Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 408: Never see you again

   At this moment, Lin Ming has returned to the place in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

   The collection of alien beasts imprisoned by the hundreds of layers of enchantment is still there, so it can't even move a bit.

Not only that.

   Lin Ming also discovered that in this short period of time, hundreds of thousands of strange beasts had gathered on the edge of the outermost barrier!

   Originally, Lin Ming thought that these were enough to completely wipe out Yinlong Qinchun, but now it seems that this kind of thing is no longer possible.

   After all, this amount is too much.

   Before coming here, Lin Ming also made a slight detour.

   ran to Tu'aolu, as well as the southernmost and westernmost locations of the Pacific Ocean, where many spiritual bamboo clones were also set up.

   Now, in all areas of the entire Pacific Ocean, Lin Ming can fully sense it with his own power!

Even the avatar of the spirit bamboo is also connected to the avatars of the spiritual bamboo in the far south of the United States, as well as the Amerian and Tuaolu avatars, completely connecting its own bamboo roots and the avatars of the spiritual bamboos, connecting the entire blue star They are all in the bag!

   What kind of concept is this?

   As long as Lin Ming thinks, he can perceive any place in the world, as long as he wants to perceive it, except for a very small part of the land, such as the extremely cold South Olu!

   And, more than that.

   These are the places that are fully perceived by his ability to rebuild the aura of all things, and they are also the places where his subordinates can hide their auras at will, regardless of anything.

  Because of this, Lin Ming was able to accurately perceive the location of the 954 weapons buried in the world by Alans Meister.

   Among these 954 locations, the only one that is not on land or offshore is this small island located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, at the bottom of the extinct volcano.

   That large pile of clustered large-yield nuclear bombs is also the most powerful and the most concealed and dangerous among all the burial sites.

   buried it between the earth's crust and the mantle, and the explosive power of this large equivalent is enough to cause a huge tsunami of hundreds of meters, and an unimaginable degree of earthquake!

   Therefore, Lin Ming also wanted to start from this small island, and destroy these Ellens Meister's "satisfied works" one by one!

   Of course, by the way, we have to kill the alien beasts along with this collective alien beast.

   "Master, there are too many alien beasts, I can't kill them!"

   At this time, Yinlong Qinchun also reported to Lin Ming.

   It hasn't rested at all since Lin Ming left until now, and it has wiped out an extremely large number of strange beasts.

   However, the exhaustion and the heavy consumption of spiritual energy have gradually made it weaker.

   Lin Ming’s bamboo roots stretched over there, and then secreted some demon Qiong. After drinking some of this dragon, it became a little more energetic.

   "Qinchun, go to the place I said, and wait there for my next order!"

   Lin Ming said, bamboo roots swarmed in all directions!

   The hundreds of thousands of strange beasts in his outermost enchantment were also swept by an unimaginable number of violent whirlpools in the sea, and in this whirlpool, there was a lot of black light!

   However, this movement did not last too long.

   After Lin Ming wiped out these hundreds of thousands of strange animals with bamboo roots in an instant, he also felt all the places in the world again.

   It seems that the alien beast is really gone.

   Lin Ming was surprised, but this was beyond his expectation.

   Although this alien beast collection has been absorbing a large number of alien beasts for its use, it has been constructed into its layer after layer of aura shell.

   After being trapped by his own enchantment, strange beasts from all over the world also gathered and were wiped out by him in one fell swoop.

   Looking at it this way, the only alien beast left in the world is this guy.

   Lin Ming knew that he finally didn't have to deal with alien beasts anymore.

   This thing is simply annoying.

   The hundreds of thousands of strange beasts just gave him only a total of less than 100,000 points of evolution. It seems that after nearly half of the number, he didn't even give him even a single point of evolution.

   If this is even an advanced mutant creature, this evolution point will be three to four hundred thousand points.

   Killing these strange beasts, there is really no sense of accomplishment at all.

   was also when Lin Ming wanted to completely wipe out the alien beast assembly that tried to break the barrier, came out from it and attacked him.

   On the human side, there was also news that was good for him.

