Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 397: Count in count

   "Oh? That's good information, but you didn't get those spirit stones, which really didn't happen to me."

   Alans Meister looked at Cheng Yu and learned more information about the real Fang Pingchuan from him.

   Not far behind him, Cheng Yu saw the figure of Liu Feishu who had been fighting with Xing Yue all the time. It looked so dazzling and disgusting.

   But, this guy can do it, that's it.

According to Fang Pingchuan’s words, behind all of them, they were secretly tricked by their trusted teammate, who had always been a partner, and gave all of their intelligence to the entire human race. Allens Meister is in a greater crisis.

   Liu Feishu, his sin is to be blamed!

   "Yes, I have already told you all the information I have obtained. Alans Meister, I didn't hide anything, but the spirit stone..."

   Cheng Yu pretended to please Master, and at the same time he saw from the outside that Liu Feishu was wandering around here all the time, and his mind was not on the quarrel with Xing Yue at all.

   He is using his abilities and has been perceiving what he is thinking in his heart.

   And this bastard, the threat lies here.

  Mind-reading things, if in your own team, then it will be a weapon to disintegrate the enemy from within.

   But in the hands of the enemy?

  It can be said that it is the most terrifying weapon!

   Your own secret, there will be no defense at all in front of the other party!

   "Lingshi is easy to say, Wang Ce." Allens Meister, with contempt, looked at the indifferent young man who hadn't had such an obvious relationship with him.

   "Yes. Please say it." Wang Ce immediately responded.

   "This time, go to the B point and D library. The spirit stones there are enough for our good friend to raise the level to A, isn't it?"

   Wang Ce nodded: "What you said is not wrong, it is true, I will take him there now?"

   "I don't want to hear nonsense." Master's attitude towards Wang Ce is completely different from before.

   "Yes." Wang Ce didn't say anything, but grabbed Cheng Yu's arm, suddenly turned into a gust of wind, and disappeared in place.

   The corner of Ellens Meister's mouth lifted up, and he looked at Liu Feishu again.

   Xing Yue has left, and went hunting in the spiritual realm.

   Others are doing all kinds of cleaning, collecting food, and sorting things in the Doomsday Realm.

   At this moment, at least they are not disturbed by anyone now.

   However, Ellens Meister is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

   He picked up a stone and threw it away, but Liu Feishu immediately nodded at him slightly. .

   This is to ask Liu Feishu if anyone around has seen them together.

   And Liu Feishu's ability, its range of influence is about 50 meters.

   If anyone within fifty meters knows that he is meeting with Master, he will be able to alert immediately.

   Then, Liu Feishu used his foot to mark a "1" on the nearby dry ground, and then immediately walked into the door of the doomsday fortress.

   Allens Meister stepped forward and wiped it off in time.

   He also laughed at the same time.

  Wang Ce, an A-class transcendent, the most powerful transcendent in the world, is now his dog.

   And Cheng Yu has become a trustworthy new source of intelligence.

   The real Fang Pingchuan did not worry about his side, but concentrated on dealing with the mutant creatures in Europe and spying on all the movements of the fake Fang Pingchuan.

   For him, this is simply the best opportunity for development.

  The counterfeit Fang Pingchuan means to eradicate all transcendents and deepen the contradiction between ordinary people and transcendents.

   Alans Meister couldn't accept this.

   If there are no contradictions, then who is going to make money?

   With so many spirit stones collected, who do you want to do business with?

   If only ordinary people are left in the end, then his business will be impossible.

   Destiny will be wiped out, which is already an unacceptable fact to myself. If that fake Fang Pingchuan really makes everything worse, it really won’t work.

   Now, this place is basically under his control.

   Xing Yue, Fei Jun and Zheng Guodong are not afraid, and the others are not in the ranks at all.

  They can't help themselves, as long as those things are still buried under the ground, they can't act rashly.

   Allens Meister took out a cigar and lit it.

   Looking up at the "Doomsday Territory" directly cut out in the mountains, he exhaled a thick smoke.

   If humans finally play themselves here, then there is really no drama.

   According to Liu Feishu's answer just now, neither Wang Ce nor Cheng Yu lied.

