Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 401: Worship

  S and other demon emperor group!

At this moment, Wang Ce, Cheng Yu, Xing Yue, Fei Jun, and Zheng Guodong, the most powerful transcendents among the five human beings, in their hearts, even if they don’t want to admit it, they know that there has grown out of them. The devil's fruit of "fear".

   Take a closer look.

   A giant panda resembling a hill, on its arms, there are several wonderful colors, and they all guessed that these colors should have a lot to do with the elements.

   And the strength of this mutant panda is a proper level of S-level Demon King!

   It's even possible, maybe it's already close to a more terrifying existence!

   This mutant panda, Wang Ce once had a battle with him in Qingcheng.

   At that time, he was already an A-class transcendent, and there is no difference between him now, but the mutant panda is a B-class mutant creature.

   Moreover, it seems that it is still a mutant creature that has just entered the B-level realm. It can't fully use its own abilities, and the aura on its body is not so powerful that the current group makes them even a bit powerful.

   At that time, Wang Ce was able to use absolute speed to have some 50-50 battles with this mutant panda.

   But now, Wang Ce has no doubt that he can't even live past zero and one second under the hands of this mutant panda.

one second.

   How many punches can a person throw in this short period of time?

  Wang Ce can turn himself into thousands of afterimages. This still means that the spirit stone that Cheng Yu rewarded Alans Meister to him before reached such a level after he had absorbed it.

   But with thousands of afterimages, what can you do?

   I am afraid that before he can use this afterimage ability, he has been completely beaten to pieces by this mutant panda!

Mutant pandas such as    B can punch hundreds of punches in one second.

   has now become ten meters in height, and its fist is like a giant mad hammer. How many punches are punched in a second?

  Wang Ce’s conservative estimate is thousands!

   With these thousands of punches, even a thousand A-class transcendents can't help it.

   Can the opponent's fist easily destroy the world?

   Wang Ce’s cold sweat has soaked his long hooded clothes.

   The opponent's strength is far from what he can achieve.

   It's obviously useless for a long time.

   Can the gap between humans and mutant creatures reach such a degree?

   Wang Ce looked at the red, yellow, green, and cyan colors on the mutated panda's arm and knew that those were things that represented different colors.

   When I was investigating the battle between the mutant monster bamboo and the black insect mother, the giant panda at that time was not so huge.

   But at that time, this mutant panda could use the extremely powerful flame punch ability that can make the air burn a white flame with extremely high temperature!

   Now, on top of this white flame, what additional ability elements are there?

  Wind element, fire element, water element, ice element, thunder element...

  Wang Ce knew that there seemed to be no hope in this world.

   They should have left here just now instead of fighting.

   But they are still a step slower.

   When the opponent was extremely far away from them, dozens of barriers were released around him.

   This level of humiliation made them feel deeply about their weakness.

   They are extraordinary people like A.

   But now, just a mutated panda can make them completely doubt life, doubt their own abilities, and why they have them.

   They are more like a group of ants who do not know what to say, trying to fight the elephants.

   is ridiculous!

   Wang Ce knelt down one knee involuntarily.

   Even if other people resisted hard, kneeling and not kneeling are just a matter of the front line.

Wang Ce once again looked at the upright body and the giant wolf beside it, which was even bigger, like a giant beast of the blue sky. Even though his current fear had caused him more panic and nervousness, he I also know that these two mutant wolves are undoubtedly S-class Demon Kings!

   Although he is not sure, Wang Ce knows that they should be the two giant wolves who had briefly fought with him during the Battle of Qingcheng.

   His ability at that time made it impossible for the two wolves to get close at all.

   But what about now?

   He can be sure that these two wolf kings can make him unable to get close at all.

   Even, maybe let him die and not die again, in a very short time, let him know what is the huge gap in strength.

  Wang Ce now has the pitch-black double-edged blade in his hand, and he can't even hold it at all. With a cry, one of them fell to the ground because of his cold sweaty hands!

