Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 405: The realm of ghosts and ghosts

   At this moment, the transcendents such as the A are sweating profusely.

   They felt it again, what a sense of oppression.

  What is fear.

   What is involuntary.

The voice of this mutant demon bamboo enters consciousness, and it also carries extremely powerful spiritual pressure, and an indisputable sense of terrifying oppression, which really makes these five transcendents feel that just listening to these words is already exhausted. NS.


   They also reached an agreement with this mutant demon bamboo.

   That is, as long as they don't take the initiative to attack, this mutant demon bamboo will not treat humans.

   At this point, for the human side, there is no loss at all, and even said that it is one step closer to guarantee their safety and survival!

   From then on, they will no longer worry about what this mutant demon bamboo will do to humans, but can concentrate on solving internal conflicts!

   If you wait to kill Allens Meister and kill the counterfeit Fang Pingchuan, then in this aura of rejuvenation, the fate of mankind will be completely reversed!


   Hope is here!

   Although the five people tried to restrain their expressions, they still saw the common state of mind on each other's faces.

   And Lin Ming on the other side felt that these extraordinary people were too tender.

   The reason why human beings force themselves to this point, is it because the mutant creatures are the main influence?

   Regardless of the rejuvenation of aura or mutant creatures, it only helps human beings step into the highway of destruction.

   As for the main reason, the fundamental reason is its own swelling, the desire to control everything.

   This is the case of Alans Meister, which needs to be solved, and the fate of a group of so-called transcendents will be the same-they are not trying to create a world with only transcendents.

  Fang Pingchuan, a counterfeit, tried to play with humans, mutant creatures, and all life in the entire world at will.

   As for the real Fang Pingchuan, this one can be said to be the most hidden one.

   Lin Ming felt that even if he would not take action against humans, the humans would sooner or later be played to death by the so-called "human light".

   This is not his fancy or alarmist talk.

   What the real Fang Pingchuan is doing right now is definitely not a simple great act to free mankind from the crisis of extinction.

   This person has a very deep city. From such a simple way, he has turned the five strongest transcendents in the world into his own power, and he is willing to work for it, it can be seen.

  Furthermore, the strength of this person's methods can indeed be seen from the fact that he can control the European countries, simply persuade them, and then destroy the huge spiritual realm.

   If this person really kills Alans Meister, kills the fake Fang Pingchuan, and leads mankind to start a reversal from the era of aura recovery...

After   , what will his future be like?


  Furthermore, the ability to heal everything, and the ability to summarize and deduct it through various intelligence, and then get the most correct answer, can be said to be extremely powerful and extraordinary power.

   And this is the ability that Fang Pingchuan possessed when he was an extraordinary person like B.

  Will he wait until he reaches the level of A, or even S?

   Lin Ming has no doubt that this product will definitely use a huge amount of spiritual stones to raise his spiritual energy concentration to a new level.

   The transcendents on the human side will awaken new abilities every time they raise their level realm, and become even more powerful.

   And no matter how bad this Fang Pingchuan's luck is, there should definitely be some ability to attack.

   When the time comes, this product will also reveal its original appearance, holding the anti-aura shielding device, and completely transform the entire human race into a large group of "non-transcendents".

   This kind of thing, even if it is a guess, Lin Ming still thinks it should be indispensable.

   This is also a rule.

   As long as you have power, you can't get rid of this.

   The strong and the weak will fight against each other. Without the enemy, they will definitely get worse internally.

  When the time comes, what will happen to these five supernatural beings?

   Lin Ming is not hard to think of.

   Although they may now feel that the dawn of human hope has just been born, Lin Ming feels that it seems that the dark future has been determined from the very beginning.

   A future that is more chaotic than the present.

   But, even so.

   has nothing to do with him.

  Perhaps before that, these human beings who made great deaths would have sent his subordinates to kill them because they wanted to attack him actively.

   "Shall we continue talking?"

   At this time, Wang Ce took a deep breath and said.