   When the two men went to the American country to find the spirit stones, they were attacked by a mutant creature. The nuclear bomb in the warehouse was detonated and all the spirit stones were destroyed at the same time.

After   , the two people went to the Bruce country again and met Fang Pingchuan. Master understands this very well.

   Fang Pingchuan asked Wang Ce to report all kinds of information there when he has time, so that he can further judge the situation and issue various orders.

   It’s just that Fang Pingchuan might never think of it. Whether he trusts Cheng Yu or Wang Ce, no matter how powerful an extraordinary person he is, it is nothing nowadays.

   Cheng Yu, in order to become stronger, in order not to be controlled by anyone, hesitate to tell himself everything he knew about the real Fang Pingchuan.

   Alans Meister felt that there was no more scumbag than Cheng Yu.

   But he welcomes this kind of scum.

   In other words, if there is no such scum, it is impossible for his plan to be realized sooner.

   The real Fang Pingchuan's affairs, he had already known from Liu Feishu.

   Liu Feishu is more like a hopeless scum than Cheng Yu.

   is not reused because of his own abilities, no one takes it seriously, and has no right to speak. This person who is usually like a transparent person is the best target of the strategy.

   An A-class spirit stone simply bought the scum.

After   , his ability to read the mind naturally provided great convenience for himself.

   Even if Cheng Yu didn't tell them, he could still know these things.

   If you say it, then everything is completely different.

   This directly caused Wang Ce to fall into absolute passiveness, and it also made Wang Ce a slave who could only obey him!

   Before, the relationship he and Wang Ce maintained was only "cooperation", or even "mutual use".

  Wang Ce wants Lingshi, wants to become stronger, wants to become the most powerful transcendent in this world who is least restrained by anything.

   And all he wanted was all the information that Wang Ce brought.

   There is not much he can restrain for this transcendent such as A, this transcendent who can move instantaneously.

   Any information you want, you need to exchange all kinds of things.

   But now, this kind of thing won't happen again.

   Thanks to Liu Feishu's blessing, he can use Wang Ce unlimited times to get everything he wants to know!

   What's even more ridiculous is that these people have no idea that Liu Feishu has been bought by him.

   are still hostile to Cheng Yu who thinks he is very smart.

   They probably still think that everything is Cheng Yu's fault, and that the real Fang Pingchuan's affairs are only known to him.

   But how did those idiots know that all this was the betrayal of their fellow Liu Feishu?

   Cheng Yu will naturally get rid of it later, until he is no longer useful.

   As for the others...

   just now.

   Allens Meister suddenly felt a gust of wind coming, interrupting his thinking.

   Then, Wang Ce and Cheng Yu suddenly appeared!

   "I'm back?" Allens Meister snorted, "It's pretty fast."

   Wang Ce nodded silently, while Cheng Yu was quite excited.

   "I have been promoted to Class A! Haha! Mr. Allens Meister, thanks to your spirit stone!" Cheng Yu was very excited.

   After Fei Jun came out after hearing the noise outside, he saw Cheng Yu, and his hand was also on the long sword at his waist.

The expression on   's face is full of disdain, anger, and murderous intent!

   "Is Cheng Yu my person, Faithian Tower?" Allens Meister dipped his cigar again, "Move him, do you know what the consequences will happen?"

   Fei Jun left the handle of the knife, but the eagle eyes did not leave Cheng Yu.

   "Don't mess with me, I am also Class A now!" Cheng Yu pointed at Fei Jun provocatively.

   His expression is just like a villain.

   Feijun looked at Cheng Yu coldly, the killing intent on his face did not fade.

But Cheng Yu chose to continue to provoke: "The surnamed Fei, I have long seen you not pleasing to your eyes. I used to call you Fei because of the Nine Heavens Pagoda, but now even that Fang Pingchuan is fake, Jiu Zhongtian The tower also exists in name only. You used to be the tower of the second day, and the strength gap between you who was the tower of the first day and mine, which used to be the tower of the first day, I want you to see how much the difference is after being promoted to this A level!"