   The absolute suppression of the opponent's strength made him understand what despair is!

   And Zheng Guodong is staring at the flaming wolf closely.

   The opponent's fire control ability is undoubtedly much more exquisite than his own.

   Change the temperature at any time, change the shape at any time, and even say that it can be released and closed anytime and anywhere.

   Zheng Guodong's ultimate ability is that he can control nearly a hundred fire dragons he has made at once.

   The destructive power of these fire dragons is amazing. If he wants to, he can destroy half a huge city in an instant!

   However, if this huge pyrotechnic wolf wants to destroy it, Zheng Guodong feels that it can create a fire dragon ten times more than his own, and even bigger!

  If the other party is serious, maybe it is not a city that will be destroyed, but an entire country!

   The thunder wolf braving the black thunder and lightning next to the flame wolf is probably the same.

   The lightning entwined on his body is definitely an existence with even more amazing destructive power.

   Zheng Guodong can even think that this Thunder Wolf should have more destructive power than Fire Wolf.

   After all, although the size of this thunder wolf is smaller than that of the fire wolf and the wind wolf over there, the black thunder and lightning are definitely not allowed to be ignored.

   Zheng Guodong knew that there was an elemental ability that also used thunder and lightning in the association.

   The lightning that that guy used can only produce a dark yellow lightning.

After   , this thunder element capable person, after reaching the Ninth Heaven Pagoda, his strength even reached the peak of C, but after that he was only able to create a cluster-type lightning that could hit targets tens of meters away.

   But now that he saw this thunder wolf, Zheng Guodong knew that this mutant creature whose elemental ability has entered the realm of transformation can definitely destroy everything tens of kilometers away!

   And the corners of the mouth are dripping with purple venom, and the venom can even burn through the poisonous wolf tens of meters deep. It is also not to be underestimated.

   Although he is not the owner of the power system and the element system, this body can be regarded as a petite poisonous wolf, and the poisonous barrier created by it is a terrifying barrier that no creature can pass through.

   Even if there is a certain S-class supernatural being who can destroy this layer of venom barrier, it is estimated that it will turn from a human to pus in an instant, without any reason at all.

   Not to mention, this product may be more capable of attack...

and many more.

  Wind wolf, thunder wolf, fire wolf, poison wolf.

   These are the monsters that I have seen at the end of the tide of mutant creatures when I attacked the Ten Thousand Bamboo Sea Spirit Realm for the second time?

   At that time, I was just a C-class supernatural being, and these mutant wolves were not even as powerful as themselves.

   And now.

   The other party has grown into the S Demon King, where does this make sense?

   He is constantly sculpting his own elemental power, and the number of fire dragons he controls has changed from one head to nearly a hundred now.

   But compared to these mutant creatures, he felt that his own efforts were nothing at all.

   It can even be said that I am a rubbish.

   Known as the "extraordinary element of genius", his self-esteem in his heart was completely destroyed at this moment. Like Wang Ce, he knelt on one knee.

   unwilling? envy?


   Zheng Guodong feels that he is more of "submission" now.

   is in control of the opponent's powerful elemental power, and feels immensely surrendered!

   There is even a trace of worship and confusion.

   Look at Cheng Yu again.

   The one who is looking at is four huge giant birds that look like terrifying bombers.

   One red, one snow white, one jet black, and one ochre red.

A giant bird of four colors, each with extremely wide wings and a sharp beak, like a giant spear. Both beak and claws are stronger than the sharpest weapon in the world. , You can easily make the super-strong bodies possessed by these A-class transcendents easily mashed into pieces!

   There is no need to doubt this at all!

   And these four-headed giant birds can be described as a fortress in the sky, integrating firepower and defense, and even shouldering the function of long-distance transportation.

   Moreover, they seem to have the ability to be almost invisible, which is a nightmare for any human!

