy, but it can fight the enemy, it has never been afraid of anything!

   Perceiving his subordinate Yinlong Qinchun's departure, Lin Ming once again aimed his gaze at the giant alien beast that he had thrown onto an island hundreds of kilometers away.

   This time, he didn't choose to attack the goods directly, but used a more secure and relatively "gentle" approach to this huge alien beast, and threw it onto the ground.

   There are naturally many reasons.

   Lin Ming felt that the aggregate of alien beasts seemed a little weird. It could even be said that this aggregate of alien beasts had all the secrets that the alien beasts he had encountered before had not been exhibited.

   After all, the use of a small core monster to absorb countless sea monsters to form a new body, make it huge and soaring spiritual energy, no matter how you look at it, it has never happened before.

   Speaking of it, if it is true, there was indeed one before.

   Black bug mother body.

Although the guy said that according to his own judgment, it should be an aggregate of energy. The reason why he has foreign trade signs similar to those of the alien beasts, and even some tricks are not much different, but that guy is still a specific energy body. .

   And, to be sure, it is the embodiment of the energy created by the fake Fang Pingchuan.

   The amount of its abilities and the concentration of aura are the most faithful manifestations of the human abilities and auras that have impersonated Fang Pingchuan.

   But the alien beast, if you insist, it is indeed an energy body.

   However, unlike the black bug mother, these things are much more disgusting, and they have a stronger desire for energy and aura.

   Lin Ming had no doubt that these strange beasts were something outside the rules, or in other words, they didn't seem to be something that could appear normally.

   To say that if this mutant creature eats the soul pill, it will become an alien beast. If this equation is true, then the alien beast should have been rampant in this world long ago.

   However, it did not.

Lin Ming hadn't thought about this matter carefully before, but after thinking about it carefully, long ago he had encountered those mutant creatures that reached a level of D and C. With such a large area as the Blue Star, there was only one kind of mutant creature. There are countless mutant creatures around the order.

   The alien beast did not appear on a large scale until a long time later. It is even said that the appearance of the alien beast is closely related to the Alexandra of the Destiny Council.

   Such a large number of first-order mutant creatures will always be killed, right? And in nature, how many of them have directly become alien beasts?

   Lin Ming now feels that this incident is simply beyond normal.

If you have it at the beginning, think about it, when you send your subordinates to hunt, you will have a podan at the ninth level. Before discovering a podan, all your subordinates will eat the meat of similar mutant creatures. At the time, none of them became alien beasts.

   Now it seems that this fact is too weird.

   The same goes for these strange beasts in the ocean.

   If you can rely on this to produce alien beasts from the beginning, where will there be so many mutant creatures in the entire ocean?

   Moreover, in the ocean, there were first-order and third-order mutant creatures.

   This is not normal at all.

  Although the movement of the alien beast is slow, it is basically invincible under the cover of a special type, and for ordinary mutant creatures, it is basically a super killer.

   And if it eats mutant creatures, it will replicate, and if it eats Podan, it will be able to fully attack and speed this ability...

   According to this principle, the whole world should already be the world of alien beasts.

   However, from the beginning to the present, Lin Ming has seen the most in this ocean, and it was not long ago.

   Those on land are all things that Alexandra and their fate will create.

  The strange beasts in the ocean, Lin Ming has seen all look like one, there is no second form at all.

   are all things like that octopus, with countless tentacles.

   Whether it is the Great Northern Ocean or the Pacific Ocean.

   Lin Ming thoughtfully.

   He felt that this guy who had been thrown by him near the crater of that distant island and hadn't gotten up for a long time might contain quite an amazing secret!

   This secret, it's time to reveal it.

   Lin Ming thought so, and once again began to move super long distances!



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