   Alans Meister raised his eyebrows. He looked at Fei Jun, whose expression was calm, but his hands were already shaking violently, and he could drew his sword at any time. He looked at Cheng Yu and patted with both hands.

   "Well, you are all supernatural beings with very high levels. There is no need to fight for a little thing... Although I want to say that, I really look forward to the difference between you."

   Fei Jun gave Alans Meister a fierce look, then looked at Cheng Yu again: "Find a spacious place to fight."

   Cheng Yu took a sip: "Who is afraid of whom? My current level of aura is not comparable to that of a spicy chicken like you who has just been promoted to the A level!"

"Hehe, it's disgusting that you don't rely on actual combat, just rely on absorbing the aura of the spirit stone to look like a villain with ambitions. It's really disgusting." Xing Yue controlled dozens of giant mutant creatures with ink drops and returned to the end. In front of the door of the territory, I just saw the scene of the battle between Cheng Yu and Fei Jun, and immediately the words in his mouth popped out.

   He didn't expect that the youth who used to have infinite enthusiasm for the simple mind of human beings has now fallen into this way, which made him dumbfounded.

   Alans Meister, this man deserves to be the existence that Fang Pingchuan calls the "ultimate demon".

   As long as this person exists, the world will slide more and more into the abyss of chaos.

   He is synonymous with evil, and he will also affect this evil on other people.

   is like Cheng Yu now.

Once confused, he should have been persuaded by the real Fang Pingchuan, but beside this Ellens Meister, he became his most faithful running dog, the Nine Heaven Tower, and even the entire mankind. Be regarded as the most disgusting traitor and villain!

"Xing, you too, and the kid with the surname Zheng who is playing with fire, I tell you, now there is one, and my strength is already above you. Shao Te told me about that. , I rely on Lingshi? You can't rely on it!" Cheng Yu's fingers pointed at his former elder brothers unceremoniously, and the expression on his face was even more exaggerated.

   He caught a glimpse of Liu Feishu's shadow in the distance, and immediately made eye contact with Wang Ce.

   "If you want to fight, I know there is a place." Wang Ce pointed his thumb in one direction, "No one knows what a particularly big movement is made."

"Okay, the surname is Fei, the surname is Xing, you two can go together, I hide my grandson, you shouldn't, you are called grandpa now!" Cheng Yu tried his best to use the most arrogant big brothers. The most owed words provoked.


   Just then, Allens Meister applauded.

"Very good, the exchanges and battles between A and other transcendents can be said to be the most exciting thing among human beings in the world. It's just..." Allens Meister looked not far away, Liu Feishu over there. Nodded at him.

Isn't    a trick? It seems suspicious...

   He put the cigar in his trouser pocket: "You try to be as far away as possible. If the sound is too loud, it will be bad to attract something, right?"

"Since this adult has given permission, I don't have any opinion. How many are you on? One or two? Or add the surname Zheng?" The expression on Cheng Yu's face was even more distorted, "I'm still afraid. Don’t dare to come?!"

   "Cheng are looking for death!" Zheng Guodong ran out after hearing the movement outside. He even accidentally ran into Liu Feishu who was hiding near the door for some reason.

   "Huh, dirty rubbish!" Fei Jun's long sword was unsheathed, and the killing intent on his face was even worse!

   "Although you can't be beaten to death, there is no problem with maiming, right?" Xing Yue's hand, countless ink drops gathered!

  Wang Ce looked at Ellens Meister: "How about I take them to the neon side? There should be no humans there anymore."

   "It's up to you." Alans Meister was noncommittal, "Don't be anxious to come back, by the way, look at the spirit stone in the T point and I library to see if there is any problem."

   Now Wang Ce does not have any freedom. He obeys his orders, but Neon is a quite suitable place.

   After he nodded, Wang Ce immediately led Xing Yue, Fei Jun, Zheng Guodong, and Cheng Yu to move instantly!

   The noisy scene just now became extremely silent.

   Alans Meister looked at Liu Feishu again, who was on the ground again, lightly drew a "1", turned his head and disappeared into the building.

   At this moment, Master picked up his cigar again and followed him in.



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