After eating the last candied haws, Qianmo took a stick and started looking for a trash can.

The sanitation management in Wangcheng District is very good, and the streets are very clean, so clean that there is not even a trash can.

Finally, I found a trash can at the door of Wangcheng Magazine. In addition to the trash can, Qianmo also met a very familiar person.

"Yo! Qianmo, what a coincidence, are you also in Wangcheng?" Yingge smiled.

"Yeah, what a coincidence..."

Qianmo looked at Yingge, and then looked at the magazine behind him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just that you always appear in some specific places. I was thinking... Are you a news envoy?"

Yingge was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Hahaha, I'm not a messenger of God, but I do have the blessing of God."

Now it was Qianmo's turn to be stunned.

"The blessing of God..."

Yingge nodded and said, "Yes."

Qianmo thought for a moment and asked, "Is your blessing related to the precognitive dream you had before?"

"Well, I only knew that I had the blessing of God in the past two days, and the ability given to me by this blessing is precognitive dream."

"How did you find out about something like blessing?"

"It's very simple, just go to the church to test it, and this is one of the reasons why I am in Dawn City."

One? What are the other reasons?

Qianmo didn't ask directly, after all, this was the other party's privacy, and he had no right to ask him.

Qianmo thought so, but Yingge asked, "Aren't you curious about the other reasons why I came to Dawn City?"

"Curious, but can I ask this?"

"Of course, we are friends, right? Am I being too sentimental?"

Qianmo waved his hand quickly.

"No, no, no... Well! Friends, of course we are friends now!"

"So what are the other reasons for you to come to Dawn City?"

"To find Ying Weisi"

"Oh~ So you are here to find Ying Weisi..."

Hearing that he was here to find someone, Qianmo nodded, then froze for a moment, and said in shock: "Who? Who did you say you were here to find?!"

"Well... This matter is a bit complicated, how about we sit down and talk first? I'll buy you a cup of coffee"

"Okay, I know a good coffee shop, I'll take you there"

Qianmo took Yingge to the first coffee shop she encountered when she first entered the Royal City.

This is not the second time Qianmo has come here, she also brought Suya here some time ago.

The two of them found an open-air table and chairs to sit down, and the waiter immediately came forward to take the order.

"Madam, what would you like to order?"

"Freshly ground mocha without sugar, and another tiramisu with heavy sugar! Thank you~"

"A cup of iced coffee, thank you"

"Okay, please wait a moment"

After the waiter left, the two began to get down to business.

"Since Inves's body disappeared, I have tried various investigations, but this has little effect on a dead person"

"I even used *blood search*, which causes great pain to the body of the person being searched, and the same is true for the user, but there is no result"

"Later, I went to Inlster's house, but I didn't get any clues either"

"Whether it was a reliable method or an unreliable method, I used them all, and the final result was that the unreliable method became reliable"

Speaking of this, Ing was so angry that he laughed.

"So what is the unreliable method?"

Yingge was silent for a while, and replied: "... Missing person notice"


"You probably haven't read the newspaper recently? Even if you have, you only read the headlines, right?"

"Uh, yeah" Qianmo nodded.

Yingge took out a newspaper from the storage bag and placed it on the table, pointing to the missing person notice in the lower right corner of the newspaper, which clearly showed Yingweisi's head portrait.

"The person who met Yingweisi told me that he had seen Yingweisi in Dawn City. Although there was no photo, I came here because I would rather believe it than not believe it."

"Have you found his shadow now?"

"Yes, after coming here, I found that the pain brought by the *blood search* became more and more obvious. After entering the royal city from the outer area, this feeling became more and more obvious."

Speaking, Yingge turned his head and looked in the direction of the imperial city.

Qianmo also looked in the direction of his sight.

"You don't suspect that Invis is in the Imperial City, do you?"

"The more impossible the answer, the more likely it is.

It's getting closer to the truth, isn't it? "

"Well, you have some truth in what you said, so what are you going to do next? Sneak into the imperial city? "

Inger did not say anything, but nodded silently.

Through emotional perception, Qianmo knew that this guy was serious.

"Okay, then I won't bother you anymore, bye"

Qianmo got up from the chair and walked into the coffee shop.

——"Hello, I just ordered coffee and dessert to take away, thank you"


Qianmo's reaction was within Inger's expectations, because what he was going to do next was very dangerous, and it might even implicate the people around him.

But it doesn't matter, Inger has no family, and the newspaper under his name has been entrusted to someone, so now he can do anything at any cost, and killing Ying Weisi has become his obsession.


Qianmo took tiramisu and mocha coffee back to the Maoling Chamber of Commerce, Suya's office.

When he saw Suya looking out the window with her back to her, Qianmo put the things on the table, then walked quietly behind Suya in small steps and covered her with his hand.

"Guess who I am! ”


“Eh~ Can’t you guess? You can’t even recognize my voice, how sad”


Can’t Suya guess?

Of course she can guess which childish kid covered her mouth. Who covers their mouth when playing “Guess Who I Am”!

Suya wanted to pry open Qianmo’s hand, but she couldn’t. Qianmo’s fingers were interlocked like a lock, so they couldn’t be pried open at all.

Suya was so angry that she opened her mouth and bit her hand.

“Hmm? You bite me? You are anxious, you bite me when you can't guess, really..."

Qianmo let go of the hand that was covering Suya, then lifted her long hair with his left hand and unbuttoned her collar with his right hand, nothing special, but his hands are familiar.

"Wait a minute, you are here-um"

Before Suya could say anything to stop him, Qianmo bit her neck and covered her mouth.

Friends who are familiar with vampires must be familiar with the scene of a vampire biting a woman's neck from behind.

Suya wanted to resist at first, but her body gradually She became weak and hot, and finally she even needed Qianmo to hold her to prevent herself from falling.

"You... stop now... not here..."

Suya was a little confused now. She didn't understand why Qianmo suddenly did this, without a reason or a conclusion. Was it because she had just bitten her?

After a while, Qianmo let go, and Suya was finally able to rest for a while.


Qianmo directly threw Suya to the ground. Suya, who was under him, only understood what was going on after seeing the red shadow on Qianmo's body.


"Yeah~ it's me~"

The reason why Mo came out was entirely because Qianmo had not eaten from Suya at all during this period of time, so when he was attached to Suya's neck just now, he couldn't help but top the number.


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