   Allens Meister was killed.

   This madman who tried to destroy mankind and the Blue Star was finally killed by those extraordinary people.

   was killed together, and Liu Feishu, who sold everything out of his own interests, went to Allens Meister.

   Although it doesn't matter to Lin Ming whether this product is dead or alive, it doesn't matter at all.

   But for the entire human race, the death of this guy seems to have been greatly affected.

  If this product can survive, then Wang Ce Xing Yue and others, when facing the real Fang Pingchuan, may find a lunatic far more distorted than Alans Meister.

   Although this is just his guess, the state of affairs is indeed developing in this direction.

   After getting rid of all the existence that stood in the way, Fang Pingchuan will finally reveal the fangs he has been hiding, and this human world will once again fall into chaos.

   However, this has nothing to do with him.

   How about human beings, that is, a group of ants fighting.

   Lin Ming's attention now is something different from them.

in other words.

   Ants only care about eating and drinking, only who is the king.

   But he, now he can let the ants eat and drink, and decide who is the king at will.

   The ants want to influence him, and if they crawl to his feet and take a bite, then he can simply kill all the ants together.

   is so easy, and it is so fast.

   However, Lin Ming doesn't want to care about the ants now.

   What he has to do now is to eliminate the threats one by one, and then kill the last fake Fang Pingchuan. The next thing, it should be just facing the system...

   And before that, there are some small things to deal with.

   The first is the destruction of the weapons in these 954 burial sites.

   This must be completed within twelve hours.

  Although, Ellens Meister said that within twelve hours of his death, these things will be activated one by one.

   But Lin Ming didn't know, when was the last time this guy activated the password.

   So, he must do it as soon as possible.

  Especially, these burial sites are basically underground or near the sea. Even if you ask your subordinates to do it, it is not that simple to destroy these weapons.

   Compared with this, his subordinates still have more important things to do.

   Then I have to say this second point.

When destroying those weapons, by the way, the more and more **** evil spirits raging under the land of Tang Dynasty were picked out one by one, and then they were used as targets for subordinates to exercise, so as to eliminate these things in one wave. .

  Similarly, the Rotting Emperor Toadstool in Philippe is also a fate.

   Lin Ming didn't want to shoot these things, he just pulled them out one by one, and then threw them to his subordinates to solve them.

   For him, things are the main thing.

   Some minor, even trivial things, just let the subordinates do it.

   In front of his eyes, the main thing he wants to solve is to get rid of this alien beast assembly and then get out the large-yield cluster nuclear bombs.

   Moreover, Alans Meister has been killed, and from now on, there is not much time left to delay!

   Lin Ming’s bamboo roots rushed out of the bottom of the sea in an instant, and then, they went directly to the alien beast assembly!

  At the same time, thousands of bamboo branches grew from the roots, and on these bamboo branches, there were hundreds of thousands of leaves!

   The mixed red and gold leaves were all rushed out following Lin Ming's continuous stimulation of the spiritual energy, and directly attacked the alien beast assembly!

   Immediately afterwards, the blasting haze swept out of the blades and the storm also easily penetrated this alien beast assembly that was about to reach the seventh level, the outermost alien beasts in the outer shell!

   Boom! !

   The constant roar, almost covering everything!

  The alien beast shell of the alien beast aggregate is also constantly cracking and disappearing under the bombardment of this explosive haze!

   "If you don't eat elemental attacks, even this'explosive blast' is enough to kill you."

   Lin Ming thought to himself.

It’s too much for the "Blasting Lantern Strike" alone. If you use the "Sea of ​​Million Explosive Bamboo Swords" or the "Infinite Singing Dragon Cry Array", isn't it even ashes left? ?

The reason why Lin Ming didn’t use these two abilities was that besides the idea that he should not use a slaughter knife to kill chickens, he also did not want to make these two more explosive, powerful, and extremely wide-ranging attacks. At the same time as the beasts assembled, it directly affected the extinct volcano, and eventually even directly caused the cluster-type large-yield nuclear bomb to explode due to the huge energy eruption, and eventually detonate...

