The streets were filled with a suffocating atmosphere of tension at the moment. Several knights were on guard, tightly surrounding a lizard monster. The lizard monster was huge and ferocious, its eyes flashed with ferocious light, and it hissed from time to time. Every time it attacked, it was powerful and powerful, making the ground tremble. The knights' foreheads were covered with fine beads of sweat. They held their weapons tightly, their muscles tense, and dared not relax at all. They were concentrating on every move of the lizard monster, and they might be hit by the monster if they were not careful. The battle became more and more intense. The lizard monster twisted its body wildly, jumped high, and rushed forward rapidly, trying to break through the knights' defense line.

The knights tried to maintain their formation in tension, constantly resisting and fighting back. The two sides were in a stalemate and fierce battle. If they were not careful, they would die.

After several attacks, the knights were shocked to find that the wounds on the lizard monster were healing at an incredible speed. The granulation tissue at its wounds turned over, grew and connected rapidly, and it was intact in the blink of an eye, as if it had never been injured.

The scene in front of them made the knights feel deeply fearful and uneasy. They realized that they were facing an extremely terrible and difficult to defeat opponent. This strange recovery ability made them feel more pressured.

Suddenly, a magic fell straight from the air, and the powerful magic instantly trapped the lizard monster tightly.

The magic formed a barrier shining with strange light, trapping the lizard monster in it like a cage, making it unable to struggle. It could only roar angrily, trying to break through the sudden restraint, but to no avail.

Then, a man slowly walked over here, his steps were steady, his expression was cold, and his hands seemed to still have the breath of magic he had just cast.

When a knight saw him, he showed a little surprise on his face, because the man in front of him was the guardian of dawn-Keld, a great magician who was as powerful as Suya.

Keld looked at the trapped black lizard monster, then turned his eyes to the knights and began to ask them about the specific situation of the appearance of this lizard monster.

In response to Keld's inquiry, the knights shook their heads. The Knights did not have much information about this sudden appearance of the lizard monster.

They only knew that this monster came out of nowhere and began to wreak havoc on the streets, and there were more than one monster like this, and they spread in every corner like a tide.

These lizard monsters were huge and hideous, with a constant hissing sound that made people shudder. Their sharp claws left deep scratches on the ground and walls.

They moved quickly and agilely, with cruel and bloodthirsty light in their scarlet eyes. Wherever they went, there was chaos and fear, and some people who were originally sleeping were forced to get up and run around.

On the high tower of the imperial city, there was a gray and white kitten sitting there quietly, watching everything happening in the city without moving.

It seemed to have a special concern for the chaotic scene below, silently watching the lizard monsters below wreaking havoc and watching people panic, as if it was a calm bystander, or a manipulator.

At this time, a man with animal ears slowly walked to the tower where the kitten was, and he was Grando.

"Chief, I don't understand, aren't we fighting for justice? But now, many people are losing their lives"

Grondo looked at the situation below, frowning, and felt very confused and puzzled about all this.

In a moment, the kitten's body suddenly glowed, and then slowly revealed a human form, turning into a girl.

"Justice is never easy to achieve. On the road to justice, it is often accompanied by sacrifice, pain, suffering and abandonment. The achievement of justice will never be smooth sailing without any cost. Do you understand?"

After listening to the girl's words, the man nodded slowly. The shadow under the moonlight made it difficult to see his expression at this time.


The lizard monster chased the mother and son frantically. It opened its bloody mouth and let out a terrifying roar. The mother and son ran away in fear.

Just when the lizard monster's claws were about to catch them, suddenly, a figure appeared like lightning, with a fierce momentum, and punched the lizard monster fiercely.

There was a muffled "bang" sound, and the lizard monster was directly knocked away

Go out, fall heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

The mother and son stared blankly at this sudden change, their hearts still beating violently because of the extreme fear just now.

Qianmo tensed his body, staring at the fallen lizard monster with sharp eyes, not daring to relax his vigilance at all, and at the same time did not forget to let the mother and son behind him go quickly.

"Go a little further and you will meet the Knights. If you don't want the child to get hurt, run quickly."

"Okay... Thank you! Let's go!"

The mother picked up the child and hurriedly ran in the direction Qianmo said.

After seeing the mother and son leave quickly, Qianmo turned his head and locked his eyes on the lizard monster again.

[Ding! Unknown mutant monster detected]

The lizard monster stared at the girl with hostile eyes, its body slightly lowered, making a posture ready to attack at any time, and there was no wound left by Qianmo's punch on its body, as if it was intact.

The lizard monster that even the system couldn't identify, and it also had super fast recovery ability, which made Qianmo think of the Panba dragon lizard she caught on Shamo Island.

Thinking of this, Qianmo felt more and more that the monster in front of her was a variant of the Panba dragon lizard.

The lizard monster suddenly exerted force, rushed towards Qianmo, opened its bloody mouth, and flew straight towards Qianmo.

The lizard monster's movements were indeed very fast, but in Qianmo's eyes, its speed seemed very slow.

When the lizard monster flew over, Qianmo leaned over to avoid it, and at the same time, he quickly swung his fist and hit the lizard monster's abdomen accurately.

This punch pierced through the stars!

Facing this opponent with super recovery ability, Qianmo did not intend to entangle with it, but pierced his hand through the lizard monster's body and launched a blood explosion technique in it.

As a red light lit up at the wound on the lizard monster's abdomen, the lizard monster suddenly exploded, and the rose-red flame instantly illuminated the surroundings.

This time, the lizard monster did not recover because its body had been completely carbonized.

【Violence Points +999】

Qianmo:? !

The sudden surge in violence points immediately ignited Qianmo's hunting desire.

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