The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

After discovering that fire magic could suppress the regeneration ability of lizard monsters, some knights who used magic hurriedly conveyed the news through communication props.

——[Convey important information now! The weakness of lizard monsters is fire! ]

——[The weakness of lizard monsters is fire! ]

——[The weakness of lizard monsters is fire! ]

*Important things should be said three times

Su Ya put the communication props back into her pocket expressionlessly, then cast her eyes on the dozens of lizard monsters in front of her, and then a dazzling lightning appeared in her hand with a "hiss".

"Since fire works, lightning should work too, right?"

After the words fell, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly in the group of lizard monsters, instantly blowing them up high. Under the powerful impact, their bodies flew uncontrollably in all directions.

Then, Suya quickly condensed lightning in her hands and threw several lightning blades at the lizard monsters, cutting their bodies into pieces.

After seeing this scene, some lizard monsters hurriedly turned around and ran away, but the magic cards floating in the air had already aimed at them.

The magic cards instantly turned into lightning, suddenly fell from the sky, and hit the lizard monsters directly.

Suddenly, a sharp roar came from the sky. Suya looked up at the sky, and then saw a monster with wings that looked like a dragon flying straight towards her.

Suya quickly took out the magic wand, which turned into a spear under her magic control, and then the magic quickly gathered on the tip of the spear.

Just as the spear was about to be thrown, an old and urgent voice came from the communication prop.

"Don't kill them! They are people!"

After hearing the voice, Suya hurriedly stopped the throwing action that was about to take place, and then quickly dodged the monster's attack.

On the other side of the communication prop, Dr. Claire was holding the communication prop snatched from a knight.

As the leader of the panacea research and development project, Claire certainly understood what the tragedy of tonight was. Originally, he wanted to play dumb to escape reality, but the condemnation from his conscience made him even more uneasy. In the end, he ran out of the laboratory, snatched a communication prop from a knight, and told the truth.

After hearing the news that the lizard monster was transformed from a human, Suya's face instantly became extremely ugly. Her body trembled slightly, and the scene of her fighting with the lizard monster just now flashed through her mind. She realized that she had killed her compatriots and those she should have protected.

A complex emotion spread in her heart, with shock, regret, and unspeakable discomfort. She felt as if her heart was hit hard by something, a little stuffy and a little confused.

Goddess Nierya is the god of protection. What she protects is the human beings who believe in her, and as her messenger, it is naturally the same.

When Suya learned that she had killed the person she was supposed to protect, the power of protection would backfire on her and swallow her up instantly.

Her heart seemed to be pulled up by someone, and a sharp pain spread. Her legs suddenly lost strength and she knelt on the ground involuntarily.

Her heart was full of disbelief. How could this happen? Those lizard monsters killed by her own hands turned out to be the people she should protect.

Self-blame overwhelmed her like a tide. She kept asking herself why she was so reckless, why she didn't find out earlier, and why she made such an unforgivable mistake.

Her heart was full of pain and suffering, shrouded by endless sadness and regret. She felt as if she had fallen into a dark abyss and could not escape.

Suya's current condition was the backlash of the power of the guardian god. It was not physical pain, but mental pain.

Not far away, Qianmo, who was being stopped by the knight from hunting lizard monsters, seemed to look in a certain direction as if he had sensed something.


"In short, don't kill them first... Hey! Where are you going! Do you understand what I said!"

Before the knight finished speaking, Qianmo flew into the sky and rushed quickly towards Suya, his face full of anxiety.

When he found Suya, he saw a monster that looked like a dragon rushing towards her.

Seeing this, Qianmo directly opened the immortal blood ring, rushed towards the monster at a very fast speed, and knocked the monster away with a headbutt.

Get out.

After knocking the monster away, Qianmo hurried to Suya and helped her up.

"Su, are you okay?"

Suya ignored Qianmo's words. Her eyes were dull, her face was dull and distorted, and she seemed to have lost her mind and fell into a state of madness. Her mind was in chaos, and she seemed to have lost her perception and reaction to everything around her.

Looking at the girl in front of him like this, Qianmo's heart suddenly tightened, and an uncontrollable panic surged in an instant.

"Su, don't scare me..."

Just at this moment, the monster that was knocked away attacked again.

Qianmo looked at each other coldly, and a trace of scarlet flashed in his eyes. In an instant, an invisible force pressed the monster to the ground like a mountain pressing an egg, and the ground also sank.

Qianmo no longer paid attention to the situation around her. She quickly picked up Suya, then activated the teleportation magic, and took her away quickly.

For Qianmo, Dolores's castle was the safest place, so she chose to teleport to her bedroom in the castle.

At this time, Suya was already unconscious. After placing her on the bed, Qianmo began to look for treatment items in the system store, but what he waited for was this paragraph:

[The system store has no solution for this symptom]

"What does this mean? What disease does Suya have?"

[The current condition of the individual "Suya" is caused by the backlash of the power of the messenger of God. This condition is beyond the ability of the system. Please find a solution yourself]

Suddenly, Qianmo seemed to remember something and hurriedly took out a magic stone from his pocket.

After activating the magic stone, a magic circle shining with light appeared in the air, and then two figures slowly emerged.

The light gradually faded away, and the two girls slowly opened their eyes.

Qianmo stepped forward calmly and held Su Bai's hand tightly. She was so anxious that her lips slightly opened, but she was so nervous that she didn't say a word. She just pointed at Suya on the bed anxiously.

After seeing Suya unconscious on the bed, the two hurried to her side.

Su Bai gently placed his hand on Suya's forehead, then slowly closed his eyes and began to scan her body.

——【Those who violate the oath will suffer the backlash】

A voice suddenly appeared in her mind, causing Su Bai to open her eyes suddenly, with a shocked expression on her face. She found that Qianmo beside her seemed a little shocked.

"Qianmo, did you hear that voice?"

"Well... it seems to be a man's voice"

Mu Yunge didn't hear that voice, so she was a little confused. When she was about to ask something, a voice came from behind her.

"There is a variable, you..."

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