Not only that, each of these four giant birds also possesses extremely powerful elemental abilities. The quantity is basically the abilities of the elemental wind, but Cheng Yu, who claims that the elemental wind has entered the realm of transformation, even if he uses the most powerful one. The ability of the air bomb can't shake the half of the enchantment of this wind element! !

   The ability to control elements of this intensity has reached the level of "God"...

   Cheng Yu's knees couldn't help but soften.

   He even felt that even if he had risen to the level of S like these giant birds, he probably wouldn't be able to compare with these monsters.

   There is almost no need to assume this kind of thing.

   Cheng Yu's self-confidence was also defeated at the same time!

   "Who is faster than me, do you think it is faster?" Fei Jun almost squeezed this sentence out of his teeth at this time.

  Usually, he only speaks one or two words. Now he doesn't have this habit of cherishing words like gold. The facts are so shocking that he can't help but feel that all this is like a nightmare now.

Facing the giant cat mutant creature with snow-colored satin-like fur that Fei Jun pointed at, Xing Yue looked at the huge twisted horn on its forehead and shook Fei Jun gently. Shook his head.

   The speed at which this guy rushed towards them was the fastest.

If they didn’t stop attacking just now, then there is no doubt that this snow-white feline behemoth will break through their barrier in the first time, and then they will not even have the opportunity to use their abilities. Under the circumstances, he was instantly beheaded!

   "Is there any other answers? Fei Jun, you are just an A-class supernatural being, and the other party is a Demon King of S-class." Xing Yue sighed and said.

   It is obviously a little worse than other mutant creatures. One is a golden "dragon", and the other is a white mouse standing on the head of a golden dragon.

   However, even they are probably terrifying guys with A level and above.

   It can even be said that even the weakest two can easily get rid of these five A and other supernatural beings.

Nowadays, even if they are united together, the strongest existence among the five human beings has no possibility at all to escape from the hands of these demon kings such as S and A, even if they want to move halfway. Very difficult thing.

   may only kneel down on this road.

   However, the five people are also very surprised, why they, these monsters, did not kill them in the first place, but only trapped them here with those enchantments.

   This is obviously not normal at all.

   If they are so powerful, if they are mutated creatures, then if you see humans, especially those A-class supernatural beings with extremely high aura content, then they should be completely killed in the first place.

   However, this situation did not occur.

   They just surrounded the five of them, without any further action.

   The five people looked at each other.

   What are these demon kings of S and A, waiting for?

   However, they quickly reacted.

   These quiet monsters, like pets, do nothing here. The root cause should be what they are waiting for!

   For example, the monster that has reached the level of SS.

   That mutated plant, the most powerful mutated demon bamboo on the blue star that once killed all the black bug mothers!

   These mutant pandas, or the wolf kings, are still four bomber-like giant birds. Even if they are all S-class demon kings, even if any of them can easily destroy a country, they still have one characteristic in common.

  They are all subordinates of the terrifying Demon Emperor named Mutant Demon Bamboo-Mutant Demon Bamboo!

   Could it be that the next thing that came here was the mutant demon bamboo that I had never seen before?

   Five people couldn't help but swallowed saliva at the same etc.

   This terrifying monster only exists in guesswork.

   But now seeing these S and other demon emperors, no matter who they are, they know that this is no longer a guess.

   How powerful is the mutant demon bamboo that can manage so many monsters?

   Will they be the first human beings to see the mutant monster bamboo with their own eyes on this blue star?

   And, after seeing it, will he be killed right away?

   They don’t know.

   In other words, since just now, they have been surrounded by various problems, and they don't know anything at all, and they don't know anything.

   The only thing they can do now is to kneel down and wait for the arrival of the Demon Emperor Yaozhu!

   With a bang, it came from the east suddenly, and then, a dark shadow appeared from the air, and immediately fell to the ground!

At this moment, the five transcendents were extremely shocked to see that the terrifying and terrifying demon kings and demon kings were now respecting the group of mutant plants with dark red and golden branches. , Bowed worshiper!



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