Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 403: All the world is ants

   Lin Ming didn't know whether this spirit language could be as powerful as he expected.

   Can it spread in the consciousness of these humans without relying on Yao Qiong, so as to be able to communicate with him?

   But just thinking like this, things won't move forward.

   Being able to communicate normally with these humans is the key for Lin Ming to convey his ideas.


   It seems that I can only try it.

   If it really doesn't work, you really have to give this group of humans their own demon. After all, the subordinates have had a conscious connection with him because of the ability of spiritual language.

   However, this is totally unacceptable to him.

   But if there is really no way, then it can only be so.

   Now, I can only start.

   After Lin Ming calmed down his subordinates, he also turned all his attention to the extraordinary ones!

  He tried his best to let his spiritual language connect with the consciousness of these human beings!


   However, at this moment.

   Lin Ming saw that these human beings suddenly raised their heads at the moment he reached their consciousness with spiritual language!

   Moreover, every one of them had a look on their faces that they couldn't believe.

   seems to be talking, "Impossible"!

   On this side, whether it was Wang Ce, Cheng Yu, or Xing Yue Feijun and Zheng Guodong, the voice filled with domineering and unquestionable oppression that came in their minds at this time made them completely shocked in an instant.

what is this?

   They looked at each other, and at the same time realized that it was not only in their own consciousness that they heard this terrifying voice.

what is this?

Who does    come from?

   Although they had their own guesses, in the end, they all looked straight ahead!

   "Yes, it's that mutant monster bamboo! How does it..."

   Sweat kept slipping from his forehead and soaked the clothes on his back.

   They couldn't believe that a mutant creature can be so powerful that it can even communicate with humans!

   What is such a level of intelligence and such a powerful ability?

   Is there anything it can’t do?

   Moreover, this does not seem to be heard by the ears, but is conveyed to the brain. It can even be said that it is conveyed in consciousness!

   What is this ability?

   Several transcendents are now completely plunged into chaos and fear.

   They knew that next, maybe something they could never imagine would happen again.

   Are they... can you hear me?

   Lin Ming is just looking at the expressions of these human beings. Just by looking at their current state, he knows his own thoughts and finally becomes a reality.

   If this were not the case, then these people would not say that kind of doubt, as well as the astonishment and surprise on their faces now, or even the general expression of doubt in life.

   However, Lin Ming also felt that after his spiritual language was conveyed to the hearts of these human beings, it must have had an extremely powerful impact in their hearts.

   "Here, who is it!"

   At this moment, the five transcendents, such as Human A, are asking that voice in their hearts.

   Even though they are very clear, this voice in consciousness is definitely this mutant demon bamboo!

   And, even in reality, they are indeed faced by this SS and other Demon Emperor level terrifying creature!

   "Humans." Lin Ming's voice continued to penetrate the consciousness of these humans and conveyed to each of them.

   The five human beings once again looked at the mutant demon bamboo. Now, they have no room for thinking, nor any other ideas.

   They are trapped by dozens of layers of enchantments, and there is only this thing they can do now.

  Even, it is extremely difficult for them to die.

   And these enchantments are all made by the subordinates of the mutant demon bamboo, they are not made by the mutant demon bamboo.

  If it were this horrible guy, I am afraid there would be hundreds of layers of barriers, and it would be even more difficult to deal with, right?

   At this moment, Lin Ming also hesitated.

   What should I say in the next sentence?

   He felt that he was at a moment when he had to pretend to be a comparison, but he also found that if he failed to pretend to be a comparison, he might lose face.

   And these humans have also seen the market, in case they screw up...

   I can't imagine.

   Lin Ming thought for a while, and finally continued to use spiritual language to continue to say to these transcendents: "You now, there is no one in ten thousand chance to leave here."

   The five people were taken aback.

  Neither of them thought that this mutant demon bamboo actually said such a sentence.

   Nonsense, we want to escape, but now we can’t even move half a minute.