   At this time, Lin Ming could see that these five people no longer had the previous pressure.

   also didn't have a lot of worries.

   is just a trivial promise for him, this group of people is just like that.

   is really interesting.

   "Go ahead, how much do you know."

   Lin Ming urged.

   This kind of dialogue is enough, almost.

   Always grinding down, the alien beasts over there will become more and more difficult to handle.

Wang Ce and the other four looked at each other and nodded affirmatively: "I have been with Ellens Meister all the year round, and at the same time I searched for all the information of Ellens Meister, except for one. Outside of places, I know where the nuclear bombs or other heavy weapons he buried in all places."

   Lin Ming was surprised.

   This guy is fine.

   actually know the location of almost all nuclear bombs?

   This is an unexpected joy.

   After all, Lin Ming knew the one in the middle of the Pacific Ocean even if he was full before.

   The rest, he just guessed that it should be in the human gathering area.

   According to this Wang Ce said, then he almost knows the location of all the installation places in the world...

   So, seems to be able to determine the majority in a short time?

   "There is only one unknown place?" Lin Ming asked again.

   To be honest, he has a rather bold speculation now.

   If this is the case, then everything becomes easier!

"Yes, there is only one left. There are a total of 953 in the rest of the locations. Although not all nuclear bombs are said to be, each one is deep underground in the huge city. If it happens, or if he can't go there within a certain period of time, it will be detonated instantly!"

   Wang Ce replied immediately.

   He knew that in order to deal with this most difficult enemy, he had to know everything about this mutant monster.

   This is a necessary condition for cooperation.

   What the other party wants is the death of this human being that can destroy the entire Blue Star, nothing more.

   He didn't have any need to hide this matter.

"If you want, I can take you to any place to tell you the exact location of those nuclear bombs or heavy weapons, or tell you the location of these exact locations. But I also want to say in advance, unless I find all the places. Otherwise, Ellens Meister will also detonate the last remaining one, and the position of the last one may be at the extreme edge, perhaps at the feet of you and me."

   Wang Ce continued.

   He took a deep breath, waiting for the answer from the mutant demon bamboo.

   For so long, he has indeed searched for quite a few cities, and he has also used various means to continuously explore everything about Ellens Meister.

   Although on the surface, he has always pretended to obey Alans Meister, but deep in his heart, he still wants to kill this lunatic who can destroy the world in the first place.

   Thanks to Fang Pingchuan, he did get a lot of help, otherwise he would not be sure that there were a total of 953 hidden dangers.

   However, there is indeed only one place. No matter how he collects information, he can't find it.

   It's not that he didn't want to, but that he really couldn't find it.

   "I understand." Lin Ming sensed Wang Ce's thoughts and knew that this guy hadn't lied.

   Nine hundred fifty-three places...

   Speaking of which, what kind of lunatic can do this kind of thing?

   "Then, tell me all the buried locations you know!"

   Lin Ming ordered!

   Wang Ce took a deep breath.

   He backs down like a stream, and at the fastest speed, tells the mutant demon clan the location of 953 places.

   "The first place is under an angel statue in the northeast corner of Belmont City. The second place is located..."

   Lin Ming also used the clones of Lingzhu to make their roots gather the bamboo roots according to the position Wang Ce said, while doing all the markings.

   "The nine hundred and fifty-third place is located in the Olive City of Tang Dynasty. It is now in ruins, but the amount buried there is the largest. If it is not dealt with, it will cause extremely terrifying casualties in the surrounding giant cities!"

   After talking about the 953 burial sites, Wang Ce almost collapsed.

   After all, this really consumes energy and brain power.

   But in order to one day be able to kill Allens Master, he has been trying to force himself to remember these places in the depths of his mind!

   Now, he has informed the mutant demon bamboo of everything. Next, to what extent the mutant demon bamboo can achieve, he also wants to know.

   After all, his original idea was to unite all the forces that can be united and eliminate all these weapons at the same time.

