Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 406: Destroy together!

   At this moment, the five transcendents were all stunned.

   In other words, it was to the extent that he was completely shocked by this mutant demon bamboo's words and couldn't believe his ears.

In the end what happened.

   Can this mutant demon bamboo speak directly to kill Allens Meister?

   954 If the weapons buried enough to destroy the entire mankind have not been destroyed, let them go and kill the demon right away?

   "IMHO, we don't seem to have any capital, go and kill that person!"

  Wang Ce didn't understand, what is this mutant demon bamboo thinking?

   Why did it make such a decision?

For what?

   Even if it can really destroy all the weapons in the 953 locations, what does it plan to do with the remaining one?

   "No capital? Wang Ce, just do it."

   "You just need to tell me how long it will take those weapons to detonate after Alans Meister's death."

   The five Wang Ce looked at each other.

   is so confident?

   Could it be that this mutant demon bamboo knows where the last one exists?

   "Within twelve hours!"

  Wang Ce gave the exact number, but he also murmured in his heart.

   Within twelve hours, 954 locations, all over the world!

   Destroy all the buried objects in these places, in such a short time?

  What a joke!

   Even if this mutant monster bamboo is already strong enough to a certain level, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible!

   "You do it, it's okay."

   "If the destruction of the world ends, it must be that you don't know all the burial places, nothing more."

   Lin Ming is beyond doubt.

   His attitude towards these suspicious humans also speaks for itself.

   He really thinks so.

   "I can guarantee the accuracy of my information!" Wang Ce still couldn't believe this mutant demon bamboo, "but you can guarantee that those things won't ruin the world?"

   He couldn't believe that the other party possesses this ability!

   954 locations within twelve hours.

  What a joke!

   Does it know how big the Blue Star is?

   Although these burial sites are all on land and near the sea, it is impossible to completely dismantle all of them in such a short period of time.

   But this mutant demon bamboo still tells them that it can kill Allens Meister!

   This kind of thing is ridiculous.

   Does this mutant demon bamboo want to die with humans and this blue star? !

   "If I let you go, just let me go!"

   "Don't be ignorant of praise!"

   "Let you do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it! As long as I want to, destroying the entire human race is just an instant thing!"

   "Bargaining with me here, your courage is too big!"

   "I want this blue star to turn into a death star, this kind of thing is easier!"

   "Don't challenge my patience! Ants!"

   the majestic surging, extremely large amount of spiritual energy, forming a terrifying spiritual pressure!

   Under this spiritual pressure, even if it is surrounded by dozens of layers of barriers, it can isolate a lot of outside damage.

   But the spiritual pressure, and the terrifying sense of oppression, directly caused these five people to fall directly to the ground from a half-kneeling posture, completely lying on the ground, even if they want to get up, it is absolutely impossible!

   This is not only the effect of aura, but more, it is the effect of the indisputable and terrifying ruling power!

   You know, they are extraordinary people like A!

   is in this world...

They thought this way. When they tried to resist this invisible pressure, they saw the terrifying Demon Kings and Demon Kings who had just given them no chance to fight back, all lying on the ground shivering. He didn't dare to raise his head at all, let alone make any movements!

   is like a pet that fears its owner deeply, like an ant fearing a giant elephant!

   Hopelessness, fear.

   They instantly became the dominated under the rule of this absolute master!

   "What about the answer?!"

   Lin Ming’s spiritual language was still bumping into everyone’s minds, causing them to have a splitting headache!

   "I, I know, understand!" Wang Ce tried his best to convey the voice that he had succumbed to through his consciousness.

   But he also used all the aura and strength of his whole body to be able to do this.

   And after squeezing out this sentence, he also fainted directly.

"very good……"

   Lin Ming sensed the aura of these five human transcendents, and found that almost all of them had been exhausted by his own spiritual pressure, but he was quite surprised.

   He immediately sensed everything within 2,000 kilometers nearby, and quickly found where the seabed was more than 1,700 kilometers away, and there were some spirit stone veins with not very high aura concentration.

