The old man was very sick.

Eric, a researcher at the Royal Institute, is not only one of the researchers developing the panacea project, but also one of the first test subjects in the clinical trial.

In order to become a test subject, he broke his calf by self-mutilation. Such injuries usually take about three months to recover without the use of healing magic, but after using the panacea, it took only one night to recover, and the body's self-repair ability was greatly improved.

There are three types of panaceas. The first is the "blue medicine" that improves immunity, the second is the "red medicine" that improves regeneration ability, and the third is the "purple medicine" that combines the advantages of the first two.

To put it simply, the main function of the panacea is to enhance the body's recovery ability, give the ability to regenerate broken limbs, and enhance immunity. Blue and red medicines are just more prominent in one aspect, while purple medicine has both.

Eric used blue medicine, while the one who used red medicine was a knight named Laco, and the one who used purple medicine was a noble named Haangs Delma.

As the first batch of testers, the panacea they used was the most potent, and the side effects appeared after three days of use. Lizard scales appeared on their bodies, and the color of the scales completely corresponded to the color of the name of the medicine.

After that, after dozens of improvements, the panacea finally overcame the side effects of lizardization, and after dozens of improvements, the panacea finally came to Suya's hands with the "white medicine" as the basic version.

In the meeting room of the Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce, everyone was discussing whether to accept becoming a partner of the Royal Research Institute.

Although the products are good and the treatment in the contract is very attractive, nearly half of the people still think it is not good, because the Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce mainly involves the field of magic technology, not the field of medicine.

Others believe that the so-called chamber of commerce must involve more fields to keep up with the development of society, otherwise it will be eliminated by society.

For a time, the conference room was filled with various arguments, with loud refutations, eager rebuttals, and excited defenses. Various voices intertwined and extremely noisy.

Although it was a bit noisy, this was the effect Suya wanted. Only by looking at things from different angles can you get better answers.

If you really think it is too noisy, you just need to knock on the table. After all, Suya just taught a few employees who were whispering to each other a lesson, which can be regarded as killing a chicken to scare the monkey.

*Knock knock knock*

After hearing the knock on the table, the sound in the conference room gradually became smaller, and all the employees looked at Suya, looking forward to her choice.

Suya picked up the panacea sample given to her by Fana and looked at it carefully.

"From the perspective of benefits, this thing will allow the Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce to occupy a unique position in the market. What do you think?"

A small number of people nodded.

"Well, but hasn't our Chamber of Commerce achieved this achievement a long time ago?"

The achievement Suya was referring to was the steam engine, or should I say the magic steam engine. Runier is a magical world, and there is no coal like in Qianmo's previous life. Therefore, the fuel of the steam engine became the fire magic stone. In order to allow the steam engine to withstand the magic of the fire element, the magic steam engine was born.

Back to the point, due to the high uncertainty of the panacea and the fact that there were no talents in this area in the Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce, Suya rejected the cooperation project of the panacea.

Although Fana was a little surprised by Suya's choice, she did not give any advice, but expressed understanding.

When Fana took the contract away, she did not take the sample of the panacea with her, but kept it as a gift for Suya.

At this time, Suya did not know that her decision this time would be the most correct decision she had ever made.


In a corner of the closed room, a terrifying figure stood quietly, its dark blue skin seemed to be able to swallow all light.

Its head was strange and fierce, its yellow and bulging eyes emitted cold light, and its interlaced fangs seemed ready to tear everything apart at any time.

Its strong but twisted body was covered with tattered clothes, as if it had been torn by brute force and hung on its body in tatters.

The long tail behind it swung slowly, whipping the ground from time to time. This figure exuded an evil, terrifying and suffocating breath, as if it was a demon crawling out of the abyss of hell.

Outside the room, a researcher in a white coat came to the door and looked inside through the small window on the door.

The man stood there quietly, his face as gloomy as water, his eyes cast into the window.

Suddenly, "

With a muffled sound of "Pa", a scaly, sharp claw suddenly slapped the window, and the impact force even made the iron door tremble slightly.

The man's pupils suddenly shrank, and his body involuntarily took a step back.

The claw was close to the window, as if it was moving slowly, and the sharp fingertips left a series of heart-pounding scratches on the glass, as if it would break through the window and pounce in the next moment.

The man took out a notebook and a pen, tried his best to calm himself, and wrote crookedly on the notebook with his shaking hands.

After the man finished writing, he moved to the next door Room.

From time to time, there was a noisy sound coming from the corridor, and the source of the sound was the next room.

Unlike the strangely quiet room just now, the creatures in this room seemed to be quite active.

The man slowly put his face close to the small window of the iron door.

In the room, the crimson humanoid monster noticed the man's sight and pounced on him suddenly, and with a "bang", it hit the hard iron door heavily.

This violent collision made the iron door muffled and shook violently.

The crimson monster's body bounced back and fell to the ground, but it quickly got up and pounced on the iron door like crazy, scratching it crazily with its sharp claws. Scratching it, leaving deep scratches on it, and constantly hitting the iron door with its hard head, as if it would never give up until it achieved its goal.

The man swallowed his saliva, turned around and walked away quickly.

Not long after walking, the man came to the door at the end of the corridor. This iron door was more solid than the previous two rooms.

Looking inside through the small window, there was a large space inside. On the ceiling in the middle of the room, an unidentified creature was hanging upside down like a bat. Its skin looked black at first, but it was actually purple.

It was different from the other two. It was unusually quiet. Since it entered this room After recording in the notebook, the man left quickly. Perhaps because the atmosphere here was too depressing, he walked unsteadily and accidentally tripped himself. The notebook also fell to the ground. There were three names written on the pages, namely Eric, Laco and Haangs Delma. As the first batch of test subjects, the side effects of the panacea caused their bodies to mutate. The Panbaron factor in their bodies was completely fused with the human factor. The three monsters in the room were them.

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