Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 402: Overlord

   At this moment.

   Lin Ming has moved himself from the bottom of the sea to the land again.

   And, after calculating the distance, he jumped from the shore that was flooded by the tsunami.

   Even, he flew directly to his subordinates and the five supernatural beings!


   All the subordinates lowered their heads respectfully.

   For them, the master is everything.

   And the arrival of the master gives them a new feeling every time.

There is no him, but the aura of the master Lin Ming, which seems to rise to an unbelievable level every once in a while, even if the master hasn’t left here for a long time, but even in such a short time, the master’s body The surging aura of surging, still has a certain amount of growth!

   Although it is said, there is a bigger gap between them and their masters.

   But, none of the subordinates were not excited and pleased with the master Lin Ming!

   Just now, when they were still resting where the two weird worms were, Chi Ying unexpectedly found five human figures, and soon, they also made a decision to kill these five humans directly!

   After all, obviously there was no half-person presence there before, but now there are five more people!

After watching the panda Pangda, it was confirmed that there were teleportable humans who had killed their partner Giant Monkey Zhuoyuan. They could not contain the anger and excitement in their hearts, and instantly moved from dozens of kilometers away. They rushed!

   It's just that, just before they have decided who will kill these human beings, their master Lin Ming's spiritual words have been conveyed in their consciousness.

   Master Lin Ming prevented them from shooting, and he had to wait for his arrival.

   Therefore, after using their powerful elemental barriers to trap these humans, they have been quietly waiting for the arrival of their master Lin Ming.

   Now, after the master Lin Ming has come here again with an extremely powerful aura, they immediately respectfully lowered their proud heads as the Demon King and the Demon King to welcome their greatest master!

   And this master is also the most powerful and unsolvable existence on this planet!

After countless battles with their master Lin Ming, they have reason to believe that if master Lin Ming feels tired of being on this planet, he probably will not hesitate to break this huge blue star in a very fast time. !

   will completely destroy everything on this planet!

   However, the owner Lin Ming didn't seem to care about this.

   Otherwise, these mutated creatures on a global scale would have been slaughtered by their master Lin Ming and them a long time ago.

   But this kind of thing did not happen.

   Whether the master Lin Ming is good or they are still mutant creatures chasing the strong.

   Then, bit by bit, he raised his level to a more powerful state!

   For them, there is no limit to such a thing as being powerful, and it will never end!

   Now, the owner Lin Ming has not ordered the killing of these extraordinary human beings who are not low in aura concentration.

  He must have his own reasons.

   They bowed their heads respectfully, waiting for the next command from their master Lin Ming.

   "You raise your heads." Lin Ming motioned to his subordinates, no need to do this.

  Although it can make these powerful mutant creatures be extremely submissive to themselves, this kind of thing also makes Lin Ming feel a little refreshed.

   But to be honest, he really doesn't like red tape, rules, and so on.

   As long as he knows that his subordinates are very loyal to him, that is enough.

   does not need more.

   He once again looked at the five human transcendents who had completely kneeled on the ground.

   These human beings who have raised their aura to such a height as A, they are already the most capable beings among human beings.

   But compared to their subordinates, they can't even challenge Bai Qi or Dushan, Jinlin or even Snowfang!

   Are you sad?

   is really sad.

   Human beings, as the most powerful existence on this planet, have indeed ruled this planet for a long time.

   And in this era of aura recovery, when they first started, they did indeed start the research and various actions in this area first.

But after a series of actions that disrupted the situation due to the fake Fang Pingchuan, the entire human race was completely lost in this era of crazy evolution. In the end, it was easily completely surpassed by mutant creatures, and finally it was completely far away. Left behind.

  Lin Ming remembered that before he hadn't had himself, these humans had been completely handed over to the monsters in the ocean by the mutant creatures in the ocean.

   After his complete rise, he was completely driven out of his original homeland on land, and he could only move to a place without spiritual realm to survive.