   In normal times, Lin Ming wouldn't even look at these D-class spirit stones, but now, these things can indeed restore some spiritual energy to these humans.

   Moreover, the rest can also be used by subordinates.

   However, he also noticed that the spiritual stone with stronger aura does not seem to be easy to find.

   Otherwise, there is no need for him to attack any super mutant creatures. Wouldn't it be a good thing to use aura to explore the treasure of the Blue Star Spirit Stone?

   But the fact is that the reserves of these spirit stones are too scarce, or even directly non-existent.

  The location of the spiritual stones in the land and the sea, Lin Ming actually didn't make any effort to collect them.

   After all, there are so many things that are more important than searching for those few spirit stones among countless rocks.

   For example, what he has to do now!

   A large pile of D and other spirit stones were fished out of the deep sea, and Lin Ming threw a part of it to the side of the human transcendents, and the rest was rewarded to his subordinates.

   Very quickly, as the five people absorbed the aura in the spirit stone, they also recovered at the same time.

   At the same time, they all felt that the spiritual pressure on their bodies disappeared in an instant, and their whole bodies were relieved a lot.

   "Go now. Then wait for twelve hours!"

   Lin Ming gave the order again.

   For these human transcendents, he doesn't pay attention to them at all.

   However, these humans actually played a role in killing Alans Meister.

   Lin Ming motioned to all his subordinates to unlock all the barriers.

   "Now, Wang Ce, you can take a few of them away, but you have to remember what you said today!"

   "...I understand." Wang Ce took a deep breath.

   Since this mutant demon bamboo can let them kill Allens Meister with such certainty, it will definitely be able to destroy the buried weapons.

   He now, even if he doesn't believe in this mutant demon bamboo, there is nothing he can do.

   "Let's go, I think we don't seem to have to gamble, this mutant demon bamboo can do much more than we thought possible." Xing Yue sighed.

   It's a good thing to kill Allens Meister.

   However, what happened just now has made them, and even the entire human race, deeply understand that from now on, human beings will live under the haze of this mutant demon bamboo.

  Although I don’t want to, there is absolutely no way.

   The level is so bad.

   Xing Yue shook his head.

   The mutant demon bamboo in the distance, it seems that there is really nothing too powerful, from the outside.

   But their terrifying strength and overwhelming power are beyond the reach of these extraordinary people.

   And, not only that.

   The mutant monster bamboo should now be a mutant creature with the level of a demon emperor such as SS.

   But this is not the end.

   Maybe, it won’t be long before the mutant demon bamboo will continue to raise the level to an incredible level.

   By then, they will face a deeper despair.

   The destiny of mankind, the best destiny, is to linger under the body of this mutant demon bamboo, nothing more.

   Xing Yue doesn't think he is a pessimist, but the current level of disparity makes him have to think like this.

   Human beings, in constant infighting and involution, lagging behind the mutant creatures at the beginning, and with the progress of the era of aura recovery, this gap is getting bigger and bigger.

   Now, the mutant monster bamboo has grown into a powerful monster that they can't keep up with, and it will become stronger and stronger!

   As the most powerful transcendents among human beings, they could have done many things.

   But now, it seems that nothing can be done.

   "Let's go, kill Alans Meister!" Cheng Yu took a deep breath, "No matter what, survival is better than destruction, isn't it?"

   "Leave the green hills, don't worry about no firewood." Fei Jun also nodded.

   "A single spark can start a prairie fire!" At this time, Zheng Guodong had another idea!

   At this time.

   "Even if Alans Meister is killed and the fake Fang Pingchuan is killed, mankind will not make the slightest progress. It will still be in internal consumption, and finally usher in destruction."

   A dreamlike sound flowed through my mind, but it disappeared quickly.

   Along with Wang Ce's use of abilities, these few of them also disappeared one after another.

   Finally, they all returned to the doomsday territory.

   And there, Ellens Meister, just as he was welcoming them, stood outside the gate, with a strange expression on his face.

   "You... are a little slow." He raised his eyebrows.

   Although the faces of these people are full of exhaustion, and the clothes on their bodies are also damaged, it seems that they have gone through a battle.