   "You, you are a mutant... No, you are the most powerful mutant creature in the world!"

   At this time, Wang Ce was suddenly in his consciousness and said this to the mutant creature in front of him.

   But he unexpectedly discovered that the other four people also heard this sentence, and they all opened their eyes wide and looked at themselves.

   Lin Ming also discovered this kind of strange thing at the same time, but he did not show a step closer.

  What does Wang Ce want to ask?

   However, being able to talk to him at this time seems to really underestimate this guy.

   Lin Ming waited for his next sentence. At this time, he couldn't express more.

   First see what the other person wants to say.

   "We are human transcendents. We came here by accident, and we didn't have any plans to be an enemy of you." Wang Ce continued to speak to the mutant demon bamboo in his own consciousness.

   He knew what he was talking about.

   He also knew that he couldn't be killed here.

   Among the five of them, no matter who is killed, or even all of them are killed, then it will be an extremely painful blow to the future existence of mankind!

   After all, they are the five strongest transcendents on this planet.

   Fang Pingchuan, no one can do without them!

  For the sake of mankind, for the survival of mankind as a whole, they must live.

   However, at this moment, they have no possibility to escape from birth, and even say that how to die is not a matter for them to choose.

   Now, what Wang Ce is thinking about is how to persuade this powerful aura to let the most powerful mutant creature in the world let them go.

   stay in the green mountains without worrying about no firewood.

   This sentence, Wang Ce knows why.

   "Although, I did kill your subordinates before, but at that time, I really did not have any way." Wang Ce continued to test, he understood very well that their situation was very bad.

   Especially, the mutant demon bamboo in front of him is likely to calculate the old accounts and new accounts together. Rather than the other party making trouble first, it is better to say it first.

   At this moment, Wang Ce's whole body was drenched with sweat.

   He has actually made the worst plan now.

   At that time, he really caused this mutant demon bamboo to be injured and let his subordinates die. This may be the root cause of the mutant demon bamboo imprisoning them.

  Perhaps, it is possible that the other party wants to kill all five of them at once.

  Wang Ce now just wants to preserve Fang Pingchuan's viable fighting capacity as much as possible, even if someone really must die, then he is fine.

   Simply, just draw the other's anger on yourself!

   Wang Ce now has no choice.

   "If you are here today to seek revenge, then I am willing to let you execute it at will, but please let my companions go!"

   Wang Ce's consciousness spread into the opponent's consciousness, and it also appeared in the consciousness of the other four people.

   "Wang Ce! What are you doing!"

"What are you thinking?"

   "Don't think about dying by yourself!"

   "To die together!"

   The other four people all know that the probability of living is small now, and the chance of death is high.

   After all, surrounded by so many incomparably powerful mutant creatures, they are already hard to fly with their wings.

   Really wanting to leave here alive is simply impossible.

   However, Wang Ce directed the anger of the mutant demon bamboo to him at this time, and wanted to take the initiative to abandon his life in exchange for their freedom, they absolutely did not accept it!

   Humans can be defeated, but they cannot be defeated!

   Lin Ming felt their conversation, and was surprised that although they had completely surrendered physically, they were still resisting psychologically.

   However, it doesn't matter.

   And Wang Ce's words surprised him quite a bit.

   "Human, you killed my subordinate, the giant monkey Zhuoyuan, this hatred, indeed, I have never forgotten it." First of all, Lin Ming must tell this human being that he has never forgotten this incident.

   "Your life, I will take it away sooner or later, but not now!"

   Five human transcendents suddenly raised their heads.


   The meaning of this sentence... in the end...

   "Humans, your weaknesses, presumably you already know it very well."

   "You are with me, in the eyes of my subordinates, you are all weak ants, existences that are not worth killing at all. Even if the five of you are already the strongest among humans, the same is true."

   "The survival and continuation of the entire mankind, and even the end or complete destruction, have nothing to do with us."

   "Your life is not important."

   "Don't be too arrogant!"