   Lin Ming knew that the total number of human beings was one-third less.

   The disappearance of this total number would have been without the fake Fang Pingchuan’s various show operations and the fate society’s stalking. Maybe it won't happen at all.

   With human intelligence, as well as the original existence of various weapons and technologies, even if the speed of the aura recovery is accelerated, it will definitely not let the mutant creatures walk in front of them.

   But the mutant creatures did it.

   Lin Ming felt that if he was a human, it would be too simple to completely kill the threat of mutant creatures in the cradle at the beginning.

  All you need to do is to use a variety of weapons, and from the very beginning, you will launch an artillery fire dumpling attack on those spiritual realm areas with abnormal aura concentration.

   There is no better way than to drop a nuclear bomb in an area where mutant organisms are densely populated.

   As for the transcendents, it is unified management and distribution.

   Determine the aura levels of all the transcendents, assign tasks one by one according to the team, and go to various spiritual realms with crowds of tactics to attack the most powerful mutant creatures.

   Then, when some of these transcendents have a higher level, let them be old and new, so that the team of transcendents can grow as a whole.

  Moreover, at the same time, all countries must work together to mine the spirit stones on a large scale and use them in large quantities for the transcendents.

  Using the power of transcendents to suppress the mutant creatures in the spiritual realm, and summarizing the effective fighting levels and fighting skills.

   And to deal with the mutant creatures in the ocean, it is bold to use nuclear bombs to bomb, use the aura concentration to detect satellites, after detecting its path, continue to destroy them. Let the number decrease drastically.

   After such a wave, not only will human beings not be forced to the point of extinction by the mutant creatures, but on the contrary, it will be upgraded to a new stage compared to the previous control of the blue star!

   But this assumption is just a beautiful one.

   Lin Ming knew that this kind of thing was absolutely impossible.

   Human beings, among all kinds of individuals with ambitions and conspiracies, are now completely on the verge of extinction and the abyss of destruction.

   Now, the survival of the entire mankind is probably just the relationship between Lin Ming's thoughts and the undesirable.

   It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Ming now wants to kill them easily without any effort.

   Now, these five A-level transcendents have experienced countless battles and have experienced considerable growth, and they have grown from weak chickens to A-level transcendents.

   But their speed is really too slow.

   And the strength is really too weak.

  In the process of mankind’s mad involution, they were deeply affected, and were torn apart in it.

   Even, nothing can be done.

   Now that they have been completely trapped here by his subordinates, Lin Ming even felt that this group of people might have given up all hope now. And the arrogance and self-esteem in my heart, I am afraid that in the face of this absolute overwhelming strength, completely turned into nothingness!

   Facing these transcendents, he also released all his aura at the same time!

   The majestic and powerful aura envelops the entire space, violently impacting everything!

   And this, even the subordinates can't bear it at all, they dumped to the ground one after another, being overwhelmed by this terrifying aura!

   This level of aura is enough to simply kill any of them in a moment!

   This is the real powerhouse!

   At this time, the five human transcendents also kneeled halfway before, and completely put their knees on the ground!

   The blood-colored demon bamboo with a height of more than a hundred meters in front of him, the aura on its body, even if it is not detected by the aura detector, it is understood that it is huge and majestic.

   Cheng Yu tremblingly took out the Reiki Concentration Detector in his arms, and the other four people caught a glimpse of it. The number on it had actually reached the number of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

   This does not mean that the specific number of the aura of this mutant demon bamboo is here, but it has broken the limit of the aura concentration detector!

   may have reached one million, or millions, or even tens of millions!

   In contrast, these A-class transcendents are just like ants, even inferior to ants!

   Everyone, at this moment, felt that this terrifying Reipressure made them unable to breathe. The blood-red color in front of them was mixed with the golden mutant monster a few hundred meters away, and it was impossible for them to dare to look up!

   This is not an exaggeration.