   However, it took too long to go here.

   Alans Meister felt that there was something wrong with it.

   "Cheng Yu, tell me all what happened!"

   he shouted angrily!

   No one can defy his orders!


  Especially this Cheng Yu, since he became a dog, let me be a pet dog that comes and goes!

   Cheng Yu and the other four looked at each other, took a deep breath, nodded lightly, and glared at Master: "Master, what if I don't want to?"

   Allens was stunned for a second, but immediately the expression on his face was also distorted: "Cheng Yu, are you looking for death?"

   Cheng Yu smiled, did not pay attention to him, but looked at Wang Ce: "The people are still not together, I will trouble you."

   Wang Ce nodded: "Yes."

   He disappeared instantly, and immediately appeared with a young man, and this young man was Liu Feishu!

   He was confused at first, but immediately he was shocked!

   "Read your mind, read it. You read what we are thinking about when you read it? Then tell your dog owner!" Cheng Yu grabbed Liu Feishu's collar and his face was full of anger!

   "What, what..." Liu Feishu opened his eyes wide, looked back at Alans Meister, and swallowed.

   He knows, everything seems to be messed up!

   "Cheng Yu, haven't you...wait, you can hide my ability...what's the matter! You turned out to be..."

   Liu Feishu couldn't believe it.

   Cheng Yu had obviously become the dog of Alans Meister before, why is it like this now?

Moreover, after passing his abilities, Liu Feishu discovered that the reason why Cheng Yu had told Mestre about Fang Pingchuan’s location was only because Cheng Yu and others had expected that Liu Feishu had already belonged to Mestre. Read it in advance. Up their hearts.

   They take advantage of this, and if they come, they can count on it!

"Master Mai, Master Master! He, they all know!" Liu Feishu looked back at Master in a panic, "They all know what happened to us! Master Master! And the **** Cheng Yu deceived you. !"

   Alans Meister sneered, took a cigar, and lit it.

   "Trick me?" He spit out a puff of smoke and raised his eyebrows. "You are so courageous."

   "Know, what are the consequences of doing this?"

   "Why don't you know? Alans Meister, what you have done is too serious!" Wang Ce glared at him, "You are too extreme!"


   Ellens Meister couldn't help but smile.

   "My evil is serious? I'm too extreme? This is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Wang Ce, you really have it."

"Although I really want to make myself feel that what the five of you are doing now is to make an April Fool's Day joke with me, but it is not April 1st, and you have also caught this Liu Fei book. It seems that you just want It's a showdown with me, right?"

   He puffed out smoke, but there was no tension on his face.

   For him, this is still a small scene, and this group of people doing it now is simply stupid.

"Yes, it's a showdown, Alans Meister. Your days are over!" Cheng Yu looked at Liu Feishu and sipped at him again, "No, it should be said that your two days are over! "

"Oh. Really? It seems that you already know that this dog is my pet? It doesn't matter." Master Leaning on the side of the giant tree, "I ask you again, you are now Provoking me, is that right?"

   The faces of the five people were gloomy. They knew that there was no way to turn their heads now.

   The mutant demon bamboo told them that it can rest assured that it has completely controlled the 954 burial sites.

  Moreover, after this Elens Meister is killed, all the weapons in these buried places can be destroyed within twelve hours!


  【Don’t do it yet? What are you waiting for? 】

   Suddenly Wang Ce and the others heard the voice of the mutant monster bamboo in their minds!

  This, this is...

   They glanced at each other, and once again admired the powerful ability of the mutant monster!

   can actually use this ability to affect the location thousands of kilometers away...


   However, the urging of the mutant demon bamboo is probably because it has to do something, so is it so?

   But they don't have any time to hesitate.

   "No, we did not provoke you."

   Wang Ce took a deep breath.

   For an instant, Alans Meister had two black double blades on his neck!

   "We want your life!"

   Alans Meister smiled and smashed the cigar on the black double blade.

   "Did you make a mistake?"

   "The current reckless behavior means that the world's population will be reduced by half, understand?"


   "Let the entire human race be destroyed with you?!"



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