Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 409: The dust settles

  The one who was wrapped in a strange beast, not surprisingly Lin Ming, was a human named Alexandra.

   This is actually not difficult to understand.

   After all, the first time this alien beast group appeared was when he killed the remaining party of the Destiny Council in the American country.

   Of course, among the remaining parties of the Fate Society, there is not only the most troublesome Befola, but also Alexandra, who can control alien beasts and can be summoned backwards.

   Alexandra's ability is to summon alien beasts.

   And the ability of this collection of alien beasts, isn't it that countless almost all the alien beasts in the world have been summoned to her place?

   It is quite reasonable to think about it this way.

   Lin Ming guessed that this Alexandra at the headquarters of the Destiny Association of the American nation seemed to have been seriously injured.

After   , she began to use the action of attracting alien beasts and making them a part of herself to continue her life.

  In contrast, her ability to summon in the opposite direction seems to have been lost.

   Otherwise, this one must be the one who runs hard all over the world and can't catch it even if he wants to.

   As a result, after constantly absorbing alien beasts, she also sacrificed all her human sanity, and finally became a complete monster.

   However, this is also good.

   gathered all the strange beasts around the world, and it also saved Lin Ming the time to smash these strange beasts one by one.

   Otherwise, judging from the fertility and distribution of the alien beasts, he would really have to spend a lot of work to get rid of all the alien beasts.

  At this moment, after there is no threat of alien beasts.

   The next thing to do is very simple.

   That is the threat left by the death businessman Alans Meister-the heavy weapons buried in various places in the world, just come to a centralized destruction.

  The first thing to be wiped out is the cluster of nuclear bombs buried in the bottom of this extinct volcano, between the crust and the mantle!

   If this pile of weapons of destruction here is wiped out first, the rest will be nothing at all.

   Moreover, the weapons in other places have all been positioned after Wang Ce's disclosure and his own exploration.

   It would not take long for Lin Ming to completely eliminate them.


   Lin Ming’s bamboo roots quickly moved from the cracks in the rocks at the bottom of the ocean to the direction of the extinct volcano.

   And following the momentum of the bamboo roots, swimming in the cracks of the rock like a broken bamboo, and finally easily got into the void of the extinct volcano.

   In this way, Lin Ming also quickly used bamboo roots to continue to move downward from the hollow.

Lin Ming also noticed that in this huge void, there are indeed a lot of human buildings or man-made objects. This must be used by Alans Meister when he built this place. What is necessary to maintain these nuclear bombs?

   Bypassing the layers of lines and various machinery, Lin Ming's bamboo roots quickly reached the location of the nuclear bomb.

   It’s something placed flat on top of a protruding rock.

  The number is fifteen.

   Although I don’t know what this number is about, if they collectively explode, it would be quite easy to destroy the island and cause a very strong earthquake, or even more terrifying disasters.

   Regardless, their equivalent, from Lin Ming's point of view, should be absolutely insignificant.

   However, according to Lin Ming's observations, if these nuclear bombs want to detonate easily, there should be few ways to do it.

   It may be because it was placed too deep, so it should be these wires and lines that detonated the nuclear bomb.

   Lin Ming could perceive that at the top of this extinct volcano, there was a strange timer, and the time displayed on it was a little more than thirteen hours.

   For Lin Ming, it would not take 13 hours to destroy these nuclear bombs.

   Zhugen quickly filled up all of this extinct volcano at a terrifying speed, and then he wrapped the extinct volcano, all the buildings inside, and the most important nuclear bomb cluster!

   The next step is very simple.

   Lin Ming instantly released the dark element's shadow space attack!

   Accompanied by the release of intense black matter, the entire island, including the extinct volcano itself, was completely eliminated by this shadow space!

   This is Lin Ming's "multiple ability copy" ability to copy the dark element attack obtained by the shadow of the antelope, and it is also one of his most frequently used ability.

   Unless the opponent is the kind that does not eat elemental attacks, otherwise, there is absolutely no way to withstand this attack.

   Along with the disappearance of most of the islands, a huge amount of sea water poured into the remaining cavity, but Lin Ming did not stay in this place for a long time.

   The remaining nuclear bombs and other powerful weapons, he had to go and wipe them out like this one by one.

   and moved a long distance instantaneously. At this time, he didn't have any reservations. At the fastest speed, he headed to the direction of the closest American country.

The bamboo root, which can reach extremely long distances, easily destroyed the nuclear bomb there after he reached the vicinity of the American country. By the way, Lin Ming also destroyed all the resistance there. It's clean.

   For him, those things have no value at all.

   Whether it is a weapon or a human being.

   The faint light radiating from the once lighthouse country is now completely extinguished.

   In the next few hours, Lin Ming just took pictures of the gourd, using bamboo roots to quickly eliminate all those threats.

   And finally returned to the front of Lin Ming in the Vermillion Bird Valley Spirit Realm, UU Reading, the only buried weapon that was not ruled out by him was under that Shangjing!

   There are countless aura shielding devices in the surrounding area of ​​Shangjing.

   While going to Beijing, there was another threat that he needed to eliminate.

   The fake Fang Pingchuan!

   For Lin Ming now, this fake Fang Pingchuan is something that must be eliminated at this time.

   However, if you can eliminate the threat left by Ellens Meister here in Beijing, and also get rid of this guy by the way, that would be great.

   Bamboo roots spread quickly.

   For Lin Ming, who has now reached the fifth stage and is about to enter the sixth stage, this so-called aura shielding device that can shield all aura forces is actually just a pile of rubbish.

   Destroying them is actually not complicated, let alone difficult.

   Moreover, Lin Ming was not completely unprepared.

   The two parasite mutant creatures he killed in Neon before gave him not only the huge evolutionary income, but also the aura income.

   What's more, is the tissues on their bodies, which have the function of "anti-reiki shielding device"!


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