   But this kind of thing is really too difficult.

   After all, the fake Fang Pingchuan is still a factor of instability, and he cannot do that.

   Otherwise, maybe that guy will come out and make everything meaningless.

   And there is a little bit more.

   That is the last burial place. I heard Ellens Meister said that once it detonates, it will destroy more than half of humanity!

   As for the last buried location, he has no clue at all where it is.

   Now that he has done his best, the next thing he can see is this mutant demon bamboo.

  If it can...

   "Are you sure, these are the nine hundred and fifty-three places?" Lin Ming finally marked each one out, and he was also relieved.

   These buried locations, if Wang Ce doesn't say anything, no one knows how crazy this Elens Meister is.

   Nowadays, in this blue star, there are almost all places where human activities exist. This **** has nuclear bombs or all kinds of explosive power that are extremely powerful, and weapons that are enough to destroy an entire city are placed underground.

   is extremely concealed, and it is a place that no one can imagine.

   Even one explosion can destroy an entire city or an entire region!

Lin Ming has no doubt about how wrong Alans Meister said to Wang Ce that "it can destroy more than half of humanity"-this is the idea that if something happens to him, the entire human race will have to be buried. Coming!

   Although it is said that some weapons are buried far away from human cities, they are all near large rivers. Once they explode, the downstream will also usher in destruction!

   This intention is so cruel and terrifying!


   Lin Ming affirmed a little again.

   is also a fact that he boldly guessed and carefully verified before.

   Among these 953 burial sites, there is no one in the crust and mantle of the extinct volcano in the small island in the Pacific Ocean that he has just visited!

"I am sure that I have monitored all of Ellens Meister's actions, and his people are also under surveillance. The information we have can make it clear that he has a total of 954 burial sites. But. If the remaining place is not found, it will be of no avail to destroy all the rest!"

   Wang Ce clenched his fists.

   This is also Alans Meister, even more difficult to deal with than the fake Fang Pingchuan.

   Nine hundred and fifty-four places, even if one place is missed, then all previous efforts will be abandoned, and there will be no power to recover from the sky!

   "Then, I understand." Lin Ming finally confirmed one thing now.

   He can finally get rid of a major enemy now!

   and it is the most dangerous, troublesome one!

   Allens Meister, will be completely destroyed today!

   "Then, let's next..." Wang Ce and the other four people are now waiting for the next instructions from the mutant demon bamboo.

   For them, they have already said everything they can say, and have done everything they can do.

   Besides, I got a great promise!

   Mutated Monster Bamboo, and they promise that they will not attack humans, provided that humans will not actively attack him!

   Although he said, "If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different."

   But they can trust this mutant demon bamboo.

   Otherwise, this mutant demon bamboo will definitely end their lives instantly after he has just finished talking about the buried locations of all the weapons.

   But the mutant monster bamboo did not do this.

   This means that the promise made by the mutant demon bamboo counts.

   This is even more important than anything!

   And, if you can let this mutant demon bamboo kill Allens Meister by the way...

   "Wang Cheng Yu, Xing Yue, Zheng Guodong, Fei Jun."

   Lin Ming called out the names of these people.

   "As transcendents like A, you are also the strongest human beings in this world."

   The five people did not dare to look up, the mutant demon bamboo was already so powerful that it could not be seen directly.

   But they are very puzzled, why the mutant demon bamboo did not continue the topic just now, but suddenly called out their respective names.

   "Next, I want to give you some tasks, and my ability, even if you are anywhere, you can hear my voice like now!"

   Several people were shocked and shocked!

   Can you hear it anywhere? !

   Has this mutant monster bamboo reached the realm of gods and ghosts? !

   However, they didn't have much time to continue to be surprised.

   It's just because, this mutant monster bamboo, what follows will make them even more unbelievable!

   "Wang Ce, after you go back, after hearing my instructions, immediately kill Allens Meister."

   "As for how you want to kill, as you like!"



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