   The other party's aura that is enough to watch the world is definitely not an existence that any human being can withstand.

   The so-called "Overlord" should be the case.

   Compared with human beings, is it not only a star and a half?

   It can even be said that human beings are nothing at all in front of him.

At this moment, they have been completely succumbed to this powerful force. Although deep down they don’t want to admit it, there is no doubt that the other party has this kind of strength and this kind of thing that can make them ordinary creatures surrender. powerful!

   On the other side, Lin Ming didn't know how to continue now.

   He just wanted to let these humans know that he was coming, and he was coming.

   Moreover, I also want to let my own powerful aura and let the other party understand the difference in strength, which is no longer a matter of level.

   But what to do next, Lin Ming suddenly had no idea.

   Can Lingyu be used with humans?

   Lingyu was originally just a very special ability for communication between him and his subordinates. Through his consciousness, he could accurately convey his own meaning to his subordinates and conduct various information exchanges with them.

   Although it is said that he can perceive the dialogue between humans through the ability to "rebuild the aura of all things", but this ability does not allow him to communicate with humans.

   The words will come.

   It seems that after regenerating into bamboo, he has always maintained "zero communication" with humans.

   But thinking about it, this statement is not too accurate.

   The communication between him and human beings is "battle"!

  From the age of the Wanzhuhai Spiritual Realm to the Qifeng Mountain Spiritual Realm, to the Vermillion Bird Valley, the Headquarters of the Bear Kingdom Destiny Society, Europe, the American Kingdom... Isn’t the exchange with humans just fighting?

   But the language communication seems to have not happened yet.

   Lin Ming felt that he was not to blame.

  First, the human side has never given any chance.

  Second, it is impossible for him to give the human side any chance.

   This is embarrassing now.

   also made it impossible for Lin Ming to know whether this spiritual language or the ability to rebuild the aura of all things can communicate with humans.

   At this moment.

   Lin Ming, this mutant demon bamboo, is facing five A-class human transcendents.

   This is the first time he has let humans see his real figure after being reborn as a bamboo.

   But it was not passively discovered, but he actively exposed his true body to these humans.

  The reason is that he wants to tell these humans, and even use these humans to kill the monster named Allens Meister.

   Killing a human being is actually extremely simple.

   But in front of Ellen Meister, this kind of thing does not exist.

   Although it is said that this product is actually an ordinary person with no aura, but it has the terrifying ability to destroy this world.

   Its weapons are really special weapons.

   A cluster of large-yield nuclear bombs deep between the crust and mantle, as long as this one detonates, then the entire blue star probably won't exist.

   is the worst and the worst, and it will completely overturn the current pattern of land and sea.

   If that's the case, even if he can adapt to it, there is actually no need to stay on the planet that remains.

   The land and the sea are subverted, and the creatures are gone, what else is there to say?

   This kind of thing is never allowed to happen.

   But, how many large-yield nuclear bombs of this type of cluster are buried between the crust and the mantle of this Allens Meister, he has no information at all.


   This kind of information, maybe even among these A and other transcendents!

   If that's the case, then may have to rely on these humans to get rid of this most dangerous guy.

   Although he said that he did not want to have any dealings with humans, but now it seems that even if he does not want to, he has to do so.

but. Now this situation is stuck.

  How to ask these humans?

   After all, no matter what you want to do, you must start from this step.

   Otherwise, he really has to find ways to write some words.

   Plants can write. Isn’t this just telling these humans that Lao Tzu was also a human before?

   is simply mentally handicapped, okay?

   Lin Ming would never do this.

   However, Lingyu, if there is anything that can be used...

   Thinking of this, Lin Ming gathered spiritual energy and used spiritual language at the same time!

   These human beings are also in their spiritual field.

   Human beings are also animals, even if they are extraordinary, they should actually be similar to mutant animals.

   It's just that he and his subordinates are only connected by the spirit liquid Yao Qiong.

   But human beings, can this be done?



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