  Isn't Alans Meister killed for nothing?

   Another point, I also considered the secret of this alien beast collection.

   Lin Ming always felt that this alien beast collection was too abnormal.

   First of all, the time period when this thing appeared was neither before nor after. It happened at this time, which is really strange.

   If there had been such a thing long ago, then the alien beast would have been absorbed cleanly by it, so that such a thing would not appear later.

   Maybe he will meet this terrifying guy with aura concentration even reaching the seventh rank prematurely.

   Is this fake Fang Pingchuan’s weapon?

   Is it the same guy as the black bug mother?

   Still, this thing has nothing to do with him?

   Lin Ming guessed.

   However, when it comes to strange beasts, no matter when, the one who has the most say in this aspect, it should be the Destiny Society.

   Destiny will be.

   The headquarters was simply penetrated and destroyed by him, and the president Adenauer was also chased down by him and fell.

After   , he even led his subordinates across the vast North Ocean and came to the American country, completely destroying the research institute established by Befulai there.

  Before was killed, and he was killed in this battle.

   It stands to reason that there is no possibility that the Destiny will be able to do anything on this.

   After all, they have been completely destroyed by him.

   But now.

   Lin Ming suddenly thought of a possibility.

   There is a person whose life or death is unknown, maybe there is some special connection with this monster that can attract strange beasts.


   has the ability of reverse summoning and control of alien beasts.

   It can be said that this world, this human being, possesses such wonderful abilities.

  Being friends with alien beasts or something, Lin Ming has at least not seen it in any extraordinary person in this world.

   Now, seeing this monster that can attract foreign beasts, he also thinks of this crazy supernatural being.

   Maybe... is it possible?

   With the explosive haze, the layers of alien beast shells on this extremely huge monster's body were lifted and shattered continuously, and Lin Ming was also looking forward to his guess whether it would be a reality in his heart.

  Pull the outer shell away, and inside it, is it this mad, insane, extraordinary person?

   Lin Ming thought so, he was also carefully perceiving this alien beast assembly at the same time.

   This guy is really a bit strong in the outside world.

Lin Ming couldn't help but think of the strange beasts of Xue Yucheng who had swallowed the third-day tower of the Nine-storied Heavenly Pagoda when he was in the Qifeng Mountain Spirit Realm. They were all very high-level, but in fact they were a group of dishes that didn't even attack. Yes, it can only be scary by virtue of its size.

   is exactly the same.

   Lin Ming felt that the current appearance of this product is really that way.

   However, Lin Ming still didn't stop his action of removing the shell of this cargo, instead he became even faster.

   must quickly get rid of this cargo, and then pull all the cluster-type nuclear bombs out of the bottom of the crater.

   Then, I cleaned up the rest of the 953 in the world.

   In that way, the trouble caused by Alans Meister is the real solution.


   It didn't take a long time, Lin Ming finally lifted the innermost shell of this cargo completely, and one of the huge alien beasts about ten meters high finally revealed his true face.

   Moreover, Lin Ming also immediately verified his guess.

   there is really a human figure inside.

   It's just that this human being has been blurred, but from the perspective of his clothes, he is exactly the same as the person in his impression!

   "It really is this person..."

   Alexandra is such an extraordinary person.

   Lin Ming couldn't help but applaud for his forward-looking speculation.

   This product really swallowed this extraordinary person, and it turned out to be like this in the end.

   Otherwise, it would not have such a strong ability to attract alien beasts.

   would not be so low-powered, he could only be stripped off the hard shell formed by the alien beasts little by little and eventually be destroyed.

   Lin Ming's bamboo roots turned into countless thorns shining with black light, and instantly grabbed this alien beast collection that had no defensive element power!

   And in this moment, let those dark elements instantly swallow them up!

   On the small island, the peace of the past was restored again.

   Lin Ming also knew that this last strange beast had also disappeared.

   Nothing in case, there will never be any strange beasts again, this disgusting thing finally came to an end here.

   Then, next...

   It's the time when the nuclear bomb and the rest of Ellens Meister's buried things were taken out and destroyed.



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