  Lin Ming looked at these humans who took themselves too seriously, and found it very ridiculous.

   Indeed, sooner or later he will avenge his subordinates.

   But definitely not now.

   If the Blue Star is destroyed, then nothing else will be worthwhile.

   At present, he needs to use the power of these human beings, even if their power is really only a little bit, even if they can't help much at all.

  Whether it is Alans Meister or the fake Fang Pingchuan, as long as they can use these five supernatural beings and the real Fang Pingchuan, Lin Ming can temporarily put aside the hatred and contradictions between each other.

   If you can't do it by drinking a little bit more, that's what a tyrant! ?

   Lin Ming wants to let these humans know that what he has to do is definitely not a trivial matter like revenge.

   As for their lives, it is not a very important thing.

   Now, he wants these humans to understand that now is definitely not the time to deal with these simple trivial matters.

   this moment.

   Five transcendents, looking at each other.

   What exactly is this mutant demon bamboo going to do?

   The survival of mankind is not important, and he does not intend to avenge it now?

   imprisoned five of them, but instead of killing them, it seems that there is something else?

In the end what happened?

   What should they do?

   The five people have fallen into chaos and endless doubts.

   After all, they never thought of this kind of development.

   Especially, Wang Ce is the most surprised one.

   Wang Ce was even ready to be brutally killed by the opponent just now.

   But now, things seem to be different.

   "Giant Monkey Zhuoyuan, I remembered this mutant creature that I killed before, and it was also the name of your subordinate." Wang Ce took a breath, he knew that he had to figure out the whole thing.

   "If it's not seeking revenge, then, what is your purpose?"

   Wang Ce's words represent the common will of the five people.

   They all want to know what this terrifying Demon Emperor·Mutated Demon Bamboo wants to do.

   But one thing is certain, it is definitely related to using them!

if it is like this……

What will    use them for?

   To kill a large number of humans? To kill the real Fang Pingchuan? Or is it to become its lackey and help it destroy the entire human race and destroy the Blue Star?

  If that's the case, they have no chance of agreeing to this kind of thing.

  If this is really the case, they would rather die here than promise!

   But, this mutant demon bamboo just said it too.

   These human beings are like ants. Whether they survive or destroy, they have nothing to do with it.

   Whether human beings survive or perish, it has no interest in caring about it.

   Then, shouldn't it want them to do things that are harmful to humans?

   All five people were suspicious.

   "Purpose?" Lin Ming felt that the conversation was too long.

   However, he knew he had to be patient.

   "My purpose is very simple. Wang Ce, Cheng Yu, Xing Yue, Zheng Guodong, Fei Jun. I know everything about the five of you."

   Hearing the mutant monster bamboo suddenly and accurately said their names, the five people suddenly became extremely shocked.

   Actually, you even know this kind of thing?

   How high is the intelligence of this mutant demon bamboo?

   At this moment, the five of them couldn't even say a word.

   It is because they originally thought that this kind of thing could not be known by this mutant demon bamboo.

   But now it seems is not only a name, this mutant monster probably knows more than they thought!

   "I even know the abilities of the five of you and what you want to do next."

   "I don't want to go around in circles, nor do I want to guess riddles with you. Alans Meister, a human being, is not something you can easily deal with."

   Lin Ming knew that he couldn't let this kind of useless conversation continue. What he wanted was efficiency.

   And, Ellen Meister, this human being, he really has to get rid of it as soon as possible!

   The more this matter is delayed, the more dangerous it becomes.

   Not to mention that Allens Meister already knew about the real Fang Pingchuan, it was said that these five supernatural beings could expose their feet at any time and make the whole thing worse.

  Even if these five people didn't appear in Neon by accident like now, he would definitely find an opportunity to imprison these five people as if they were now after killing the alien beast assembly.

   It can be said that this coincidence has saved him a lot of trouble!

   Now that he has told Alan Meister's affairs, what expressions will these five people face?



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