Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 407: Dark age

   Alans Meister smiled.

   Even though the black lacquered double-edged blades are now framed around his neck, he doesn't panic at all.

   Even he thought it was funny.

  Wang Ce should be the one among these people who knows the "weapons" he possesses best.

   Weapons all over the world, as long as he loses contact for more than twelve hours and does not activate the central console that controls those weapons with a password, then the whole world will also fall into catastrophe!

  In the eyes of Ellens Meister, his world is the real world!

   If not, then there is no meaning at all!

   If he dies, then the entire human race must be buried with him!

   In the end of this era of aura recovery, Allens Meister has long left a way out for himself.

   It can even be said that he has already left a way out for all the humans on this blue star, and even the entire blue star.

  Destroy, all destroyed!

   The arrival of the end of mankind is not determined by the Demon Emperor of a mutant creature, nor can it be determined by the true or false Fang Pingchuan, nor is it a **** destiny, the extraordinary ones!

  He, as the man with the deadliest weapon in this world, is the terminator of this world!


   Alans Meister was laughing wildly, his voice gradually distorted!

   "Wang Ce, what you are touching is the dragon's Nilin! I told you a long time ago, don't disobey me!"

   "Now, if you do this, the worst result is that half of human beings disappear!"

   "You will be the biggest sinners in the entire history of mankind, and you will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever!"

   He doesn't look at the double swords on his neck at all, but jokingly awaits the expressions of extreme regret and despair of this group of people!

   This expression is what excites him the most!

   Alans Meister’s laughter became extremely unpleasant, and his face was also distorted because of this wild laugh.

   But he was smiling, smiling.

   suddenly found out.

   The expressions on the faces of the five transcendents remained unchanged.

   His harsh laughter gradually stopped.

   "What's your expression on...?"

   He said, he roared!

"what expression?"

   Xing Yue looked at him coldly.

   "You regret when this behavior caused the destruction of mankind now!"

   "Your painful despair caused by this stupid behavior!"

   "Your confusion! Frustration! Powerlessness!"

   Alans Meister roared loudly.

   However, he did not see this expression on the faces of these people.

   He also didn't see that these people had become extremely negative behaviors because they knew it would be like this.

   They still looked at him as coldly as they were just now.

   is like looking out the glass window, like a madman yelling in the street.

   Allens Meister gasped.

   His neck was cut a little because of the violent movement when he roared.

   Blood, continuous from the wound, shed like sweat!

   The pain, the numbness after the madness, and the incomprehension of these people's current performance, made Allens Meister fall into a very strange comprehensive emotion.

   What is it that keeps these people so calm? !

   "Answer me! Why don't you despair, pain, and regret!"

"why why why!"

   Xing Yue smiled lightly, then shook his head: "Alans Meister."

   "It's strange to say."

   "We were assisted by a guy who was once an enemy, but is not an enemy now."

   "Its ability is enough to make everything you do is like playing around in a house."

   Alans Meister, suddenly taken aback at this moment.

   The crazy expression just now, as if being branded on his face, was still.

   "It was once an enemy...can bury those of mine..." Alans Meister whispered, as if singing something.

   He soon thought of a possibility!

   "Do you change or mutate the demon bamboo!"

   In his voice, there was a sudden trance.

   Xing Yue and others looked at each other.

   No matter what, this person is still the "end of intelligence", or the person who can almost be said to be "omniscience."

   He has an extremely developed intelligence analysis ability, and he also has the ability to summarize various kinds of intelligence in a correct direction.

  Although he is not a transcendent, all five people understand that the ability of this human being is even stronger than that of ordinary transcendents!

   But this is a person who has the craziest brain in the world and the most distorted thought in the world.

   The "enemy" that can guess that can turn his buried weapons into useless things in an instant is the mutant demon bamboo. The ability of this Elens Meister is beyond doubt.

  Even if this person is a complete lunatic, everyone can't help but feel that this person can guess this in such a short time, it is indeed different from ordinary people.

