The moment the sound rang out, Su Bai and Mu Yunge summoned their weapons almost subconsciously, and vigilantly faced the direction of the sound.

Several people showed puzzled expressions on their faces, because the source of the sound was just a kitten.

"This cat... looks familiar, was it the one who spoke just now?" Qianmo asked in confusion.

"Yes, it was me"

As soon as the voice fell, the kitten twisted its body, and gradually turned into a girl with a flash of light.

Buri raised his arm and opened his palm to Su Bai and Mu Yunge.

Su Bai suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately tightened the weapon in his hand, and swung it towards Buri without hesitation. However, just when he was about to touch her, the surrounding space suddenly twisted, and he disappeared in the next second.

Mu Yunge stared blankly at Su Bai who disappeared in front of her, her eyes full of astonishment and confusion.

But don't worry, because she disappeared in the next second.

Looking at the two people who disappeared in front of her one after another, Qianmo felt her head buzzing, and an indescribable panic and helplessness surged in her heart, and her face turned pale.

"Okay, the people who violated the rules have been dealt with, and the next thing is our business."

Qianmo lowered her head and ignored the girl who was talking to her.

Seeing that Qianmo did not react, Buli slowly approached her. Just as she was about to approach, Qianmo's eyes suddenly flashed a red light, and then she punched at Buli at a very fast speed.

However, after the fist was swung, it stopped just three centimeters away from the target, and it froze there. No matter how hard the girl tried, she couldn't move.

"It's really dangerous. How can you hit someone in the face?"

Su Ya, who was lying on the bed, seemed to have noticed something strange. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Qian Mo attacking a cat girl.


Su Ya just stood up, but just after saying a word, she suddenly felt dizzy and fell weakly on the edge of the bed.

After hearing the voice behind him, Qian Mo quickly turned back.


Qian Mo hurried to Su Ya and picked her up.

"How are you?"

"Ha... a little dizzy... and it hurts here"

The girl raised her hand with great effort and pressed it on her chest.

After seeing this scene, Buli on the side understood what was going on.

"You are *void*, right?"

Buli on the side looked calm and said those words lightly. After hearing it, Qian Mo froze and his face was full of shock.

"...What do you mean?"

Qianmo was shocked, because Suya had mentioned to her before that the Void in her body was solved by the power of the God's Messenger, but now someone said that Suya was suffering from this disease.

"The power that was supposed to maintain her life suddenly became a weapon to hurt her. What do you think will happen to her?"

Buri's words have made it very clear. The reason why Suya can live until now is entirely because the power of the God's Messenger offset the Void, but now the power is out of control and naturally loses its original function.

"Okay, I have something to do, so I'll leave first. Bye."

After saying that, Buri disappeared, leaving only Qianmo who was at a loss, and Suya in her arms.

Qianmo knew how painful it was when the complications of Void occurred. It felt like there was a huge rock pressing on the chest. The pain made breathing extremely difficult, the heartbeat became disordered and rapid, as if it was about to jump out of the throat, and the whole body was weak, as if all the strength was taken away in an instant.

Qianmo held Suya in his arms, his face full of anxiety and heartache. Seeing the girl frowning in pain, her face as pale as paper, and her body shaking constantly, Qianmo's tears flowed down involuntarily. Her hands touched the girl's face in panic. She didn't know how to relieve the girl's pain. At this moment, she felt so helpless.

[Host! Don't panic! The god has a problem, we can find the gods! ]

The system's words were like a ray of dawn, cheering Qianmo up. She picked up Suya and teleported to the church of the goddess Nelya.

Qianmo walked into the church holding Suya, her eyes directly cast at the solemn statue, her eyes full of desire and expectation.

She stopped in front of the statue, put Suya on a bench beside her, and then faced the statue, twisting her hands tightly together, as if this could convey

She expressed her sincere feelings.

Suddenly, a strange light shone in the church, and a sacred figure slowly emerged in the light.

If someone else saw this scene, they would probably faint with excitement.

Suddenly, a white light flashed, and then the two came to a space full of white.

Suya's body was suspended in the air, and a silver-haired girl appeared beside her at some point, and she was checking Suya's body.

Qianmo stood aside, waiting for the result nervously.

After an unknown period of time, the silver-haired girl opened her eyes and looked at Qianmo.

"Her power will return to normal in about three months"

Hearing this, Qianmo's heart was finally relieved a little, but the next second, the words of the silver-haired girl directly made that heart fall hard.

"But Xuwu Miao will be completely ill in a month, and by then, she will disappear from this world"

The girl's words were like a bolt from the blue, leaving Qianmo's mind blank, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"What do you mean? Are you saying...she will die?"


"...Aren't you a goddess?"

"I am, but I don't have the power to interfere with life. Giving her the blessing is the most I can do."

"...No, there is another way!"

Qianmo suddenly remembered that he also had Void, but after becoming an undead, Void was offset.

What Qianmo was thinking was difficult to hide in the territory of Nerya.

"If you want to save Suya by turning her into an undead, then I advise you to give up this idea quickly, because doing so will only make her die faster."

The undead were born from the demon god. If the power of the undead is injected into the body of the goddess's messenger, the two completely opposite forces will run wild in her body. The worst result is that the body explodes and dies, and the best result is that the body is intact.

Nerya told Qianmo the reason.

Qianmo originally wanted to ask Nerya to take back Suya's blessing and then turn her into an undead, but Nerya stopped her because if she took away Suya's power now, Suya would definitely die on the spot.

The power of the gods is not something that can be plugged in and used.

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