   "Yes, it is it." Xing Yue nodded, "For the common enemy, we have temporarily cooperated."

   "Hahahaha, the temporary enemy is really funny! You are just forced by the mutant monster to kill me, right? Your current status is not as good as a dog, hahaha..."

   Allens Meister laughed frantically, completely ignoring Wang Ce's black lacquered double-edged blade on his neck, and the blood from the wound couldn't help dripping with trembling!

   "Whatever you think, at least mutant creatures are much more normal than you lunatic!" Xing Yue sighed.

   Alans Meister is right.

   They had to do this because of the pressure of the mutant monster bamboo.

   But, this is what they have always wanted to do.

   At least, without this madman, the world will become much more normal.

   There will be no more people burying so many dangerous weapons where almost all human beings are.

   just to become his own amulet, and then use this as something he can threaten others!

   "A madman? I am the most sober person in the world! You lunatics, actually believe in a non-human thing!"

   "It won't destroy mankind, as long as we kill you!" Cheng Yu pointed to the tip of Ellens Meister's nose, "It is more trustworthy than you!"

   "Yes!" Fei Jun also replied.

   Zheng Guodong didn't say a word. He saw that the other people had all swarmed out of the Doomsday Realm.

   And these people also looked at them with extremely puzzled and confused eyes!

   "Stop it! What are you doing?! Xing Yue! You stop them for me! Is it time for Neihong?! Stop it!"

   Old Tian and the others shouted loudly. Although they didn't know the situation, the sight of Cheng Yu grabbing Liu Feishu and Wang Ce putting the swords on Allens Meister's neck still scared them!

   "Infighting?" Xing Yue stared at Mr. Tian, ​​"If it is really infighting, what will we do?"

   "Then what are you doing? Why don't you sit down and talk? You young people are so impulsive! This kind of thing..."

   "Tian Lao."

   Fei Jun made an action to make Tian Lao stop his voice: "Here, who is the most effective speaker? It's definitely not you."

   "You, what did you say?!" Tian Lao instantly furious, "Fei Jun! You..."

"Elder Tian, ​​don't jump to conclusions without knowing anything. If I tell you that if you kill these two human dregs, you will save the entire human race. Do you believe it?" Xing Yue said calmly, but He didn't keep his eyes on Tian Lao and others.

   "Alans Meister, what else do you want to say? I will tell you first, even if you beg for mercy now, you are dead! We don't want to talk nonsense!"

   Xing Yue glared at Allens Meister.

   is fine, it is enough.

   If this person is killed sooner, it will be able to end everything sooner!

   "If you are not a member of our tribe, your heart must be different! Don't you understand these words of Tang Guo? You actually believe in the so-called promise given by a mutant creature! Crazy! You are all mad! Crazy..."

   A head flew into the air.

   Then, it smashed to the ground again, the expression looked like it was still that crazily twisted smile.

   Alans Meister's eyes, even after death, stared at the five people.

   He seemed to say: "I want to watch you betrayed by the mutant monster bamboo and destroyed by it".

   With a bang, Alans Meister's body was also dumped on the ground, and a large amount of blood flowed out along the **** and slowly flowed to Cheng Yu's side.

   The ultimate villain of a generation, finally died.

   really died.

   "No, it's none of my business! Yes, it was the **** Allens who forced me! I am not a traitor! I am not! Old Tian, ​​Old Tian save me! They are all crazy, they are all..."

   With a sharp knife in his heart, Liu Feishu opened his eyes wide, and instantly peeed and stopped moving.

   Wang Ce put away the black lacquered double-edged blade, shook it, and sat down on the ground.

For a long time, the conspiracy and conspiracy between Alans Meister and the competition with him have finally come to an end—it’s actually too early to say that, after all, the mutant monster hasn’t been able to beat the 950 Fourteen burial sites were destroyed by weapons.

   After twelve hours, everything will be over.

   Is the end of the world, or the end of the event of Ellens Meister, which is shrouded in the haze of the world, the answer will be fully revealed at that time.

   Xing Yue, Fei Jun, and Cheng Yu were all relieved. They sat on the ground, and they knew that that was what they could do.

   After killing Allens Meister and Liu Feishu, there is one less dangerous element in this world that can cause mankind to fall into an extinction crisis.

   Now another person to deal with is the fake Fang Pingchuan.


   "You, you guys explain it to me! I want to explain it completely!" Tian Lao's anger did not disappear with the death of these two people, but on the contrary, it became more frantic and excited!

   "Yes! Why did you kill Liu Feishu!" "Liu Feishu is our partner!" "Don't give an explanation, don't think it will end like this!"

   Seeing that his former partner was killed inexplicably, although these people knew that it was definitely related to Ellens Meister, no one could think of the reason why he could be killed!

   After all, these five people have always been alone in their work, and even Mr. Tian doesn't know what they are doing.

   Now, seeing Liu Feishu being killed, they also took the opportunity to crusade five people.

   "Explanation? No need." Wang Ce took out the pitch-black double blade again, "There are some things you can know, and some things you can't."

   "What, what did you say?!" Tian Lao became more angry, "Since you and this **** came, our entire team has been split by you. Xing Yue and the others weren't like this before!"

Xing Yue shook his head: "Tian Lao, Wang Ce is right. We can't explain many things now. I just need to tell you that this Ellens Meister wants to destroy the entire world, and Liu Feishu is his The spies placed in our team, nothing more."

"Everyone is dead, you can say anything, right?" Tian Lao took a sip, "Before I thought, the five of you always get together and mutter something, if there is no ghost in your heart, you can do this Did you say that Ellen Meister wants to destroy the world, what can he do as an ordinary person?"

   The five people glanced at each other.

   They remembered the words that the mutant monster bamboo had said in their minds as if they were talking to themselves before they left.

   "Even if Alans Meister is killed and the fake Fang Pingchuan is killed, mankind will not make the slightest progress. It will still be internally consumed and will eventually usher in destruction..."

   This sentence once confused them for a moment.

   At that time, they still felt that it was their own auditory hallucinations.

   But now, seeing the appearance of these people headed by Mr. Tian, ​​they suddenly understand that perhaps the end of mankind will not have a bright future as they imagined.

   However, the light that can bring mankind to true hope is still there.

"There are too many things that ordinary people can do. As transcendents, what we have to understand is not how powerful we are, but not sticking to this point, knowing that what we can do may not be as good as some ordinary people do. Many." Zheng Guodong said this after a long silence.

   Old Tian paused, but returned to what he had just now.

   "Destroy the world? Ha ha, who knows what the truth is about what you did? Now that Liu Feishu is dead, we just want a statement!"

   Xing Yue opened his mouth, and finally shook his head and sighed.

   There is no way to convince these people.

   He could see that Elder Tian wanted to take this opportunity to overthrow him, Fei Jun, Zheng Guodong, and Cheng Yu's control over the entire Nineth Heaven Pagoda, thanks to the death of Liu Feishu.

   The real Fang Pingchuan's affairs in the Bruce country, they could not tell.

   This is the most basic common sense.

  Who knows among the remaining people, is there a fake Fang Pingchuan spy in UU reading

   Or, is it the remnant of the dead Allens Meister?

   They are now, no one wants to believe it.

   Since Mr. Tian is so aggressive, they have no reason to stay here.

   "No need to explain." Wang Ce also saw Xing Yue's thoughts.

   At this time, instead of competing for the Nine-layer Sky Tower, who has the final say and whose words are better, they have other important things to do.

   "Let's go." Xing Yue also nodded.

   A gust of wind blew, and the figures of five people disappeared from this doomsday realm.

   left behind a group of nine-story towers that were still indignant, and one who got the status he wanted.

   What they are going to is the location of Fang Pingchuan, which is called "the light of mankind."

   Everything they know must tell this light that can lead mankind out of darkness.

   Without Ellens Meister, this light should be more dazzling than before!

   After twelve hours, we can verify whether hope will really exist!



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